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hello again!

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Hello Again to all my lod ridden friends. I have been out of commision in the IT department for a while, and with no real time at work to chat here and there.... and my dog ate my air card.... uh I could probably come up with many more. The truth is I have missed ridden the locals with all of you. So I thougth it would be good to re-introduce myself to everyone.

My name is Brent. I have been a life long M/C guy and basicly spend every single day on a bike in one way or another. I am currently employed @ Motoworld, and have spent my entire working carrier in the industry.

Still ridden my 08 exc, and have summer dreams of owning a 150 xc, ( only cuz it has a kick stand :lol: ) .

Well I don't want to waste too much time here, I lookin to ride all next week. I have finaly set up a vacation with nothing really planned!

See Ya on the Trail


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Hey Brent,

Good to see you on here again!

I'll be available to ride with you next week. Got my 200 running finally and it wants to be ridden at Corral, Pine Valley and Lark. Lets do it!

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Thanks Alan, Yah sounds cool I will post up on sunday once I figure out what the heck I am doing. sould be a little wet in the middle of the week, might be fun!


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Holy SH.... you are still alive ! welcome back. Your ears must have been burning. When do we ride?

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I did verify Brent was still alive a few weeks at at MotoWorld :) Good to see ya on the boards again!

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Yah just needed to put down the MTB, and gat back to motorized equipment. All is well, and we are ridden next week. Hope to get some good trail time on vacation.

See ya there.


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Is this same Brent ex of AAK?

I'm up for riding next week, Corral, McCain as McTrails said, reasonably open.

And 2011 150XC is awesome fun bike, rode my friends back in Wales in December and loved it.

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welcome back Brent... although it seems like I see you about every other week at MW

yeah; post up a ride

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