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Went out on the WR on Friday, and had a blast, so more green sticker area sounds fun, but I could take the DRZ if'n anybody wants a dual sport ride...

As is my wont, the earlier the better, so I can get back to my family early afternoon...

Corral, Lark? jon/Mimi/jodirt/?

What say ye? Inclined for a more high speed romp, than a sightseeing tour... but will defer to group dynamics...

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I want to ride. Not so much before 9. I just don't like chopping through all the traffic from north county.

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I want to ride. Not so much before 9. I just don't like chopping through all the traffic from north county.

well if we ride fast enough, we don't have to start before 9 ;)

what is fun up closer to your neck of the woods?

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I want to ride. Not so much before 9. I just don't like chopping through all the traffic from north county.

well if we ride fast enough, we don't have to start before 9 ;)

what is fun up closer to your neck of the woods?

Actually, there isn't anything up here within about a 50 mile radius for dirt riding (unless you count that rutted mess the guys like to call "the secret north county loop"), so Pine Valley is as close as anything else.

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Nope, my bike is stuck at the shop until Tuesday when they reopen.

;) dare I ask?

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9 o clock at Pine Valley? anybody else? tntmo? pilot?


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Waiting on a chain and sprockets, don't feel like bottoming out the CRF230 any more.

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to anybody that doesn't have a bike, but still wants to ride... I have some extras

WR250F, DRZ and XRL... The XRL is on street tires, but I will ride that one on most of the Corral Canyon trails... 6 and 3A were silty messes last time, so maybe not those two...

Tom or Jon... if you want to go, let me know

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Is it raining/damp in them thar hills?

It was when I left... I'm working today... I don't expect it's enough wet to really change anything, but if it is the same tomorrow, it WILL keep the temps down....

i really like Lark when it's damp... the DG and sand improve with moisture

Corral gets a little sloppy when it's wet

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9 is too late of a start for me, I gotta be headed to work by 2pm (1400 for you military types) and every time I go to Corral I have too much fun to get out of there in 3-4 hours.

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9 is too late of a start for me, I gotta be headed to work by 2pm (1400 for you military types) and every time I go to Corral I have too much fun to get out of there in 3-4 hours.

<_< ... how early is good enough for you, sir?

or do you just not really want to go? I started early, and Mimi counteroffered 9... I can go early, meet Mimi at 9, send you off on your merry way by noon, then ride a bit more with Mimi, Fakey, etc.

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9 is too late of a start for me, I gotta be headed to work by 2pm (1400 for you military types) and every time I go to Corral I have too much fun to get out of there in 3-4 hours.

<_< ... how early is good enough for you, sir?

or do you just not really want to go? I started early, and Mimi counteroffered 9... I can go early, meet Mimi at 9, send you off on your merry way by noon, then ride a bit more with Mimi, Fakey, etc.

Well, if I'm borrowing bikes I don't really have much to complain about with the time. If we can get back to the truck by around 1pm I can deal with 9. I have experience on all the bikes you mentioned so if you want to bring a loaner I won't argue about which one it is.

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9 is too late of a start for me, I gotta be headed to work by 2pm (1400 for you military types) and every time I go to Corral I have too much fun to get out of there in 3-4 hours.

<_< ... how early is good enough for you, sir?

or do you just not really want to go? I started early, and Mimi counteroffered 9... I can go early, meet Mimi at 9, send you off on your merry way by noon, then ride a bit more with Mimi, Fakey, etc.

Well, if I'm borrowing bikes I don't really have much to complain about with the time. If we can get back to the truck by around 1pm I can deal with 9. I have experience on all the bikes you mentioned so if you want to bring a loaner I won't argue about which one it is.

cool- i'll see you before 9 at PV turnaround... I'll surprise you with a bike... (I hope you like trailwings :) ... it should allow me to keep up) :angry:

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cool- i'll see you before 9 at PV turnaround... I'll surprise you with a bike... (I hope you like trailwings :) ... it should allow me to keep up) :angry:

Trailwings.....never heard of them, is that a race tire? <_< I knew I should have got the knobbies for the battle scooter.

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Nope, my bike is stuck at the shop until Tuesday when they reopen.

<_< dare I ask?

Sure, I took the bike in to have a bolt removed that was not coming out. It was simlpy an insert in the alluminum frame that was spinning. It went in on Wednesday and it took them two days to get to it and I couldn't pick it up Friday and they were closed for the Memorial day weekend. I just got back in town and they are now closed until Tuesday. Simple story no real problems at all with the bike, just the dealership not working with my schedule, like thats something new.

I've got rad guards, license and skid plates, turn signals, mirrors and sprockets to install. Also need to do some other minor fixes next weekend. Should be a great day for working on the bikes.

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cool- i'll see you before 9 at PV turnaround... I'll surprise you with a bike... (I hope you like trailwings :angry: ... it should allow me to keep up) :good:

Trailwings.....never heard of them, is that a race tire? <_< I knew I should have got the knobbies for the battle scooter.

they are, indeed, one of the best trail tires made... you can FLY over the trails with them... trailwings... get it?!

See you when you get there... and anybody else

green stinker friendly... BIG bikes probably not the best choice (just trying to keep the size of the group down, as this looks like I'll have quite a showing) :)

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tom and I will start at about 8... Tool around for a while, then meet you at the culdesac; ( or kernan stokes if youd rather)

We'll be black and blue slugs

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cliff notes ride report:

Tom, Paul and I explored a bit, then got separated... Really nobody's fault ( it was Tom's)

I chased after Tom, then we came back to where we left Paul, then HE was gone.

Then we rode some trails, but Mimi said she didn't want to do ********* trail, THEN the lead rider took us RIGHT down that trail!!! (it was Mimi)

Some rock bashing, dust stirring, branch knocking, and we were all home by 2. A bit warm but not too bad.

As Tom and I kept swapping between the WR and DRZ, the differences were magnified as I tired... Tom took the WR on the home stretch and kicked my ass. I was the last one to the truck...

I have to dial in the carb on the WR.. Doesn't start quite as easily as I would like; but once its warmed up, it kicks ass... I really have to arrange a ride on a 450 some time, and see if it feels anywhere near as light... After riding the DRZ, it feels like a mountain bike

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Then we rode some trails, but Mimi said she didn't want to do ********* trail, THEN the lead rider took us RIGHT down that trail!!! (it was Mimi)

Phooey, I missed an intersection and was duped into finishing the trail after it was too inconvenient to turn back. :lol: Anyway, I had Bikeslut ride the yucky part for me. :lol:

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I really have to arrange a ride on a 450 some time, and see if it feels anywhere near as light...

I know who has one you can borrow. It's loaded up with a full BD kit & other stuff but you're welcome to try it. Plus it has a magic button. The big tank, etc changes the feel but it's nice to have on the SDAR rides I've been on.

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