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Important article..........HERE

Here's the ending, the jist of the article........

These organizations represent what appears to be the worst kind of corruption or collusion, but apparently, it is legal. To the people who pay the taxes, it looks a lot like legal thievery. The people who believe that environmental groups can do no wrong — are wrong; flat wrong. Environmental groups are the worst kind of corporate welfare, feeding at the government trough while doing everything possible to put brakes on economic development. These groups then have the audacity to beg for public donations, claiming to be the only salvation for the future of the planet. Hogwash!

Congress should immediately launch a thorough investigation of every environmental organization that has applied for legal fees or federal payments of any kind, to assure the tax payers that their money is not being frittered away just to line the pockets of those who run the wealthy green groups.

© Henry Lamb

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It is way past time that Congress put an end to this corporate welfare. Many of these environmental organizations boast assets and income in multiple millions, and pay their executives salaries greater than the CEOs of most for-profit corporations. The president of the Environmental Defense Fund, for example, takes home a total of $496,000 per year. The president of the World Wildlife Fund takes home $486,000.

These organizations represent what appears to be the worst kind of corruption or collusion, but apparently, it is legal. To the people who pay the taxes, it looks a lot like legal thievery. The people who believe that environmental groups can do no wrong — are wrong; flat wrong. Environmental groups are the worst kind of corporate welfare, feeding at the government trough while doing everything possible to put brakes on economic development. These groups then have the audacity to beg for public donations, claiming to be the only salvation for the future of the planet. Hogwash

There should be no such thing as a non-profit. The only reason someone sets up a non-profit, IS FOR PROFIT!

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If you work for the Federal Government as a civilian, you know about the campaign they have every year to get you to have a donation to charity deducted from your paychecks. You can choose the charity your donation goes to. Some people don't have any particular charity in mind so they just have have their contribution divied up among all the charities on the list.

If you look closely at the list, you might find some organizations you don't support. I don't know whether the organizations mentioned in this article are on the list, but I'd guess they probably are.

So, my point is, if you work for the government and you participate in the Combined Federal Campaign, choose the organizations your contribution goes to. Don't check off the box to divy it up among all the organizations with their hand out.

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If you work for the Federal Government as a civilian, you know about the campaign they have every year to get you to have a donation to charity deducted from your paychecks. You can choose the charity your donation goes to. Some people don't have any particular charity in mind so they just have have their contribution divied up among all the charities on the list.

If you look closely at the list, you might find some organizations you don't support. I don't know whether the organizations mentioned in this article are on the list, but I'd guess they probably are.

So, my point is, if you work for the government and you participate in the Combined Federal Campaign, choose the organizations your contribution goes to. Don't check off the box to divy it up among all the organizations with their hand out.

When I was in the Marine Corps we always checked the box for unwed mothers. Some guys figured that they contributed both ways to that.

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I am SHOCKED...shocked I say, to hear that there is fraud and corruption amongst the "non-profit" environmental activist crowd!!

Liars, thieves, and whores... repeat.

The first Tuesday in November is coming... C'MON KIDS, TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS FOR EVERYONE!!!

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good points here about disparate salaries for "non-profit" executives - i work on the other side of the aisle in environmental litigation

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I don't think there there should be any such thing as a "non profit" corporation. The only "non profit" that I trust is The Salvation Army, because no one in that outfit gets paid. It's pretty damn easy to be non-profit in fact by just making sure that all of your income goes out as expenses. Hell, my ex-wife made me a "negative-profit" organization for 25 years!!

Got any openings at that outfit you work at Paul?

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