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About dizz

  • Birthday 02/05/1987

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    Photography, aviation, adventures, beautiful places
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  1. Very good tips... I didn't really think it through until I was unpacked and was like "Oh.. right.. bears" Next time I'll be perfect Thank you! I hope not, but things are just so ridiculous these days.
  2. I know I'm late! =( But I finally posted here!!!! Yay mee And thanks Wierdrider for checking in =) Let me know what you think!
  3. I know this is super late... but I was recently reminded of this and that I should finish what i started =) A little back story.. I went on this awesome ride in June but then we had our second baby and I started college a few months after that. It's just been insane lately and my bike adventuring took a backseat to everything else. Please checkout the link below for the summary of my trip! Let me know what you think! http://www.kestralphoto.com/blog I would really really love to do something like this with other people at some point, too... I just need to plan it out more these days. Sav
  4. Just got back tonight. Little Stromby did a great job and I had a lot of fun! 940 miles in 36 hours at 50mpg and a total budget of $75 excluding equipment ill post my recap soon!
  5. dizz

    Joining from Santee!

    Vstrom party! Come with me up to Sequoia tomorrow ? Then we can have a party
  6. So, I really wanted to do the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Lots of dirt tracks and dispersed camping. But it's about a 10 hour ride... and I only have two days(one night) now. So, that will be another time. i have settled on riding up to Sequoia. I've never actually been there and it's just over a six hour ride. I'll be leaving early tomorrow and should have lots of time to ride up, explore a little, and set up camp. Just North of the NP is the Forrest with lots of dirt and dispersed camping. It also nice and high up so it won't be too hot... downside is I half to ride through the Central Valley for a bit to get there ?
  7. I think I'm too much of a whimp to try Baja by myself. But Utah or Mohave sound like fun. I may be biting off more than I can chew ?
  8. I have time this upcoming week where I will have 2.5 days to ride and camp... Any suggestions for a ride? Maybe someone who wants to tag along? I'll be going on my soft underbellied wee strom Feel free to tell me I'm silly, too. I just want to get out
  9. I wanna go went up Lusardi today for the first time... that whole area is pretty awesome.
  10. Haha.. thanks I had fears of becoming a hood ornament on some jeep
  11. Thank you This is why I need someone to ride with... to tell me all the things I'm doing wrong
  12. Went up Bear Valley road yesterday for the first time. Still really new to off road riding (and with my v-strom, at that), but this was a good place to get used to things. Lacked the constant fear of death that Otay Mountain offered. There were two main spots that I had a hard time with, but got through the 21 miles without dropping my bike or breaking anything, so that's a win Things I learned on this little outing: I am way more sore than I expected originally I have a really hard time with downhills and sand... My bridgestone trailwings may as well be ski skids on sand. Having a bash plate is probably a good idea... I bottomed out twice on this journey Bring moar water when it's 90 degrees out Here's a four minute highlight video from my little journey! I really need to find someone else to ride with
  13. That's awesome. I'd love to do that loop... I've been afraid of going out to Font's or anywhere in Borrego because my Bridgestone Trail wings are basically ski skids on sand =(
  14. dizz

    Joining from Santee!

    Haha.. I was never a huge fan of that show.... My understanding is... Pre 2012 V-Strom 650 = Wee Post 2012 V-Strom with Gladius Engine + Wee = Glee ?

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