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dirt dame

Good ol' McCain, what a pain

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Drove out to McCain for a bit of a trail ride today. Weather was just perfect, freezing cold and windy, but not enough rain for my liking. It rained on the drive out, but no precip while I was riding and the ground wasn't as wet as I like, but pretty nice traction for the most part. I took the KDX which hasn't been ridden since September I think. The last time I was out on it the throttle stuck, so I haven't ridden it since then. In between then and now, I disassembled the throttle and the carb, checking for problems. I lubed the cable, checked for frays, cleaned the top of the carb and the slide assembly and gave the carb body the once over. Couldn't really see anything wrong. So it was time for a test ride.

Going along on McCain Valley road, the bike looks okay on the back of the Jeep.


In fact, I've never had a problem with keeping a bike in place on my Joe Hauler for the last two years, but there's always a first time. :huh: Both tie downs are still attached to both the bike and the carrier. Luckily it was at very low speed on a soft surface, no harm done.


Trail pictorial. ;)



















By now, I was all done taking pictures and was heading to some more technical trails when, in the middle of a nice long straight, the throttle stuck again. :angry: With only 15 miles on the odometer, I gingerly rode back to the truck and called it a day. I guess I will inspect things from the airbox forward to the carb this time around. :P

On another sad note, I stopped by the Wisteria Candy Cottage on the way home and as it turned out, this was the last day for this shop to be opened. Guess they never got things ironed out with the property estate.


My last box of chocolates from them.


Wasn't the best riding day that I've had, but it was still far from the worst. ;)

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Lemme see....

No damage to the bike.

Looks like empty trails which is half the battle.

Most of your throttle problems are fixed.

Nice that you got out there and count yourself lucky you got to the chocolates before they left.

....AND, we got to see some great pics!

I'd call it a success all around. :huh:

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Most of your throttle problems are fixed.

No, none of my throttle problems are found yet. I was only about halfway through my ride when I had to quit and I was having the time of my life and riding really well. I never know when the throttle will stick wide open, but it is always on a high speed straight stretch with some whoop-de-doos, so I have the front end up and I'm shutting off, but the bike accelerates and the front wheel keeps rising. After that happens and I grab the clutch, kill the engine and get the throttle to close, everything seems silky smooth and okay for a while....till it happens again. Everything looks okay, but it isn't and I don't want to loop the bike or drive it over the edge of a cliff. I don't know why, but I just don't. :huh:

I'll miss those Wisteria chocolates, but my pocketbook won't.

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I never know when the throttle will stick wide open, but it is always on a high speed straight stretch with some whoop-de-doos, so I have the front end up and I'm shutting off, but the bike accelerates and the front wheel keeps rising.

That's wierd. Usually the throttle sticks open when you go through tight turns and brush. Hope you get it figured out soon.

Looks like a fun day, even if it looks like you almost spent more time taking pictures than riding. :huh:

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poor phrasing...?

Just meant you've gone thru some of the possibilities so at least you've got that covered.

Did a couple of unexpected high speed runs on an '83 IT490 after some sand got in the throttle so I can appreciate the non-desire for surprises.

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Did a couple of unexpected high speed runs on an '83 IT490 after some sand got in the throttle so I can appreciate the non-desire for surprises.

Yes, it's amazing how much ground you will cover between the time you realize that the throttle is stuck and when you actually pull in the clutch. Probably only about a second or two there...but the bike goes pretty far, pretty fast.

I'm hoping that I'll find the problem in the airbox side. Sometimes these bikes are known to not have a very good fit between the carb boot fitting and the airbox (could suck some dirt in), so I'll be checking that pronto....although I have had the bike since new in 2003 and it just started to act up last spring.

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I'm hoping that I'll find the problem in the airbox side. Sometimes these bikes are known to not have a very good fit between the carb boot fitting and the airbox (could suck some dirt in), so I'll be checking that pronto....although I have had the bike since new in 2003 and it just started to act up last spring.

Any abrasion on the carb slide? That could cause it to "stick" once in a while........or something goofy on the carb cap kinking the cable? Hopefully its justa bit of residual dirt/sand......maybe another carb flush will shake it out.....

Nice pics too btw.........Hard to believe, but I've never ridden at Lark or McCain.......

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Totally different bike I know, but a friend's KTM had something similar happen. Turned out the the throttle cable was getting hung up on the bar clamps when the forks would really compress. He ended up loosely zip tying it so that it couldn't hang up and that solved it.

Great pictures btw Mimi!!!

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Maybe it's his way of getting back for falling off the Jeep.........Poor Kermi :lol:

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Those looks like some NICE traisl Wish I could of been there. Looks perfect for my little Honda.

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Those looks like some NICE trails Wish I could of been there. Looks perfect for my little Honda.

I know it's a long drive from your place, but maybe you should plan for that to be one of your destinations during your holiday time off. We should make a plan. :lol:

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Sounds good. What days look good to you?

:lol: They all do. I like a week day better, because there are less people out there, but will ride the weekend as well.

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Any abrasion on the carb slide? That could cause it to "stick" once in a while........or something goofy on the carb cap kinking the cable? Hopefully its justa bit of residual dirt/sand......maybe another carb flush will shake it out.....

Thanks for the tip. There was a very small amount of scratches in one spot near the top on one side on the engine intake side of the slide. If nothing else pans out in my inspection, then I'll replace the slide. The cable is still like new and properly routed and hooked up, but maybe I'll replace that too, just to be sure.

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FYI Also just give "him" a good test for air leaks. Turn up your idle a little for test purposes then, do the brake clean spray test around the boot, reed cage assy etc and listen for rpm fluctuations just to be sure. Run away throttle is not a good thing. Be safe out there, and get some secondary tie downs on the green machine! RN

PS don't forget fresh fuel and oil mix too

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FYI Also just give "him" a good test for air leaks. Turn up your idle a little for test purposes then, do the brake clean spray test around the boot, reed cage assy etc and listen for rpm fluctuations just to be sure. Run away throttle is not a good thing. Be safe out there, and get some secondary tie downs on the green machine! RN

PS don't forget fresh fuel and oil mix too

The slide is physically staying opened, even after the engine has been killed. Fuel is always fresh and carb floatbowls are always drained after each ride.

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Well, went out and looked at the carb. The good news is that I know what's wrong for sure. The bad news is that it is the slide that the hard chroming is coming off of, and as pieces of it come off they tear up the inside of my carb body and occasionally jam the slide. So the bike is down till I can get a new slide. I took some #600 grit sand paper to the body to get most of the little scratches out, but there is one big one that I can't do anything about. I think the bike will be okay, though. It better be, because I can't afford a whole carburetor! :)

Man....That thing wasn't there last time I looked!


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