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If you liked your X-Plane Ride, tactics and proposals like the one below will eventually shut us out or areas where you were just riding, if we don't oppose these tactics and proposals !!

Please get involved......at bare minimum, support ($$$) the off-road organizations with that fight to keep our lands open.

This Alert from Ron Schiller of High Desert Multiple Use Coalition~

A public meeting will be held tomorrow 1-13-09 in Trona regarding the California Wilderness Coalition (CWC) proposed wilderness bill that they hope Senator Feinstein will soon introduce in Congress.

Recent reports indicate that a bulletin included with a recent water bill mailed to Trona residents states, 'The California Wilderness Coalition (http://www.calwild.org) is proposing Federal legislation that would designate nearly all of those portions of Great Falls Basin and the Slate Range that lie outside of the China Lake Navy Base as Federal Wilderness. If passed by Congress this legislation would permanently end all methods of mechanized travel across most of this land. It would also prevent this land from being defaced by off-road motorcycle trails running everywhere'. The bulletin further states, 'The California Wilderness Coalition has agreed to meet with the people of Searles Valley to first present their proposal and then listen to our concerns with the proposal. The intent of the CWC is not to prevent the public from enjoying the land. Rather they want to prevent a small group of people from defacing the land to the point where everyone else's enjoyment is degraded. Please plan to attend and make your concerns known. Examples of how you have used this land in the past would help prove your concerns'.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the Trona Bank Building across the street east of the Old Guest House Museum. If coming from Ridgecrest on Hwy. 178 Turn left on Center Street. Turn right on Main Street (the third street from Hwy 178) and the meeting place will be the second building on the right.

The new CWC wilderness proposal includes about 20 new wilderness areas and National Park expansions within Inyo, San Bernardino, Imperial, and San Diego Counties. New wilderness areas proposed by the California Wilderness Coalition within Inyo County include Slate Range and Great Falls Basin north of Trona, Malpais Mesa in the Inyo Mountains around Cerro Gordo extending to the Saline Valley Road, Wild and Scenic River designation for Surprise Canyon, other areas in the northern Panamint Valley, and areas in north Death Valley National Park.

If enacted by Congress, this proposal would eliminate many traditional uses such as equestrian endurance rides, mountain biking, and vehicle access for such activities as gem and mineral collecting, spring wildflower viewing, and family backcounty touring and picnic outings. In addition, this proposal would eliminate mineral exploration and new mining in the future.

It's interesting to note that the CWC nor anyone from Senator Feinstein's staff had the decency to even respond to Inyo County Supervisor's invitation for a similar meeting in Lone Pine, but they are willing to hold a meeting just outside Inyo County in a remote location with very limited announcement.

We request that anyone attending this meeting to oppose the new wilderness proposal please be polite and courteous. Disrupting their meeting would only serve to discredit wilderness opponents.

I will be driving my Suburban and have a few seats open for anyone who would like to carpool to the meeting. If anyone would like a ride, I will accept requests on a first come basis. Please let me know via e-mail as soon as possible. Please print 'CARPOOL' in the e-mail subject line.

This information is provided by Ron Schiller, Chairman of the High Desert Multiple Use Coalition. As usual, please feel free to pass this information on to any other interested parties. Anyone wishing to receive future e-mails with information regarding issues related to the management of public lands in the California Desert should send an e-mail to schiller@ridgenet.net and request to be placed on the distribution list.

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I have a question... It is political in nature, and may therefore cause fecal agitation... Stop now if you dont like to talk politics (I dont either)

So Feinstein, as the big bad dem, sponsors all of these wilderness designations for areas that are already cross crossed with trails... Doesn't a lot of dem support come from urban areas? What is the motivation here?

Republicans; sure they support our use of the land, but isn't it more of a generic "use the land for whatever" and has a lot to do with industrial use of the land, and off-roaders are just the lucky recipients?

I actually will only value an opinion from 7 of you... But I won't say which 7... But you know who you are :)

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So Feinstein, as the big bad dem, sponsors all of these wilderness designations for areas that are already cross crossed with trails... Doesn't a lot of dem support come from urban areas? What is the motivation here?

That's the hypocrisy of it all.

Many of the people who support wilderness designation, don't really go out to enjoy the lands.

Many of the ones that do, have a bad image of "off-roading".

It should be about education and enforcement, not closures.

I hope I'm one of your seven :):lol:

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well, I wasn't sure where you stood... :)

It cracks me up to see aerial photos of off road areas, and described as "scarring" the land; why people get so worked up about things that dont affect them is beyond me... You want to save the environment? Stay in your tent, dont drive or fly, and the trails won't bother you... You want beauty? Paint the projects

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... Doesn't a lot of dem support come from urban areas? What is the motivation here?

Republicans; sure they support our use of the land, but isn't it more of a generic "use the land for whatever" and has a lot to do with industrial use of the land, and off-roaders are just the lucky recipients?

Are you proposing that we initiate a a third (actually it would be more like a 5th) political party focused on specific use of the off road land in urban areas for the purpose of burying the liberal ideal? :huh: I'M IN!!! <_<

The Democrat is fundamentally liberal. They are opposed to anything that might harm the environment. You are correct in your assumption of irony in that the urban democrat rarely, if ever, ventures into the environment they cry so loudly to protect.

