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add a fire in lakeside!

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Tdub, rev5, motobro- etc....same offer as all the others......I may need to swing up to fallbrook to help a bird breeder;....helen woodward was evacuated for the evening last night, but I think those animals are back "home" for now....

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I'm stuck in NYC getting numerous fire alerts on my phone

My dad is watching my house in Lawson Valley, there was a small fire that they were able to knock down fast he was saying

I'm concerned about having him there alone with the dogs, I feel really far away and helpless, but getting on a plane tomorrow.

I can't think of too many places where so many people are able and willing to help out in a time of need

SDAR is a club I'm proud to be part of

Landing mid afternoon and extend the same offer of help, trailer, truck etc

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Thank you BS. The fire is on greenfield and were at Lake Jennings so I think we'll be OK. Im trying to get a hold of Tommy Threlkil he lives right at greenfield. If anyone gets in contact with him post up status please thank you.

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