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I jumped onto a quick ride with a few friends yesterday.  From Otay Lakes up to Tecate Peak.  

The road has been graded and pretty smooth overall.  It was actually gorgeous with all the burned brush on both sides of the trail.  I wanted to stop and take a few moto-photos of the bike against the blackened earth and brush, but didn't want to hold up the group.  

Met this guy at the Tecate border.  He was from Oregon, heading to Argentina on his '78 Yamaha 500XT if I remember correctly.


Two 890's, my 901, an Africa Twin and a boxer.  

Sammich's at the top.  In a pretty stiff wind.  Enough to keep us mostly behind the shelter so we could talk easier.833973b4-80a2-4c93-b820-1728d84bfcba.thumb.jpg.a8aa9d3b1c63d6cb16961b2509878903.jpg


Earlier on the ride up we noted the Barret Jnctn gate was wide open, so thought on our return we'd scoot up over the hills and take the back way into/onto Otay mountain.  But alas, on our return it was locked shut.  If you didn't know, ... the work around the side of that gate has been blocked.  It doesn't look real official to me so I'm wondering if the Farmer to the west just decided to block it off.  I had an "interesting" encounter with him years ago and was not impressed with his social skills.

So we popped in at Marron Valley Rd (to the gun club) and headed all the way to the border.  I haven't ridden that road in at least a couple years now due to the extremely high illegal immigrant traffic.  It was sad to see all the trash on the road.  The gate that's usually closed but not locked was wide open.  No marines posted there like there were a few years ago.  No border patrol jeeps at all.  Just small groups of migrants scattered here and there on the road.  

The TJ river valley back there is gorgeous.  It would be idyllic for a farm or ranch if it weren't for all the foot traffic. 



If you continue west toward where the wall starts, you'll find there's now a locked gate right at the end of the wall.  So this was an out and back.

I do miss the days not too long ago when you could get "on the wall" near the prison and ride east pretty much to Jacumba.  The most dramatic sites really were along that whole section from the gate at the end of the wall westward.  

All in, it was a fun day tooling around on the ADV bikes.  Good times, good people, great weather!



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Solid write-up. I like the colorway on that 901.


Aside from the wind, the weather has been perfect for riding this week.



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Thanks. I really dig the blue white of this bike too. And that motor!!  Now if I can just get it sprung for my weight … hopefully in a few weeks. 

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5 hours ago, Zubb said:

Thanks. I really dig the blue white of this bike too. And that motor!!  Now if I can just get it sprung for my weight … hopefully in a few weeks. 

Call George I know he stocks fat ass springs...


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I've been riding that route almost weekly.

Border patrol is on it lately. Seen them making arrest in several places today. I always honk my horn, give them a fist pump, and holler out good job.


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