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About danrider

  • Birthday 08/28/1961

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    love to ride in the desert and in the MT. <br />love to fish in the ocean. <br />love to dirnk Ice Cold Stone IPA
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  1. Happy B-Day Dan, I hope you are retired by now.

  2. I will be there Friday and Saturday with my Jeep for support
  3. It is nice when you can go solo, It is just good for the soul and mind when you can ride, camp, and getaway by yourself.
  4. danrider

    SDAR Club meeting - WED 7-17-19

    see you there
  5. Watch who you call old Rider's buster!
  6. It was a great trip Kelly, did we ever travel, I think Tuba City was the hi-light of the trip for me when I had a drunk Indian come up to me and explained that he had been in a car accident with his mom last night and she did not make it and pasted at the Hospital early in the morning. I told him I was sorry to hear that, then he asked me for some money, I told him I did not have any, then he pointed to a ATM machine and said you can get some money from that. Oh Brother! Tuba City does not even have a Hospital. I really enjoyed the pirate camping on the BLM land outside of the Canyon Park. Johns wife is the hardest working lady I have ever met! she works so hard on that small farm, who gets up at 0 4:3O to milk 9 goats and 4 cows by hand the old fashion way. Then she feeds the chickens and seven dogs. They live in the middle of nowhere in Paulden AZ where there is a place you still can find clean country liven.
  7. danrider

    Alaska Throwback

    I my memory is right you bought Diego’s bike
  8. If posible I would love three. Let me know soon
  9. danrider

    Alaska Throwback

    I am putting this video up just to share a big memory! I plan on doing this trip again in the summer of 2019, this time I plan on doing some of the ride different, smaller back country roads. The planning has already begun. The only way to do this trip is camping the whole way. What do you have to say Diego? I need to plan a trip because I just had to cancle my trip for this weekend because of an IRS audit at my work ENJOY THE VIDEO! Alaska_Ride_2015_(485D408D-803B-45AD-9E5C-AF11C42F2F67).mp4
  10. Rain gear!!!, I like it JAJA
  11. danrider

    Healing Well

  12. Sleep well my friend. That is the only way to travle on a mortorcycle.
  13. Way to go brother, I wish that was open when Diego and I went.
  14. JaJa, TNTMO === me go Solo

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