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What makes a good rider?

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for those of you that haven't ridden with Esefs... he's fast, pleasant, rides sweep AND point very well and is very mellow for a young brat.

his punctuation, spelling and grammar are top notch, too!

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I am not sure some of these answers are helping much. The guy didn't ask how to become the most politicaly correct rider, or how to impress his fellow riders with good people skills. To become a good rider, you get out there and ride the edge of your skill level and practice skills over and over until you become a good rider (as good a rider as you think you want to be).

I still think these are the building blocks to become a good rider. I think it is a mixture of practice, proper form, confidence, judgment, and coordination (which includes natural abilities and learned abilities).

If you are on a ride and find something that is particularly difficult for you. Head back the next weekend with a friend and ride that section over and over until it is second nature to you. Yea you are going to fall, your bike and you will probably get some scrapes and bruises. It will be hard work, but one day you will cruize through a technical section on trail and everyone there will think, wow he(or she) has become a good rider.

If all the other riders are waiting for you every couple of minutes while you wobble your way up the trail at a snails pace, dabbing your feet the whole way, they are not going to say, he is a good rider because he is having fun and smiling and carrying tools and is well prepared, wishes for world peace and is courteous to others. :) Ken

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If you are on a ride and find something that is particularly difficult for you. Head back the next weekend with a friend and ride that section over and over until it is second nature to you. Yea you are going to fall, your bike and you will probably get some scrapes and bruises. It will be hard work, but one day you will cruize through a technical section on trail and everyone there will think, wow he(or she) has become a good rider.

If all the other riders are waiting for you every couple of minutes while you wobble your way up the trail at a snails pace, dabbing your feet the whole way, they are not going to say, he is a good rider because he is having fun and smiling and carrying tools and is well prepared, wishes for world peace and is courteous to others. :lol: Ken

I used to be a pretty good rider. Time and age and tall bikes have robbed me of some of my ability and consistency. Some days I ride good, other days not so hot.

I'm just sayin' that a good rider doesn't need a trophy or anything like that....maybe some good suspension, though. :)

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I am not sure some of these answers are helping much. The guy didn't ask how to become the most politicaly correct rider, or how to impress his fellow riders with good people skills. To become a good rider, you get out there and ride the edge of your skill level and practice skills over and over until you become a good rider (as good a rider as you think you want to be).

I still think these are the building blocks to become a good rider. I think it is a mixture of practice, proper form, confidence, judgment, and coordination (which includes natural abilities and learned abilities).

If you are on a ride and find something that is particularly difficult for you. Head back the next weekend with a friend and ride that section over and over until it is second nature to you. Yea you are going to fall, your bike and you will probably get some scrapes and bruises. It will be hard work, but one day you will cruize through a technical section on trail and everyone there will think, wow he(or she) has become a good rider.

If all the other riders are waiting for you every couple of minutes while you wobble your way up the trail at a snails pace, dabbing your feet the whole way, they are not going to say, he is a good rider because he is having fun and smiling and carrying tools and is well prepared, wishes for world peace and is courteous to others. :) Ken

I think you've got a great point Ken.

If we're talking about what makes a good dirt rider, here's my take...

In my opinion, a good rider is one that can control the bike. I've seen riders ride through areas, like you said, dabbing, bike bouncing all over, and the rider holding on (I ride like that all the time <_< ). A good rider will keep the bike under control and make the same rough section look "easy". There are a lot of skills that go into being able to control your bike - balance, coordination, good throttle/clutch control, tendency to look ahead of the bike instead of at the ground three feet in front, confidence in your bike's and your abilities, ability to do all that with a minimal effort so you don't tire yourself out, ability to read the trail and rapidly find "the" line then put the tires where you want them to go, ability to recover when the bike does something you're not expecting, along with a myriad of other things people have already pointed out. But all these things lead to one thing - control of the bike.

What about speed? On a track, or in a race - I agree speed (as long as you're under control) is what makes a good rider. The key here is to ride under control. There are lots of fast riders out there that are on the verge of loosing control - is that a good rider? Maybe, if it's necessary to win the race. If it's on a trail ride, maybe they're just trying to push the edge and improve their skills (like Ken said above). One thing I've noticed though, and has helped me to improve my skills, is that going slightly faster over a difficult section tends to make that section easier. A good rider realizes this and will accelerate through the rougher sections where the inexperienced riders will slow and fight it. I'd say that on the tough stuff 90% of my falls are from going too slow. That being said, I don't consider a rider good just because they ride fast... Watch the good riders, they're fast and in control... It's a thing of beauty to watch guys make their bike dance.

And Roger, what's with all the essay questions lately??? :lol:

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A good rider is the one that goes through a Motorcycle Safety Foundation approved Dirt Bike School <_< I hear these guys teach the basics of riding to new and experienced riders, and that everyone who goes through the course gets something good out of it :)

Other than that, a good rider is the one that is considerate him or herself, as well as others. (read: p-e-r-i-o-d) That would encompass riding ability, environmental concerns, track, trail, road, lead, sweep, etc.

If you can be 100% considerate, all else falls into place automatically. (I'm working on getting to about 60% myself :lol: )

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It's the guy who brings the biggest cooler with the most beer!!!! <_<

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Malcolm Smith in On Any Sunday. Totally in control and totally smooth makes it look effortless. That's a good rider.

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Malcolm Smith in On Any Sunday. Totally in control and totally smooth makes it look effortless. That's a good rider.

Way to bring the serious when I'm talking about beer....JERK!!! <_<

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A good rider is one who is always learning and is a student of the sport, off and especially on road riding. RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN. THE DOC.

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