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  1. RobT2K

    Noobz Oct 3

    Bummed i missed this, but big shout out to Darren for meeting up with me later that evening to help me get my handguards bent back into shape and mounted! Now I'm ready for the next one I had no idea you had been leading a big ride earlier in the day. Thanks again for your help! Darren is a huge asset to this site and more importantly this community!
  2. That's a cool video, good job 👍
  3. Hahaha that's what i get for pushing my limits after the main ride. I should have known better once we got down to only 3 riders and i was the last noob standing! But it helped me learn some hill climbs, i tried 4 that i never had in that area before, made it up 3 and only dropped it on 2. I'll take that. Great fun Randy, thanks for setting this up Rob
  4. I'm getting new tires soon, so I'll be opening it up and hopefully learning the ropes with the system. I'll pick up some spare bladders, thanks for the tip, didn't realize they're around the same price as normal tubes so that's good. Need to start studying YouTube instructional videos haha
  5. I have tubliss on a bike i just got. What do you recommend I carry for repairs? I have a plug kit, but should i also carry a tube patch kit? Did you puncture the high pressure inner tube? Then you patched it? Glad to hear you're ok after that
  6. Sounds fun, haven't ridden the Otay truck trail yet, I'll try and get a buddy of mine to tag along too Rob
  7. Sounds like a fun ride! Can't wait to see the video of that! Glad he saved it
  8. I'm planning on going up black mt truck trail from pamo rd in Ramona in a few hours. Maybe leave by 3? Better temps a little later on
  9. RobT2K

    GPS Phone APP's Android or iPhone for 2020

    Thanks for the video! It looks good
  10. RobT2K

    2fer 7-7

    Ahhh, I see. I've only been on the black mtn trail from ramona/magnolia ave to mesa grande. That looks close, but would that be the way to get to your pin? I'm would be coming up 67 north from Santee/Lakeside
  11. RobT2K

    New Triumph Tiger in Rancho San Diego

    Yeah, sure! With a little notice, I should be down for weekend rides 👌 The last "noob" ride had less than 7 people rsvp and 19 show! Black mtn trail to palormar divide trail So I think there will be interest
  12. RobT2K

    GPS Phone APP's Android or iPhone for 2020

    Also if anyone is looking for the map tweak app, you have to use the link luna provided, not the one in that video. It's no longer in the Google play store
  13. RobT2K

    GPS Phone APP's Android or iPhone for 2020

    Thanks! Those are great tips. Any more examples of the CTM program in use? Is there a trial version to try out?
  14. RobT2K

    New Triumph Tiger in Rancho San Diego

    Welcome, I'm also pretty new here and in East county. Been wondering the same thing about fire roads. I've been on a couple rides on black mtn road out of Ramona. That's a good mellow rd to start on. Post up next time you're heading out, looks like a few of us would like to join
  15. RobT2K

    GPS Phone APP's Android or iPhone for 2020

    Hey Luna, what zooms do you recommend I download for that level of zoom like in your example? I have setup Locus pro and now have the map tweak addon as well. I really like the idea of using a good clear zoom to find alternate routes. I'm interested in many of the same maps you have on yours like Otay mtn area and all the trails around corral canyon as welll. So far I'm running it on my old phone (Galaxy s7). It's been working great. I used this video as well to help setup mine. I was able to download a really nice vector topo map using that video, now I just need to get that nice satellite hybrid map!

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