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tntmo last won the day on December 11 2024

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962 Excellent


About tntmo

  • Rank
    One mile at a time.
  • Birthday 05/20/1973

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  • Where I Prefer To Ride
    Dirt & Street - I'll ride anywhere and everywhere because I just like to ride.
  • Location
    Lemon Grove
  • Gender

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  1. It's on my calendar, I can bring the camera and a truck load of stuff to give away!
  2. I can bring it to DVNR if you’d like
  3. I have an action camera, INNOV H5 setup that I used once during last year’s Death Valley ride. It works well but I rarely use this kind of stuff and already have an older GoPro that I’m used to. These sell for around $150, if anyone wants it just donate to the SDAR site and it’s yours.
  4. Looks like you're already finding some of the local stuff, lots more to explore. Anza Borrego desert is "in season" now so it's a great time to get out there to put that T7 to the test. Welcome to the group, see ya on the trail.
  5. tntmo

    Tech Day - 2/22

    It’s my anniversary, I will see if the wife thinks this is where we should go for the celebration. She still surprises me but I’m dubious about her response.
  6. Some are open for green sticker, most are street legal only.
  7. tntmo

    KTM 200 and Husky 310 for sale

    That 200 is sweet, helped a buddy get one just like it. Wish I had room for it.
  8. tntmo

    First Gen KLR, city heights, $3250

    Wear comfortable walking shoes.
  9. I always like to take new off road riders out to the desert. Superstition BLM area has a lot of big dry lake beds that are great for this kind of thing, flat and not much besides small bushes occasionally. If you're not familiar with the location you can message me and I will give you directions. It's about two hours from San Diego, but there aren't many other nice big flat places that I can think of.
  10. tntmo

    Trail Maintenance & Clean Up at Corral Canyon


    I’ve represented at the last several, can’t make it to this one due to a running event. They have had coffee and donuts at the start and hot dogs/chips/sodas at lunch and a big number of raffle prizes. Hopefully a few people show up.
  11. My wife said she was going to take my van out to the campground so I didn’t pack my gear up. At the last minute she bailed, so I was on a tight schedule. Loaded up my bike and drove to the campground, five minutes later I had unloaded the bike and got my gear on. Hustled back to Ramona and was there with 15 minutes or so to go time. Kelly (Zubb), Udo (Mr Jaja), Tom and Tony (maybe both from FB?) were already there and Alex (A2) and his wife Denise showed up a few minutes later. Udo and Denise drove to the campground, the remaining five rode out. The sky was looking a little dark, and soon after we got our tires on the dirt we got some rain. Not too much, just enough to get us cooled off more. The trail is in nice shape, but you can’t really go too fast with all the blind turns. We had a few vehicles come around the corner but no issues. Mesa Grande was wet with a lot of leaves on the surface, I was extra cautious. We stopped at the gas station for a minute but nobody needed anything so we continued on. The road to the campground is really fun but also narrow with blind corners. Be careful! We made it to camp and Pauly (PaulyPickles) was parked there but no bikes. He and his brother in law said they were going to stage there and do some practice riding for the LA/Barstow/Vegas ride. It wasn’t long before we had a campfire going. Cooked some tuna steaks thanks to Alex, had cold snacks and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Pauly and John came back from their ride. Mike (SanRider) showed up too. Tony rode home for the night, Udo and Mike drove home and the rest of us tried to stay warm. It got below freezing overnight but everyone survived. Coffee around a campfire is always good. A few people decided to do more riding, I loaded up my KTM and drove home. A nice simple ride with an overnight camp out, still a lot of fun. I didn’t get many photos so if anyone did please post them here along with your words of wisdom.
  12. tntmo

    Third Noob Overnight Riding/Camping Event


    Still on for tomorrow. Overnight lows in the 30’s, but it’s good practice because the weather is one of many things that are out of our control during a trip. If I’m expecting cold weather I bring a silk sleeping bag liner. It packs down smaller than the size of a tennis ball, adds a good amount of warmth. Don’t forget a beanie/head covering.
  13. tntmo

    Third Noob Overnight Riding/Camping Event


    Yep, feel free to join in. The ride is very basic, just enough to get some dirt and some street. Nice to get out and camp with some like minded individuals. See you there!
  14. tntmo

    Third Noob Overnight Riding/Camping Event


    There are a few other people interested on Facebook. My buddy Justin said he’s coming and bringing a friend, @PaulyPickles might go along with his BIL. Bring your thermals for sleeping comfortably!
  15. tntmo

    Third Noob Overnight Riding/Camping Event


    Good point Zubb, on Sunday you can just pack up and go home or go do more exploring. Warner Springs forecast for Saturday night is lows in the 30's, so pack accordingly.

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