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Nice day to ride, looks like it was air time

That was probably the best area for some jumps. There is some video coming and maybe that will show some of our HUGE air. By "huge" I mean half a foot high. :skull:/>

The weather was nice, but things are starting to warm up out there. I'd say before the end of the month the 80s to 90s will be the norm. It was about low to mid 80s on Sunday. But it will drop 10 degrees this week with the approaching storm.

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thanks for starting this ride-report thread off Logroller. In attendance were:

1Kstep (I only get partial attendance as I was spaced-out)



XR650noob's brother...on the XR650L

I need to learn the difference between "take photo" and "shoot video" on my goPro :wacko:

coincidentally...if you suspect someone of having a concussion, ask them to remember 3 numbers, wait 5 minutes and ask them what the numbers are. If they can't remember the numbers, they probably are concussed.

I took a spill after climbing a steep mud-hill to find a 3 foot dropoff on the other side. This is an area that I know very well :heh: . My Leatt probably prevented my helmet chin-bar from breaking my collar-bone (they're not so expensive after all if you look at it this way). My helmet hit the Leatt pretty hard. Damage report...some scrapes and very sore left shoulder, haunch, and neck. This is why "I dress like RoboCop" when riding.

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thanks for starting this ride-report thread off Logroller. In attendance were:

1Kstep (I only get partial attendance as I was spaced-out)



XR650noob's brother...on the XR650L

I need to learn the difference between "take photo" and "shoot video" on my goPro :wacko:/>/>/>

coincidentally...if you suspect someone of having a concussion, ask them to remember 3 numbers, wait 5 minutes and ask them what the numbers are. If they can't remember the numbers, they probably are concussed.

I took a spill after climbing a steep mud-hill to find a 3 foot dropoff on the other side. This is an area that I know very well :heh:/>/>/> . My Leatt probably prevented my helmet chin-bar from breaking my collar-bone (they're not so expensive after all if you look at it this way). My helmet hit the Leatt pretty hard. Damage report...some scrapes and very sore left shoulder, haunch, and neck. This is why "I dress like RoboCop" when riding.

Chad, the number thing is a good trick. I've had some experience with the triple combo of people, bikes and head trauma. Not anything I ever wish to repeat seeing/helping with, but you do what ya got to do when someone is in need, whether that person in need knows it or not. There are a few other tricks/tale-tell signs. I thought you were good to go, a little shaken, but good to go. Otherwise I would have taken action.

I thought you were the one making dust.

He was, but in all fairness, the "dust" was photo-shopped in. :heh:/>/>/>

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