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About Cosmo

  • Rank
    Wheres my Beer?
  • Birthday 09/16/1957

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  • Location
    San Marcos
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  1. Cosmo

    Happy Birthday CID

    Happy Birthday!
  2. Cosmo

    We Have 2 Members Who Share a Birthday

    Thanks Randy, i got to spend my birthday in Prescott. Sure wish I had my bike with me!
  3. Cosmo

    SDAR DS Evolution shirts- sale/ input

    I'm good for another XL if you have one Mike! I pretty much wore my old one out I wore it so much
  4. Cosmo

    RV hitch/bike mount recommendation.

    Another throw out to Joe Hauler. I picked up a used Joehauler cheap at the Dash a few years back that was needing some repairs. I dropped by his shop in San Marcos with a 12 pack and he rebuilt the whole damn thing. He remembered it because its kinda custom. I tried to pay him but he wouldn't take my money. I went down the street and bought another 12 pack and some Carne Asada and we made tacos at his shop for his guys. Solid guy who loves helping people out.
  5. Cosmo

    Adventure bike tent

    Saw this on Facebook, laughed at all the people that fell for it!
  6. Cosmo

    COVID - Picture Contest

    Working on a jobsite in SD last week, I came across this dilemma! Do I leave it for fellow co-workers or take it home to the wife!
  7. I'll contribute to the minimum bar tab
  8. Was dinking around on the internet today and found these deals. Check it out Small Large
  9. In with my usual and can ride sweep on Saturday
  10. Thanks everyone! Wife and I took two weeks in Cabo to celebrate so have been off grid. Had a blast!
  11. Wife and I did a timeshare trade thing in Cabo a while back. Two weeks in September for a two bedroom at a top of the line resort. The other couple bailed on us and we have other options that have come up for the time window, so were trying to unload it for what we have in to it. Its a pretty smoking deal. You can get the details on my Craigslist ad here: Basically it comes out to under $300 a person, a week, for two weeks. Cabo Timeshare If we cant unload it were still going to go. Anybody want in for the second bedroom for one or both weeks? You'll have to put up with excessive partying in the suite and local delicacy's deliciously cooked on the grill.
  12. Cosmo

    New SDAR shirt - Looking for quick input

    I like the brown. I'll take an XL
  13. Cosmo

    Celebration of Life for Schwinn 5/17

    Bummed I couldn't make it. Couldn't get out of work.

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