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About firematt

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/06/1973

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  • Location
    Rancho San Diego
  • Interests
    bike surf work
    KTM 530 2008
    KTM 990 2008
  • Gender

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  1. Just incase this gets off the ground, I want in on the next Big Bike ride South with Ya-all! FireMatt
  2. Great write -up guys glad your home safe!
  3. Madonna said it best. LOL, Thats Funny!
  4. So after the Cabo run i decited to give my lit steed some much needed R&R and new plastic's. Here is some before and after's.
  5. Great Bike. I too hold a place in my heart for the KLR. Look into a exhaust systems for that Black Beast. Congrats! M~
  6. They are Wolfman packs... And I love them! I have crashed several times and they still look new...? As far as the resort we stayed at...It's called the Rio de Cabo and its fantastic! We payed $120.00 per person per night. The food was amazing. And being all inclusive ...needless to say, it leads to sum fun days pool side..
  7. Just an FYI, We are doing it again next May (2014) But this time on Adventure Bikes and about 75% road... KTM 990 - GS F 800's and 1200's ..Camping some days and hotels the rest.. I think this trip is already at 6 or 7 people going.. Just incase anyone is interested and needs some time to plan and save? let me know.. Firematt~
  8. LOL... Two of my friends thought it was a good way to carry much needed extra fuel.... I personally felt being a fireman that it wasn't....Thank God I didn't have to do a low altitude dirt drop to extinguish them ..
  9. I never received or used any track's from you..?
  10. They were our bikes...But I wish they were rented after the abuse we put them through...
  11. Ahhhhh hell!! I knew some one was guna ask for a ride report... Ok I will do my best.. We left late Monday morning. Much later than I was hoping to. Knowing how far our fist day of ridding was going to be I was a bit concerned on our departure time. My self and 3 of my good friends along with another in the chase truck crossed the border at around 10am. I guess we all had a bit of the pre- ride- jitters knowing what we were about to attempt to accomplish that morning. The chase truck got pulled into secondary at the Tacate border for just long enough for me to find out that I had hole in my camel pack... Thank goodness that I utilize the philosophy that "1 is none and 2 is good" I had packed a spar in my gear bag that was in the chase vehicle. So, besides being off to a slow start we had no other issues all the way to San Quintin.. For those of you that know. That is a long first day!!!! We got in about 9pm that first night. Way too late for me. But that was where our reservations were at, so we pushed through and made it happen. The next morning we were back at it again. We started out with about 15 miles of a nice open beach ride to El Rosario.. Mama's for breakfast and a plan for that days ride. From there it as a long day for ridding across the peninsula to the Bay of Los Angeles for much needed margaritas and a good nights rest.. The next day started out easy, but Baja being Baja that all changed due to some very difficult single track ridding and a ---- load of rocks and some crazy ass cactus that wanted to kill me and my bike.. We road on to Puerto San Francisquito for lunch and fuel. Luckily they had some to sell us..I think we paid just over 6 dollars a gallon there for fuel that my bike really didn't like too much. From there we headed half way back across the peninsula through rocks, ruts, cactus and the all too famous silt beds. Once again the sun was gone and we were no where close to our destination. To make matters worse. We all got split up from one another literally the middle of nowhere.. But thanks to helmet coms, spot trackers and a satellite phone we all managed to find one other and make it to a wonderful town called San Ignacio. As we pulled into town. Jay noticed he had a flat front tire. This would be the only flat anyone got the hole trip!! That night despite it being late and all of us very tired. We changed our oil, air filters and did a total head to toe loose bolt check on the bikes... Unfortunately, once again we came in much too late to enjoy the town and people. After clean up we were off to a late dinner and more margaritas.. The next day came way to early and by 8am we had already had breakfast and were back on the bikes...I would have like to stay in San Iganacio one more day just to look around. It was very beautiful with wonderful people who lived there... But like the past few days. We were racing the setting sun to make the miles we needed to cover that days journey. We made it to San Juanico for a great lunch and the dessert was a nice 25 mile stretch of wide open beach that we all loved. After hitting what I think that was every half covered boulder in the soft sand this entire trip. This was a nice welcome smooth ride down Scorpion Bay...That night we stayed in a neat town called Los Tulares.. After more maintenance and margaritas we had a chance to hit the town and look around.. The next morning after yet another amazing breakfast we were off again. This time , La Paz would be our next destination. This day was one of my favorite days of the trip. Lots of water crossing, beautiful canyons, long stretch of beach and some steep hill climbs that the others didn't like too much. But it reminded me of the hills in Colorado I get to play in. We had some amazing scenery all day long. We arrived in La Paz early that day. Around 4pm. We had a fun night just relaxing after dinner and enjoying the sun set along with a few 100 beers! The last day I had very mixed feelings... I was excited to finally pull into Cabo and reach our destination. But I was also sad for my adventure to be over. That days ride was a fun stretch of just over 185 miles... Our shortest day of ridding the entire trip...! It was a fantastic feeling pulling into Cabo that day. It has been a trip that I have been wanting to do for over 6 years now. I finally had the time off, good company and a great bike to do it on.. It was all in all a (hard) but spectacular fun fun fun trip. With the bikes loaded on the chase truck and ready to be shipped home. We stayed and played for a few days in Cabo while soaking up sum wonderful Mexico sun before having to fly home back to reality.. (New tires, fuel, rooms, food, chase truck, flight home and the nights in the cabo resort ... I think the total cost came out to be at around $1,400.. Not too bad for a trip of a life time! Ride safe Brotha's and Sista's Firematt~
  12. I almost frogot to add the pay off for the long trip! An all inclusive resort for 5 days..Ok, now you can hate me...LOL
  13. Amazing Amazing trip... Great weather, food, friends and secenery! It took us 5 and a half days to make it there. 1,523 miles of dirt and 60 miles of black top.. If you have ever had the dream to make this voyage...? I highly recommend it! I hape you enjoy the pictures.. Firematt.
  14. Another added addition. Sum PivotPegz ... Not too sure about these things??.

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