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Moment of Silence for Marco ?

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For Sic: A Symphony of Machines

by staff

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

A planned moment of silence at the Valenica Grand Prix this weekend may be changed to a memory more fitting a fierce racer.

MotoGP planned a moment of silence to honor the memory of recently killed MotoGP rider Marco Simoncelli.

Simoncelli's father, Paolo, instead requested something more in line with what "Super Sic" would appreciate.

The elder Simoncelli suggested instead that all of the bikes of MotoGP instead be throttle whipped for for one minute, that this was something his son could appreciate.

Given the festive atmosphere at Valncia, and the popularity of throttle whipping streetbikes downtown, there's little doubt that the race bikes will sing alone.


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That is really darn cool. I still get a lump in my throat thinking about his wreck. So tragic for a guy so young and talented.

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Have to find out what time exactly that will be our time.....and get the bikes out and rev them to sing along.

Here's one time loud pipes will be good :lol:

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