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I’m gonna spin up a half day tomorrow/ Saturday on the new to me skinny bike. 
It’s close and easy at Otay Mtn. 

Im on a 450 and looking to just get aquainted with the bike. My prior ride buddies have fallen back to “maybe “ status so I thought I’d throw out an invite. 
I’ll be at the Jamul gas station at 8am tomorrow for an approximate half day ride. 
I don’t know the single track trails at Otay, so am open to ideas and suggestions. 
current plan is to hop in at the pink gate and see what happens from there. Might go past Marron Valley and over the top to 94. Don’t really care as I’m just looking to make friends with the KTM. 
If you want to join me and spin up a few miles just reply here or be at the gas station by 8 am. 

If you come and have trail suggestions, I’m all ears. 

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Oooh I would love to join, I'll be at the gas station tomorrow unless you think it's better to meet you at the pink gate? The 350 is geared a bit short for long highway stints. It will do it if needed

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Awesome. Because this is so last minute, you do what’s best for you. I’ll leave the gas station at 8:05 and head to the pink gate. You can meet me at either place. 
glad you are up for it. See you out there. 

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I'll be at the gas station and make the 350 sing, looking forward to it!

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I'm in. See you at the gas station.

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Good views, fun riding, great company, and delicious food.


Had an awesome time riding and hanging out with you guys! Thanks for posting it up

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Thanks for joining Bill.  I had a great time and it’s awesome that 4 of us came together on such short notice. 

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Great times, good to see everyone again. 
Welcome to the Orange Club Zubb👍IMG_4315.thumb.jpeg.e7a6d15ac4838b4382dcf28689a96642.jpeg

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I wanted to go, but had to be home to sell off some stuff so I can buy more stuff. Glad you guys got out there, sounds like y'all had a good time.

Raining today, so maybe it's time for a midweek ride with some moisture in the dirt?

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I could be down for that. 

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Good times yesterday. It was good riding with you all again.

I'd be interested in a mid week ride. Afternoons would work best for me or anytime on Thursday.

@Pokey151has been threatening a 2'fer Tuesday...

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I'm thinking about going for for some (wheelie) practice followed by a ride at Otay (valley, not the truck trail) this afternoon

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Wait Big Bike @Zubb finally saw the light and bought a small bike????!!!!!

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On 5/16/2024 at 9:35 AM, Goofy Footer said:

Wait Big Bike @Zubb finally saw the light and bought a small bike????!!!!!

Try to keep up Tim, lol. Where’ve you been brother?

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