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Sneeker last won the day on February 21 2024

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29 Excellent

About Sneeker

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  • Where I Prefer To Ride
    Dirt Mostly - I reluctantly drive to/from the trail via asphalt.
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  1. Brad used to be a frequent participant of SDAR. Like me, priorities and family refocus our time and efforts. I only rode with Brad a few times years ago but I keep seeing him pop up on gardening and agricultural blogs. I notice this because I have similar interests in those things. There is an impressive write up on Brad and his endeavors on a local master gardener’s website. Check it out. I'm impressed! https://gregalder.com/yardposts/how-brad-grew-his-avocado-grove/
  2. Brad's the avo man now. If you want to start an avocado grove, he's your huckleberry. A wealth of knowledge about those trees. https://tropicalfruitforum.com/index.php?topic=49656.msg478268#msg478268 I stumbled across his posts researching my own avo endeavors.
  3. I have the Moose XC1 Body Armor and really like it. Comfy, cool, fits easily under shirts and jackets. Way better than wearing no armor. However, one time I took a superman dive off my bike onto the dirt in it. My lead arm (forearm, elbow) slid on the ground and the XC1 arm pad slid back up my arm and exposed it to abrasion. I got a substantial raspberry along my forearm, elbow. I wasn't expecting that kind of exposure from that armor. Built-in thumb loops or forearm straps would have prevented this. Something to consider with the XC1.
  4. Sneeker

    TV antenna recommendation

    I hate Cox. They ruined the service we had with them and I cut the cord. We are in Vista. I placed a digital TV antenna in a cabinet soffit by my TV and we get 3 main channels and about 40 subchannels (english). I can receive the TV stations that are broadcast from Mt Soledad with the interior antenna but would need to get one for the roof if I wanted to get the other local channels (Mt. San Miguel) and LA stuff. Antenna placement is key. Some appliances can interfere with the signal. I'm happy. I only watched a fraction of what Cox forced on me. We have streaming stuff to fill in the gaps. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H1KQ3SH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  5. FYI, on the meeting event post, the address is listed as 19735 POWAY RD, it should be 12735 POWAY RD.
  6. Sneeker

    SPOT device prices- a reminder

    I recently acquired a satellite messenger thingy. I went with a newer company called Zoleo. When researching the different sat services one statement jumped out at me: "Spot account support is like a used car salesman crossed with a Cox cable customer service rep." I passed on Spot.
  7. Sneeker

    The Geysers

    Just about exactly 11 years ago... Fun to see these pictures again, glad I could find them. No more riding the train tracks. Those are used for a Coaster style commuter rail, all fenced and developed in the right-of-way. Plus train cops will bust you for riding that rail right-of-way now. Fires probably changed the back country quite a bit. Still, I'd love to ride there again.
  8. Yeah, that up trail on a kicker is a ball buster. The clutch on the 250 was howling for a section or two. Mimi, we rode out there years ago and took a stab at that up trail. I got pitched off my moto in the deep sand at the bottom and nearly landed on a rattler. We picked our battle that day and decided to put our energy in Coyote Canyon if I recall correctly.
  9. There was a locked gate on the Oak Grove side of Iron Mtn that I didn't remember from back in the day. It was getting late and I had to back track miles to a trail bypass in my GPS I didn't remember ever loading. The trail went through but I never want to do that one again, rocks, boulders, dry water falls, super degraded trail. Lucky to get back to the main road by twilight. My headlight on the XR is crap. Beer and sandwiches at Oak Grove CG base camp. All's well that ends well!
  10. Things opened up and so did the views.
  11. But once over the top it eased up, and the single track flowed.
  12. Well its been awhile since I've written a ride report or even ridden for that matter. A favorite place to day ride for me was the BLM land north of Warner Springs and east of Oak Grove. I hadn't been there in 3 or 4 years and wanted reconnoiter the trail network for closures and quality. Rain or snow always helps. There was no help, just rock and chollas. There were a few sections that I had to flog the little XR to get up, all clutch work in 2nd gear to keep traction.
  13. Sneeker

    Plans for New Club Event & Other SDAR Stuff

    Hey gang, its been awhile since I've been around here. I've been buried in dad mode for the last three years. I'm finally coming up for some air and hope to do some moto rides. One thing I'll point out, that I'm sure many are already aware, is that most people have the ability to donate up to $300 per year non-itemized and get it back in their tax return. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/special-300-tax-deduction-helps-most-people-give-to-charity-this-year-even-if-they-dont-itemize "Following special tax law changes made earlier this year, cash donations of up to $300 made before December 31, 2020, are now deductible when people file their taxes in 2021" Donation sent. I look forward to seeing you out on the trails soon. -David
  14. Sneeker

    Rocket Launch

    I wonder how much it costs to delay for a day? Don't they have to pump out those fuel tanks? Moving 500,000 gallons of cryo liquid (and keeping it liquid) each time seems like no small feat!
  15. Sneeker

    Rocket Launch

    The military (ULA) is launching a DELTA IV HEAVY rocket, with secret payload, out of Vandenburg AFB tomorrow 5:44pm. The amateur rocketeers are predicting the orbit will require a flight path SE of Vandenburg. The DELTA IV HEAVY is the biggest cargo rocket in the USAF quiver. This will mean that there should be an exceptional ET light show just off our coast at that time tomorrow. Check it out. https://www.ulalaunch.com/missions/delta-iv-nrol-71

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