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Covered in Dust

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Covered in Dust last won the day on August 30 2024

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165 Excellent

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About Covered in Dust

  • Rank
    What the hell do I know?
  • Birthday February 6

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  • Where I Prefer To Ride
    Dirt Only - These tires never touch asphalt!
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  • Interests
    Trap Shooting
    Personal Water Craft
    Restoring Old Bikes
  • Gender

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  1. Covered in Dust

    Riding in Lake Havasu

    I’ll be in Havasu on Wednesday but coming back here on Saturday. On the lake on our skis on Thursday. We usually use the skis when the waters warm and switch to the boat as things cool down. Being retired for a long time we usually travel to Havasu on Monday or Tuesday and come back here on Friday. Lake, restaurants and golf courses are a lot less crowded mid week. CiD
  2. Covered in Dust

    Riding in Lake Havasu

    I have a house in Havasu and there is a great group of guys to ride with. However they are all expert riders and most rides are not novice friendly. Check out Havasu Moto on Facebook to see about rides. CiD
  3. Covered in Dust


    There are a couple guys that are planning on going in 2024. If anyone is interested I can put you in touch c
  4. Covered in Dust


    The ride cost was about $3500. This covered bikes, gas, lodging, meals while on the ride. There are a few other expenses. Tips for the ride crew, and a flight back to the starting point at the end of the ride plus you can buy insurance that covers the bike for about $250, I didn’t get the insurance because a new bike is only about 2.5k in India. So about 4K for ride, plus you’ll need hotel rooms before and after your ride and airfare. Also just about everyone takes a tour to the Taj Mahal either before or after the ride (before the ride is best. You’ll probably be ready to go home after the ride). I think all in I was around 8K but I like to fly business class so you could shave 1K off that if you want. Chris CiD
  5. Covered in Dust


    About a year ago I got a wild Idea to go for a ride in the Himalayas after seeing a few pics of someone riding there. I put some feelers out to a few of the guys I've done rides with in the past and to my surprise a few guys jumped on board. So I did some research and found a tour operator with a very reasonable price for 3 week ride with everything included. So the 1st of June we were off on an Incredible adventure. All of us are or were active on SDAR. Ted G and his son, Chris C, Van L, JohnnyBags, Brian B and I met up with our tour leader and a few other riders mostly from Australia and picked up our bikes and were off. We quickly became friends with the Aussie boys and are now planning rides in Tasmania and Vietnam for 2024. Here are a few pics. Not sure how many I can post these days. Random order
  6. Covered in Dust

    Looking for a NVBDR Map

    I have one
  7. Covered in Dust

    525 Seat - Asking the 525 gurus

    I have a stock 06 seat off an exc 525 in my garage. I’d part with for a 6 pack of IPA. i might even have an enduro engineering’s cover and foam.
  8. Covered in Dust

    Looking for riding buddies.

    I think the Flying Monkeys still host a ride every Wednesday in Temecula. CiD
  9. Covered in Dust

    Tech Day Escondido (7-15-2023) 9:30am

    What might be nice would maybe combine a tech day with a swap meet. I know most of us have a garage full of stuff to sell or swap. CiD I see by reading some of the other post that this has been mentioned before.
  10. Have a nice Birthday, where ever you are.


  11. Covered in Dust

    BDR in Jeep

    On all the BDR’s I’ve done 4X4’s are fine. There was just one section in Idaho that had a motorcycle only section. Pretty sure there was an easy go around. I’ll probably take my wife on a few sections of some BDR’s in the near future in my new off-road rig. CiD
  12. Covered in Dust

    Your Next Big Ride

    We got froze out in either late September or early October. Can’t remember exactly, but it was a freak cold front that moved in so we had to bail about a third of the way through. They suggest doing it in 2 different rides, half in the summer and half in the winter or something like that. It would be luck to get the whole ride in at once without either it being really hot or too cold during part of it. Both times we were going to do it we missed a Goldilocks window by about a week. I may try again next fall. This was the 1st attempt. Loren tells about the 2nd attempt below. CiD
  13. Covered in Dust

    Let Us Do a Radio Comm Thread

    KJ6NUH expired and didn’t bother renewing it because I only use it on the bike.
  14. Covered in Dust

    1997 KTM300EXC (overlap project)

    I have it’s big brother in my garage. 97 360 EXC

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