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  1. Yeah, I am not a fan of the sand (yet, at least). I'll be cruising around at Plaster City and out of nowhere I'll hit 2 feet of sand and I am very much less than happy. My son just charges through it, but, I'm older and it freaks me out. It just grabs my bars and my bike digs in. I guess it'll take some time to learn.
  2. Hi All! I am new to dirt biking. Just starting off with my son (13). We've been going out to Ocotillo. Looking for an easy, mellow ride that my son and I can do on a trail (something with harder packed dirt than out at Ocotillo). Nothing technical, just want to be able to cruise, help my son learn his bike. Maybe it isn't Corral, if not, can you recommend something. Really appreciate the help. Thanks!!
  3. Dumb question, are Truck Trails strictly trucks only? Or, can one ride dirt bikes on them?
  4. Hello, Can someone please recommend a good location/spot to teach my son how to ride? He is new to riding, so something that is flat, easy, minimal obstacles, etc.? Thank you in advance! - Ben
  5. Hello, I am looking to buy my son a used dirt bike, a 2020 KX100. Will we be able to register this? Can it get a green sticker? When buying used, from a private seller, what should I require them to provide me with? Title, registration, etc.? I'm new to all of this, but my son really wants this bike, I just don't want to get into something that we cannot use on trails, sand dunes, ocotillo wells, places like that in SD County, Southern CA. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ben

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