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So this isn't going to be so much of a ride writeup as the ride deserves.....but I will give it a quick plug.

Day 1:

We left San Diego on the bikes Saturday the 25th, crossed at Tecate and headed south past Laguna Hansen and ultimately to the Goat trail. We continued on to the San Felipe via Laguna Diablo.

A great time was had in San Felipe! We even ran into a bunch of racers prerunning for the 1000 and had a great time with them as well.

Total mileage: 315

Day 2:

Easy Day. We left San Felipe and headed back across the dry lake bed and into Valle De La Trinidad. After a good long lunch we headed South toward Mikes and took the Simpson route in, what a lot of fun. We were the only 4 people at Mikes, so we had a beer and headed onto Meling Ranch. Again, the only 4 people at Meling. I guess Baja does have people scared right now! More on this later.

Total Mileage: 125

Day 3:

Up early and out to the coast. We followed the coast (and beach in some cases) up north through Erindira and finally back to the highway at San Tomas. We then took the road from just north of there to Ojos Negros. This is a heck of a fun road and the 1000 goes through there this year. After Ojos it was the compadre highway north to Tecate and home.

Total Mileage 270

Point of all this.....

It seems that everyone I talk to tells me I am crazy for riding in Mexico. Fact is, in MANY trips and 1000's of miles down there that has never been a problem. I figure that most of the criminals down there that are willing to hit an american are opportunists. I try very hard NOT to be an opportunity. I figure that 4 to 6 guys riding off road bikes is probably a bit more intimidating than a surfer and his girlfriend.

Anyway, I thought that MAYBE my luck had run out on this trip. Turns out we ran into about 5-6 groups of Federales on the trip. All off road. All in the middle of nowhere. One group was even hiding in the bushes on the side of the dry lake bed! The first couple of times I did the quick mental math about if I should gas it or stop and hope for the best. In the end authority got the best of me and we always stopped. Turns out these guys have been deployed all over northern baja to help STOP the illegal drug trade. In EVERY case they were polite and curteous. A word of caution though, none spoke a word of english so a bit of spanish goes a long way.

Anyway, after so many experiences (all positive) in so short a time I was a quick believer. I am not saying that this is going to cure anything, it isn't. But, it is nice to see the effort being made.

More than anything else though, if you are going down and do run into these guys I just wanted people to know about it so they don't decide to run (as I ALMOST did). It would suck to hear about somebody getting shot when it just didn't have to happen.

Anyway, I continue to feel very safe in Mexico as long as I have at least a couple friends with me. I hope you guys do to.

Lastly, thanks to Mike, John and Collin for a great trip!

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I had similar experiences a few years back. Yeah, a big group of federales hiding in the trees scared me too! And I was alone in a truck on my up to Mike's Sky Ranch. I was stopped three times from Ojos to Mikes. Each time the men were more interested in the fact that the bike in the back of my truck belonged to me--a girl. So, I have always felt pretty safe, though I would never recommend going alone.

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I had similar experiences a few years back. Yeah, a big group of federales hiding in the trees scared me too!


Haven't ridden down that way in quite a while......last time I did, we were on our way to Mike's out in BFE when these "kids" in green uniforms w/ guns jump out and stop us in our tracks (single tracks that is <_< )......I think they were sleeping and we woke'em up.......so they felt obligated to check us out......they rummaged through our backpacks and sent us on our way......luckily one of our crew was fluent in Spanish ("Mas Cervesas por favor" is about the extent of my dialogue capabilities :D )........we had no issues, but it was more than a bit unnerving to see these kids with BIG GUNS out in BFE......who needs that sh*t???.....I haven't been back in ~3-4 years......I'm not opposed to going back.......I always enjoy myself down there......but I wouldn't even consider it without someone in the group who is fluent in the language and, ideally, the culture....hope to join a ride with Tree/Javi, etc. sometime.....

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My guess is they are beefing up patrol after last years Baja 1000 debacle with bad guys dressed up like cops.

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My guess is they are beefing up patrol after last years Baja 1000 debacle with bad guys dressed up like cops.

It might not have been crooks dressed up like cops. They may have been cops. <_< Mexico will have problems until they can take care of the corruption. :P Not that we and every other country doesn't have problems. Just look at New Orleans or Chicago. :D But Mexico will stay a third world country until it can clean up it’s act better. There is no other reason Mexico can not be as prosperous as the other two countries on the North American continent.

The Army and the Air Force paratroopers appear to have a better reputation for being less corruptible then the police.

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Just look at New Orleans or Chicago. :ph34r:

Yeah.. and you gotta watch out for those San Diego County Sheriff's deputies too... :D

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Just look at New Orleans or Chicago. :D

Yeah.. and you gotta watch out for those San Diego County Sheriff's deputies too... :D

What you talking about Doug I’m unemployed? :D:D:ph34r::D

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What you talking about Doug I’m unemployed? :D:D:ph34r::D

Yes.... Congratulations Roger You Did IT!!

