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Dan Diego

Missing Australian surfers near Santo Tomas

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Unsure if you’ve been following the story of the two Australian brothers and their American friend who went missing a week ago.  

There was an extensive search before the surfers’ gear, truck and remains were found.  Three arrested so far.  

Just sickening as many of us ride there and Baja doesn’t need this bad publicity.  




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Hadn’t heard about this. Ugh, pretty sad. 

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When you think about Mexico being the #1 world wide destination for US tourists, and that 1.6M US citizens live there, I think it brings some perspective to this.  It's pretty horrible though no matter what country it happens in.  I've spent considerable time both where it happened and where they were dumped (as many of you have), and have never seen or felt the slightest sense of danger.  I hope that never changes.  It sure helps when you travel in groups.

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what a waste of good people.

All three criminals (will not) but should be "disappeared by force" with cheap .22 rounds to back of their heads. The least expensive method to cleanse the earth of scum. Hope no one is offended........

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I guess it was the Sinaloa Cartel that turned in the murderers. 

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