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LED lighting for the Husky TE450

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I really like taking night rides during desert season, there is just something fun about navigation at night and the fact that hardly anyone rides at night. Also, you can ride at 75% pace and feel like you're riding 150%. Having a decent light makes it a lot more fun, and my Husky has a terrible light. I did a few night rides last year, but it was always sketchy riding with this.


Untitled by tntmo2, on Flickr

I think the prior owner tried to install a better bulb, but it didn't help much and the bulb melted the housing.


Untitled by tntmo2, on Flickr

I decided to get myself a birthday present, so after a bit of info from goofyfooter I ordered the LED light from ADVMonster. They have a nice setup that is plug and play, just unscrew the light housing and install all the good stuff. There is a 10% discount available so the price was decent. I got the model 60 light.


This is what it looks like on my bike.


Untitled by tntmo2, on Flickr

I finally got it installed yesterday and took it for a spin after getting home from work last night. The kit includes a rotary dimmer for low beam, even on the lowest setting it's way brighter than the stock bulb on high beam. On high beam I think it could give you a sunburn, it's very bright. I'm very much looking forward to a few night rides now.

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Very cool!

Thanks for the word, I've been needing that set up for my TE. The stock light is so bad that I won't even ride the bike on the trail within an hour of sunset.

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Oh no... I see a head on in our future. (Let's hope not) Sweet set up. I'll look for ya out there.

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