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I've been stopped by Army troops more than once. Its not a big deal, they are usually led by a Sgt or Lt. Keep in mind there is a difference between a soldier with a gun who has stopped you in the field to search your bag and a soldier with the gun ready, finger on the trigger etc. There is a different body language... These guys are usually casual and just want a good wheelie when you move on.

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I take a teenager with an automatic weapon a lot less seriously based on the way he positions his trigger finger. If he's not ready to fire, I call him nasty names and laugh at his uniform.

Really, though, the subtleties on the body language of an armed individual are not judgements for which I'm qualified nor care to make. I understand not everyone in Mexico is out to rob or kill me or my friends, but I'll pass on the opportunity to discriminate.


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Fakey, are you saying you would keep going or stop? Or does it depend?

I think he implied "not going"-

I, like others here, feel like less of a target on my dirt bike, with all of my money socked away in different pockets, and the family safe at home... I would still ride down there, and like others, feel more comfortable with a fluent Spanish speaking rider with us, especially a native.

but I know things could still happen; I wouldn't think less of anybody for electing to stay on this side of the border... especially with family.

back in high school, we had no money, a crappy van, dinged up boards, and canned food... we got to follow a cop down to the station more than once, where, convinced that we really didnt have money, they would let us go with a warning... its been corrupt for a long time, but it does seem to have got worse.

all it takes is "once" and your life will never be the same.

my best wishes for the past victims, and future visitors that they don't become a victim.

and yeah; a bunch of guys not even shaving yet, carrying weapons wigs me out... I read Lord of the Flies

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I take a teenager with an automatic weapon a lot less seriously based on the way he positions his trigger finger. If he's not ready to fire, I call him nasty names and laugh at his uniform.

Really, though, the subtleties on the body language of an armed individual are not judgements for which I'm qualified nor care to make. I understand not everyone in Mexico is out to rob or kill me or my friends, but I'll pass on the opportunity to discriminate.


I think what mjlang is saying is a soldier with his rifle slung over his shoulder and his hands in his pockets is not as much of a threat as one who is pointing his weapon at you. My advice is to follow the directions of either solider. Not doing so can change the nonthreatening soldier into the threatening soldier quite rapidly. Never mess with people who have guns. :blink: It ain’t healthy. :ph34r:

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I take a teenager with an automatic weapon a lot less seriously based on the way he positions his trigger finger. If he's not ready to fire, I call him nasty names and laugh at his uniform.

Really, though, the subtleties on the body language of an armed individual are not judgements for which I'm qualified nor care to make. I understand not everyone in Mexico is out to rob or kill me or my friends, but I'll pass on the opportunity to discriminate.


of course not! not EVERYBODY in Mexico KNOWS you or your friends!

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KLRoger, anyone pointing a gun at you is threatening. If it occurs out of the blue for no reason it is harassment and technically an assault with a deadly weapon. I generally agree with your advice, but would not think someone was stupid for trying to outrun potential bandits popping up out of bushes in Mexico. That would be an "adventure" and one hell of a write up.

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KLRoger, anyone pointing a gun at you is threatening

I agree whole heartedly!

I generally agree with your advice, but would not think someone was stupid for trying to outrun potential bandits popping up out of bushes in Mexico. That would be an "adventure" and one hell of a write up.

It would be one heck of an adventure. I hope none of us ever has to make that decision.

Generally speaking most bandits are lazy and cowards. They look for easy marks. They are not patient hunters. They want to attack you in a secluded spot so no one catches them and they don’t want to wait around all day to do it. That is one reason they were pulling people over on the toll road. It is out of the way, expensive so poor locals don’t use it and it is easy to spot Americans with their out of country vehicles filled with goodies. Very few Americans who use the toll roads are armed and so are easier targets. If I see someone trying to pull me over on the Cota I will probably keep going until I hit a toll both or a large group of witnesses.

If a group of men are waiting out in the desert off some rarely use trail for a week hoping for someone to come along. Chances are they are legit. Doesn’t mean they will not rob you! Just that robbery was probably not their first intention. Under those circumstances you might want to think your actions through fully. Remember if they are really there to catch drug runners, you don’t want to act like a drug runner.

It is hard to out run a bullet from someone shooting at you as you run straight away from them. Now if there are bunch of hills and gullies around that you can dash into that is different. Make them work for it. Go at angles, zig zag and try to get something between you and them. Then put distance between you!

Again I hope nobody has to do any of this. If you feel something like this might happen don’t go! Avoidance is most times the best answer to many life threatening problems.

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... Turns out we ran into about 5-6 groups of Federales on the trip. All off road. All in the middle of nowhere. One group was even hiding in the bushes on the side of the dry lake bed! ...