I don't agree that off-roaders receive a residual benefit from the Republican support of land use. I believe that our Republican representatives truly have the best interest of all the people in mind. The perception becomes clouded in that advocating land use by all citizens in a largely liberal state such as Kalifornia creates the appearance of special interest. Whether we like it or not, we are the minority here, and legislation will follow the money.

Case in point: The citizens of our state have voted twice now that legal marriage should be recognized only when entered into between two people of the opposite sex. While this ideal has the support of the majority of the voting population, the urban liberals (a great majority of whom do not vote) have assembled on the street corner to rally around the oppression of the minority, which allows the liberal Senator and Representatives (who arte in the majority in congress) to point to the liberal media coverage and say "See, this is what the people really want..." And this will lead to another overturn of the popular vote (mark my words).

These same urban liberals are the ones that scream and whine about the damage to our environment. Not because they have witnessed it, but because someone told them it's "hip" to join this bandwagon, and the liberal snowball begins to grow. This also gives credence to the concept of image over substance. The liberals want to be viewed as being aligned with the group rather than standing out and making a lone statement or questioning the intent. How many people do you know that are growing milk-vect in their basement because they are truly concerned about it's extinction?

If I'm not one of the seven please disregard the above :)

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still waiting to hear from the seven <_<

Rob; as for your 3rd party statement...bipartisan politics drives me batty... I can't align with a party because of issues just as you brought up...

I have a hard time thinking the GOP cares that much about offroaders, other than the voting clout, and general land use issues... i don't remember a lot of offroad areas opening up in the past few years, but I have seen closures... but youre right... as far as land use, GOP is a slam dunk for offroaders.

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still waiting to hear from the seven <_<

I have a hard time thinking the GOP cares that much about offroaders, other than the voting clout, and general land use issues... i don't remember a lot of offroad areas opening up in the past few years, but I have seen closures... but youre right... as far as land use, GOP is a slam dunk for offroaders.

Slut boy, you are right about no new off road areas opening up. But please remember that this is Kalifornia in the 21st century. We are busy just trying to keep places open!

Come up for lobby day to meet your elected representatives and see what they think. When I was up there last year I found that the elephants where much more receptive to us then the JackAsses. The Elephants met us in person for the most part. Most of the other people just sent a post pubescent aid to hear from us. You could tell that these aids thought we were some type of Neanderthals, too stupid to live.

It really does matter who we put into office. Most of the representatives join a party which reflects their basic philosophies. One major party believes in centralized control, group freedom and taking “care” of us. The other party believes in local control, personnel freedom and people taking responsibility for themselves.

Too bad I’m not one of seven. :huh:

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I was kidding about the seven... I DO know that, in general, GOP is more receptive to us than dems... I am kind of curious about the dem persective... Is it really about the environment? Or just the perception that the natural world be left alone, and we just keep expanding vertically in the cities?

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I was kidding about the seven... I DO know that, in general, GOP is more receptive to us than dems... I am kind of curious about the dem persective... Is it really about the environment? Or just the perception that the natural world be left alone, and we just keep expanding vertically in the cities?

Slutty guy, I was going to answer you but then my loving wife started hitting me about the head, all the while screaming "don't you even get started!" :huh:

I'll just say that it is much easier to control people when they are concentrated in a smaller area. Besides you don’t “need” all that room. <_<

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nice sig line roger

The last line says it all for you mad magazine fans.

Back on the subject, I will not have any vacation time this year so I can’t go to Lobby Day when it comes up. I would like to encourage all of you who can to go up to Sacramento to help keep our trails open.

Last year we had some great rides in the Sierras with local riders the weekend before the event. Snow riding can be fun. I also learned the true meaning of “Howdy”, right digdoug? Randy introduced us to one of the most interesting “Old School” motorcyclists I’ve every met.

It doesn’t take that much money or that much time to go to “Lobby Day”. The more people who participate in “Lobby Day”, the greater the impact on our representatives. Show them that not all motorcycle riders are a bunch of adolescent yahoos.

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I doubt "the bikeslut seven" will get sucked into a political thread.

Maybe that's how they became "the bikeslut seven" in the first place! :(

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I doubt "the bikeslut seven" will get sucked into a political thread.

Maybe that's how they became "the bikeslut seven" in the first place! :(


the seven may PM me

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im not a political man. i believe in ufos and the lumiati scull and bones and the new world order. so i think that it dont really matter who we vote for but on another stand point i herd it best at a sdorc meeting along time ago. quote (no copywrite cuz i dont know who it was) the reason we keep losing all our land is because as a whole OFFROADERS DONT VOTE if we could all get together and vote we would own the land" and sorry to whom ever i quoted for not giving you credit>

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I said the same thing a while back...

environMENTALists have free time, a cohesive message, and a united front... They vote, or at least make the politicians THINK they vote, and wield power

Off-Roaders are out enjoying nature... we can't agree on much EXCEPT off-roaders rights. we are seen as loners and "bikers"... not businessmen and motorcyclists

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