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Found 3 results

  1. Hey all you EXC guys, Just bought a brand new 2015 EXC 500 last night. What are the best mods, and what are the first mods you guys think are a must? Already got the factory skidplate. Im a motocross guy so any tips on setting up a dual sport help!
  2. Hi All, I'm deleting everything here since there is already another area for mods to the KTM 500 EXC and I should've posted this over there to benefit the whole group. Before the comments grow too much, I'm deleting it here and will repost over there. Thanks much for the comments so far! http://dualsport-sd.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20328-ktm-exc-500-bestfirst-mods/ See you on the trails, Schweddy **************************************************************** Thought I'd share what I'm doing with the new bike in case anyone wants to leverage any of the ideas or has some good feedback if you've done any of this already. What follows are my build plans for the NEW 2015 500 EXC. Picking up the beast on Friday after work and like a kid at Christmas, Friday is taking forever to get here! Will warn the neighbors, set out the firepit in the driveway for a 24 hour burn, fill up the refrig with choice beverages and grub, turn on the tunes, and tell my family I'll see them in 32 hours. Let Schweddy’s build begin...
  3. Back before dark. Famous words uttered by many an optimistic man. Anyway the notion of a day ride to the northern-most section of the Baja 500 proved too tempting for Goofyfooter and after a few PMs a plan was set to meet and cross at the righteous hour of 0500- later wisely revised to 0600 at the expense of adding some slab miles. After a brisk blast eastward dodging stray dogs and potholes we found some chorizo con hueovos and some of the finest nescafè instant coffee north of the 29th parallel. The piggley and WR were running well but at some point I noticed Goofey's back tire was a bit catywhompas. I figured it helped make the WR more exciting to ride so I said nothing. We finished the slab, looked around CP 1 for a friend of the bananna man who offered beers and snacks intended for bananna man (ironmanning a 500 exc) who crashed earlier during a prerun and broke his humorous. No luck finding the inmates so we blasted to La Rumorosa and quickly the race leader Kawi came screaming past. Found a good spot on the first serious out-turn (the kind that if you overshoot you launch) and enjoyed a great spectacle of motorcycle racing. From our perch we saw some interesting things; quads overtaking motos, a bicycle rider who was either drunk or heat exhausted, a nice race fan on a honda quad from mexicali, a group of TJ jeepsters, and a local mexican teenager who had hair like Don King. He got roosted pretty bad from one of the faster quads but the rocks just deflected off his 'fro. By then the wind had died and it was getting hot. We ran for the pines to find a spot to dig in and watch the rest of the race. Somewhere around RM 100 Goofy picked up a drywall screw that tore a dime size hole in the tube. We limped a bit further, met up with some nice older guys on KTMs, and a very friendly group of local jeepers. After most of the TTs came through we attacked the flat with a combination of tire spoons, pliers, elbow grease, and the supervision of the nice old guys on KTMs. "Helping" It didn't take long for the locals to come over and help. Help came in the form of carta blanca and tecate beer. So cold, beautiful beads of sweat glistening in the sun. By the time the tube was changed bbq operations were in full swing. It wasn't long before some tasty fish tacos were consumed and accompanied by more beers. We watched some modified bugs come through. They looked like they were having the most fun, although anyone who has ever ridden in one would tell you otherwise. It was now 1600+ and I remembering the token ideal of "back before dark" I tried to explain the idiom of "Pumkpin Time" to the locals. Pasta and a few of the other aviation guys know what that means. I explained how Cinderella's stagecoach would turn into a pumkin after midnight. by now the analogy of us needing to leave and Cinderella's whip turning into a pumpkin was largely lost on the men. More beers. Another solid 15 mins of some of the best BS I've had in years. Finally we roost out on the compadre with our mate's cheers and whoops fading in the background. As I was berm surfing the piggley with aplomb, I couldn't help but wonder if the situation was reversed- Mexicans spectating in the US- if we would be as welcoming as they were to us. No time to ponder the inequalities of the world. I was working overtime trying to keep up with Goofy. We hit a few short pieces of single track which looked like a lot of fun- fun on a bike not known as a big red pig. As we crossed a rancher's property, I noticed something glimmering near the residence. It didn't have the typical dull, subdued colors of rural baja;the kind of colors that are born of necessity, to blend in, lay low, conserve, survive. Then it dawned on me; the shiny object happened to be a massive Doberman. Cropped and docked, about 120 lbs, in a full sprint toward us as we wrestled to get the gate open on the other side of the ranch. His muscles were very well defined, not sinuous, not obscenely developed. This dog exercised a lot and ate very well. The beautiful creature slowed to a trot, turned broadside so his coat reflected the dropping sun, stopped, and gave us a nod and a pass. I suspect this was his normal routine- making sure that his "guests" knew damn well who's in charge around that ranch. I have developed a fondness for the breed after adopting a dobbie from Aztec Doberman Rescue in Lakeside. Good people and great dogs. The rest of the return voyage was uneventful save for a pinch flat on the piggley (again trying to keep up with Goofy). I flew off the shoulder and tagged a rock. Its weird, sometimes the BRP wont even bottom out but I will bend a rim on a pebble. No matter though, everyone knows the engineers intentionally designed the crumple zones into the rims as part of the bike's rudimentary/primitive suspension. A quick pump up activated the slime in the tube and we were off. By now the piggley and WR were thirsty for some magna so we pulled in and were greeted by the friendly Pemex staff who seemed genuinely more interested in our bikes than in the 13 year old boy fueling up his dad's ford explorer for a Saturday night rally. Shortly after a 90s Cherokee packed with some pretty Mexican girls (who didn't speak spanish) invited us to a house party. Back by dark. Onward to a taco shop in Tecate for some killer tacos and a quick check of the passport. Back in US. Sun just hit the horizon. 30 mins till pumpkin time. 5th gear through gasoline curves, headlight dies at Bancroft and 94 from an overcharging regulator. Ghost it home in stealthmode. Dinner with my better half. Thanks Goofey for showing me around. I had a blast. Home by dark

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