Just wanted to double check. Were the guys you ran into Mex Military or were they Mexican Fedaral Police?

Getting Mexican Federal Police to hide in the bushes in the middle of nowhere seems the same as getting FBI Agents or CHP Officers to hide in the bushes in the middle of nowhere around here. Not very likely to happen and not very likely they'd be happy about doing it.

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... Turns out we ran into about 5-6 groups of Federales on the trip. All off road. All in the middle of nowhere. One group was even hiding in the bushes on the side of the dry lake bed! ...

Just wanted to double check. Were the guys you ran into Mex Military or were they Mexican Fedaral Police?

Getting Mexican Federal Police to hide in the bushes in the middle of nowhere seems the same as getting FBI Agents or CHP Officers to hide in the bushes in the middle of nowhere around here. Not very likely to happen and not very likely they'd be happy about doing it.

I guess I'm not sure what they were. I can tell you that they wore dessert fatigues, all in good condition. Carried what appears to be M-16s with most of the bluing rubbed off. However, they carried them in a professional military manor. All had close cropped haircuts. We saw several vehicles as well. A couple were Hummers and then there were some trucks that looked somewhat like Deuce and halfs. After asking a bunch of locals I was told (every time) that they were looking for drug runners.

Anyway, I am not particularly well versed in the differences between the Federal police and Military...they both have guns.

2Wheel...nice ride writeup about the trip to Erindria, we took that whole route on our trip (except we took dirt from Coyote Cals to San Tomas rather than the paved road (which I didn't know existed).

Anyway, all of the responses to my original post highlight my point. Most can't seem to decide to stop or run (as we couldn't). In our case the people looked very professional and as someone mentioned, just didn't follow a bandits profile. So we stopped. Had it been a few guys in a pickup I would have run, no question. Luckily I have never had to make that decision down there.

I agree with a few of the posters who said that they would never fault anyone for staying on this side of the border. We have great riding here, use it. If you choose to go south, as I do, enjoy that too. But be careful.

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I guess I'm not sure what they were. I can tell you that they wore dessert fatigues, all in good condition. Carried what appears to be M-16s with most of the bluing rubbed off. However, they carried them in a professional military manor. All had close cropped haircuts. We saw several vehicles as well. A couple were Hummers and then there were some trucks that looked somewhat like Deuce and halfs. After asking a bunch of locals I was told (every time) that they were looking for drug runners.

Anyway, I am not particularly well versed in the differences between the Federal police and Military...they both have guns.

Did they look like this?300px-MexicanInfantryFX-05.jpg

This is Mexican Army and thier new rifles. I don't think the Army uses the M16. Not that it matters when someone is pointing one at you.

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Did they look like this?300px-MexicanInfantryFX-05.jpg

This is Mexican Army and thier new rifles. I don't think the Army uses the M16. Not that it matters when someone is pointing one at you.

They had dessert rather than jungle fatigues, no helmets or backpacks. They were not carrying that rifle but an M-16 or close copy thereof. As I mentioned, they looked well used too.

Perhaps I am ignorant, but does anybody know the difference between army and federal police troops from our perspective? Is one more honest than the other? We all know local cops are not to be trusted, but does it matter between these two groups?

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They had dessert rather than jungle fatigues, no helmets or backpacks. They were not carrying that rifle but an M-16 or close copy thereof. As I mentioned, they looked well used too.

Perhaps I am ignorant, but does anybody know the difference between army and federal police troops from our perspective? Is one more honest than the other? We all know local cops are not to be trusted, but does it matter between these two groups?

Doesn't matter what they are when you're at the wrong end of the barrel, ya know? Reading all this stuff is pretty scary. I hope you all never have any run ins down there.

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They had dessert rather than jungle fatigues, no helmets or backpacks. They were not carrying that rifle but an M-16 or close copy thereof. As I mentioned, they looked well used too.

Perhaps I am ignorant, but does anybody know the difference between army and federal police troops from our perspective? Is one more honest than the other? We all know local cops are not to be trusted, but does it matter between these two groups?

What I understand from my son in law is that the Army is considered less corrupted then the federal Police. The Federal Police is considered better the Local Police.

Sounds like you know your rifles so I’m suspecting you met Police rather then Army. The Army troops are young while the Police are normally older and in not as good of shape, just like here.

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Well, they were young (and in shape) so I would suspect Army, but as you said...the rifles were wrong.

So I just stumbled on an article in Rolling Stone called "Mexico at War" or something like that. It was all about the drug war in mexico. Sure didn't make me feel any better.

It did indicate that the army is who is deployed all over the place.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in a bit more info on what is actually going on down there I suggest the article. It isn't going to tell you if you will be safe or not, but at least you will understand a little better what is going on.

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