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BSon2or4 last won the day on January 3 2023

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28 Excellent

About BSon2or4

  • Rank
    Working on something for someone
  • Birthday 06/23/1974

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  • Where I Prefer To Ride
    Street Often - Mostly ride on asphalt, but I do enjoy an off-road trail from time to time.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Interested in a bit of everything, but to be more specific I love metalworking, tinkering, building the better mousetrap type of things. I like being able to say, "Yeah, I built that.", but will rarely step up to admit it if asked. I like riding, dirt, street, 2 wheels, 4 wheels, caged or open. I enjoy my family time with my wife and in-laws. But this is just the tip of a very large iceberg...
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  1. BSon2or4

    Let Us Do a Radio Comm Thread

    My handle is in my signature and of course, I'm licensed for ham. In fact, my technician class license is up for renewal in 2024. Having the simplest of ham licenses is not difficult and starting there gives you permission to operate in the allowed bands previously listed by Hawkins. Taking the time out to use some of the online study resources and study guides can give you enough radio basics knowledge to be able to pass the technician extra exam. For getting to an exam all you have to do is check with ARRL for one of the test days in your area usually hosted by a local radio group. From that point it may only be a license to operate, but you may find yourself fascinated enough to start tweaking your rig for better signal performance, liking it enough to test for a higher license class and advancing into other sections of amateur radio. Again, like was said previously, do what works for you and have fun.
  2. BSon2or4

    Teardrop Trailer

    Yeah, I have the hauler with the drop down from the ceiling bed. Sorry to chime in on this so late, but I felt my ears burning through the meds. I hadn't been on in a while but with 7 years building trailers and 20 years repairing, customizing and modifying RV's I figured I might be able to provide some insight. I might have a line on a few options depending on the total of requirements and concessions. For a non-toy hauler that you could setup with a bike rack on the back that is teardrop-esque with a bit of welding or bolting of hardware there are a lot of options. If you're looking at interior storage options there are still numerous options, like finding a model that has a bunkhouse option that you can pull out the bunks and add a door to load and unload through. Most all market options short of toy haulers would require mods of some sort of course and cutting down on what you actually have to build would be beneficial. The door for access is the easy part as there are companies that make custom doors. Walling in and sealing off is easy enough as well. The real question is how much work would you like to do... BTW, DSM8, loved the reading materials, I still have them to return. Perhaps we could go through a little of a brainstorm/planning session for your project, we know I've got time to spare. I'm on the 5 year to a solid femur plan. They finally set some anchors in my shoulder to tie off those rotator cuff tears and they're healing nicely, but this is about trailers, not me thankfully, they're a lot easier to repair. It's all fun to me.
  3. As usual a day late and a dollar short. Haven't seen that movie in a long time, would've been a good break from everything.
  4. BSon2or4

    Happy Birthday Mr. Jaja!

    I know it's a bit ahead of the actual day (August 14), but I figured, "What the heck!" it's not every day somebody turns 70. Happy Birthday Udo! I hope you spend the actual day doing exactly what you want to do with who you want to do it with.🍻 Cheers! (And yes, cake and beer go together)
  5. BSon2or4

    Yamaha Super Tenere 700

    Just looking at the dressed/undressed pics I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the Modelo holder on the lower front frame as a conversion perk.🍺
  6. BSon2or4

    In Recovery

    Well, it's been a fun year in review, figured that I should give a bit of an update for those that would like to hear about it. My leg is still healing. I have a lot of hardware in there and there's an exchange program going on in there. Once I no longer need what is in there, when the bone looks less like a sponge and more like a concrete pipe around the metal rod inside my femur, along with the plate running down the outside of my femur as well, those will be removed to prepare me for a new knee. For the time being the progress on the PT of the leg has plateaued giving way to the surgery that finally occurred on my shoulder. There are now 8 brand new incisions in my shoulder. They cut loose my bicep to sew up the two complete and one partial rotator cuff tears then reattaching the bicep. Kinda like taking off the plastics for parts access on the bikes, had to remove the bicep for repair access. With that I'm set to go in for a whole new series of PT to recover from that. Other than that they've ramped down the pain meds and ramped up the use of ice. Trying to keep positive with the confinement required to keep me from the bull ish goin' round but it's not easy. Sorry I haven't been a bit more involved around here but the uses for a one armed one legged tech is limited and the increase in pain has required a lot more concentration/meditation. Until the next installment... Watch out for those lane changing cagers and be safe.
  7. BSon2or4

    Impacts : you get what you pay for

    I'll stick to my Ingersoll Rand pneumatics.
  8. BSon2or4

    In Recovery

    When I get the chance to downsize the trauma pics I have recently unearthed I'll post them because if there aren't pics then it didn't happen. Right? I've been digging them up and organizing the raw files for the lawyer, so, once that's been settled then I can post. Thanks for all of the well wishes.
  9. BSon2or4

    In Recovery

    Well, I figured that it's time for an update as I've been working at it for the past couple of months. I'm still in a wheelchair♿ so I'm still on 4 wheels (The walker has 4 wheels as well, something about heavy duty for big people, hmm.) and the range of motion is coming along nicely, 106 degrees (Matches my temperature from when they gave me the wrong antibiotics quite nicely) with a slow but steady progression. The lymph edema in my leg is adding about 30 lbs when including my hardware. The monthly X-rays☢️ that they have me doing to check the bone graft indicate new growth (Not like a pregnancy at all but with how many X-rays I've had I'm sure SOMETHING is growing inside of me) as there is visible shadowing where there was once jagged points clearly visible. My Orthopedics Dr. says that with that I'm officially given full weight bearing status, so I can start learning to walk again, yaay, on with the torture of re-growing the damaged muscle that they scraped out of my leg. (Cue the Forrest Gump voice for quote), "They say it's one of them million dollar wounds, but the government must be holding on to that money for me and that's all I've got to say about that." Now with that I'm off to torture and some morphine to dull it down a bit. Ride safe everybody and look out for inattentive drivers.🤙
  10. BSon2or4


    But he stuck the landing. I can't say the same for myself.🏍️
  11. BSon2or4

    Desert Dash volunteers- contact list

    Sorry to say that I'm not going to be able to make it due to medical, transportation, and wheelchair accessible lodging reasons. Good luck gentlemen, I'll be there in spirit.
  12. I might have to stop by as it's literally right down the road from me. If I could walk I could walk there.
  13. I'll be there with my usual +1. This is a terrific venue as I did my Ham class there. Love the food as well, excellent choice.
  14. BSon2or4

    In Recovery

    Well, yesterday was D-day for me. The D being discharge, and boy is it a change in mechanics. My house I can get in and out of without issue, but the one thing about owning a house built in '61 is that it's not exactly ADA compliant. The wheelchair doesn't fit through any of the interior doors, only the entry doors from my garage and front porch. But I'm managing nicely. I'm settling in nicely but Mrs. BS would state otherwise as she says I'm a bit short fused as of late. A condition I'm sure will subside once I get the groove of operating around our house has been smoothed out. As for visitors I'll have to take a temporary stay on those until I get into the schedule for my outpatient PT and OT , which I'll post after my Friday primary care follow-up if they give it to me, gotta love Kaiser. Until next update, ride safe, ride often, and have fun.

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