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About Greenhorn

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  • Where I Prefer To Ride
    Dirt & Street - I'll ride anywhere and everywhere because I just like to ride.
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Motorcycles - Fishing
  • Gender

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  1. Greenhorn

    Easy Rider - intro

    Choppers and Dope On Any Sunday it wasn't.
  2. Greenhorn

    Happy birthday Hawkins

    Happy Birthday Thank you for what you do here!
  3. Greenhorn

    Pine Creek Road

    Hi Bob, Good to hear you made it back out there and it's back open
  4. Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. Yes, still have my KLR 😉
  5. It's been a long time since I've been for a ride because... That said I've been loving all the Thunderheads, so today was the day to try and chase a few down. Headed east about 1:30. They were sparse when I left and it was one of those you should have been here yesterday, or the day before things as the sky was pretty blue at Pine Valley, Campo and further east. I kind of like the heat so I though I would drop in to the desert for a minute to see how hot it was. It was hot, about 105 at Ocotillo. Back up the hill and a stop in Pine Valley for some water and then home. Generally rode the freeway, but traffic was light so that was nice. About 3.5 hours... 150 miles. I enjoyed the ride and hope to do some more riding soon. I'll try a picture as there is a lot of posting picture chatter on the website. Influencer shot from the Pine Valley Market (lol). (Resized to 1000x750 and uploaded from desktop - admin can delete if a waste of space - just giving it a whirl)
  6. Greenhorn

    New Member from Pine Valley

    All general road access to Barrett Lake is gated. Fishing is by reservation only and trip down to the lake from Japatul Rd is escorted. If fact you can only exit by escort at certain intervals of the day as the gate remains locked only opened and closed by the escort vehicle. The (what was Honor Camp) road off Japatul is also gated. Barrett Lake Rd is also gated just past the trailer park as I recall. There is some access toward not to, the lake via Houser Canyon, but that's limited and locals keep an eye on things. If your up for a hike instead of a ride you can start at Lake Morena and make your way to the end of the Houser Canyon arm at the lake. It's quite a hike. About 2/3 of the way down there is a memorial for Marines who lost there lives fighting a fire there in 1943. There is also an old small WPA dam. If your into hiking it's a good one. About the Memorial More than 70 Marines from the Pine Valley training camp and the 10th Army Buffalo Soldiers Cavalry Regiment from Camp Lockett fought the fire on 10/2/43, building indirect handline in the steep drainage. When the strong Santa Anas (E winds) diminished, the normal canyon SW winds increased, reversing the direction of the fire and pushing the marines up into Hauser Canyon. Their retreat to a safe area was cut off. Almost all were caught and injured; 4 outran the fire. 9 Marines and 1 Army soldier (and possibly 1 civilian) were overrun and died. https://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2007/jan/18/remote-hauser-canyon-between-lake-morena-and-campo/ I used to know the area quite well, I have a bit of history with Barrett junction, the lake and the surrounding area.
  7. Greenhorn

    Plans for New Club Event & Other SDAR Stuff

    I didn't even know - recall there was a FB page. That said I don't have a FB account either. I try and have a look here most days, but usually it's pretty quiet.
  8. Greenhorn

    Kawasaki Z650RS

    It looks a little hodge podge to me. The tank fits like a parts bin item. The cooler in front protrudes. The tank, seat, side cover area is a jumble of shapes and angles. Kind of same for front of tank, triple and cluster. Kind of sport engine tucket into a W650 with a Z900 replica tank. I can't add a picture but the early models had some of the most beautiful lines to be found on a motorcycle. 1976 z900
  9. Greenhorn

    Looking for an Electrician

    Hi All, Sorry for the late follow up on my part, on hold for the moment, but hopefully soon. Thank you for the input and nice to see it was useful for other 😊
  10. Greenhorn

    Looking for an Electrician

    Anyone an electrician or know an electrician, can recommend and electrician? I have what I think is a relatively small job, running a new 110v 20amp dedicated circuit from breaker box down an exterior wall about 15'. Might be a few other small items, but that would be the bulk of it. Thank You
  11. Anyone in the yard maintenance business or have someone they would recommend? I need someone to do my mom's lawn and the occasional trim or prune here and there on an on going basis. Pretty basic size and needs, I think it was 2x monthly prior. She is in the El Cajon area. Thanks, Patrick
  12. Greenhorn

    Real ID - Process

    I would suggest using -taking your Birth Certificate as the Identity Document if availible. My daughter had to get her DL renewed and decided to get the Real ID at the same time. Issue was the passport scanner did not work with her passport. It's not uncommon. https://fox40.com/2018/06/15/dmv-having-issues-verifying-documents-for-those-seeking-the-new-real-ids/
  13. Greenhorn

    The Hideout

    We almost had to camp out in the parking lot there. We were head to Ocotillo Wells on Friday night and it was snowing pretty had. I'm think if we get that far we'll pull in and camp in the parking lot. The was covered pretty good, center line had disappeared miles back. I was going pretty slow to words the top and I could feel the back end slip occasionally. I was towing a short but loaded tow hauler. Got to the top and was going to pull off into their parking lot and call it, then figured we could slowly ease down the other side. Have some great snow pictures on the way back including the VW in the ditch we saw on the way out. The riding at Ocotillo Wells was fantastic, some big puddles too .
  14. Greenhorn

    I rode twice this week.

    I don't post much, your rides (and pictures) are certainly post worthy Fantastic !
  15. Greenhorn

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !

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