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Cool Motorcycle Poem !

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Gave me goosebumps.

By Charles Cork on FB....

It’s about motorcycles and I think it’s the best damn thing I ever wrote.

No it’s not me. I’m not old yet

The old man heads out for a ride.
He opens the shed and there stands his pride
It is all that remains of his distant youth 
But it’s still as potent as homemade 190 proof
Tools hang neatly on the wall along with faded photographs
Men and motorcycles a girl with dancing eyes and a laugh
Leather coat hangs from the handle bars, gloves lie on the seat.
Even after all the long years his heart still quickens it’s beat 
His well worn boots, his faded jeans
Always been the same ever since his teens
He shrugs on his jacket and zips it up tight
Up here in the hills it gets cold at night
Swings his leg over the saddle and takes the weight
Walks it out the door and up to the gate
He settles the bike back onto its stand
Takes a break it’s taking longer then he planned
Walks back to the shed puts the lock on the hasp
Leans his hand against the wall and coughs with a rasp
Time is a thief it’s takin his youth, his world and his love
And he settles back onto the seat under the bright stars and moon above
Fuel on one dead kick to prime
Key on starts first kick every damn time
And it’s music that flows from the pipes and it sings
And every time a smile to his face it brings
Then he rolls down the street, the moon above glows
No one out but him, house windows lit by television shows
Yards and porches are empty deserted and wind blown
All that’s in the past he’s the last of his kind he’s all alone
He rolls out of town and climbs into the hills
Every shift smooth, he still has his skills
Then down into the valley he picks up the pace
Nobody here but him but he’ll still run the race
Balanced on that deadly razor sharp edge of speed
The wind blows out behind him, the last of his breed
Then gravel on the turn his rear tire slides towards the ditch
He fights it back  screams out at death not tonight you son of a bitch
The road it may take him some dark and moonless night
But he won’t go peaceful he’ll always fight the good fight.

C Cork 2018

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Thats great, and only a rider will ever really understand.

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