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To all OHV users and stakeholders in regards to YOUR dedicated funds.

Part of the Governor’s latest budget proposal is a $90M loan from the OHV Trust Fund to help balance the state budget!

Although we understand that the state is in the grip of the worst budget crisis in history, this loan is not a solution to the problem!

Why? The law requires that this loan must be repaid within 2 years, so all this does is delay a real solution to the budget problem.

Similar tactics have been tried in the past. In recent years the state budget was often balanced by borrowing billions from constitutionally protected trust funds reserved for highway construction and repair of local streets and roads. Local governments united to oppose this borrowing gimmick and the governor and legislature agreed to stay away from borrowing from local government trust funds this year. Unfortunately this commitment does not extend to our OHV Trust Fund.

The governor is proposing an urgency bill that would authorize this loan. This money is our green sticker money that comes directly from the increased cost of green stickers from $25 to $50. This funding was supposed to go to law enforcement and other essential public safety services as well as improving our program. The public agreed to this fee increase to better fund the program, not to bail out the state budget.

What can you do?

It is urgent that all OHV users get in touch with their state legislators as soon as possible.

Write or Fax a letter to YOUR state senator and state assembly member.

Tell them to stop borrowing to balance the budget.

Tell them the OHV Trust Fund should not be used to balance the budget.

Loans like this are just gimmicks and not a solution to the real problem.

We were willing to raise our fees to be able to keep our program operating, we should not become the scapegoats in this budget battle.

During the last election many legislators signed a promise that they would not use borrowing to balance the budget.

Ask your legislators if they signed a "no borrowing pledge", and ask them if they are going to stand by that promise.

Specific points to make are:

1. Members of the public agreed to a fee increase to support a specific program, but now the revenue generated is being diverted from its intended purpose - a breach of public trust.

2. Borrowing from state funds that must be repaid does not solve the budget problem, it only defers dealing with the problem to a later date when it will be even more difficult to solve.

3. Using a trust fund as a revenue source sets a bad precedent. Trust funds are established to protect public funds for specific purposes. This could lead to diversion of funds from other trust funds in the future potentially including even entitlement funds.

4. The budget crisis must be resolved through a combination of spending cuts and tax increases, not more borrowing.

FAX or email your letter today!!!

To comment to the governor: http://gov.ca.gov/interact

Comment your representatives go here:

(Enter your home address and then start making calls to your representatives)

It is imperative you do this ASAP


CORVA President, Jim Woods

CORVA Immediate Past President Ed Waldheim 760 373 0033

CORVA Past President Steve Kuehl

CERA assistant LAO - Bruce Brazil California Enduro Riders Association


The California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA) is a varied group of outdoor recreationists who are extremely active in promoting the positive aspects of vehicular access on public lands and protecting that right. The group is composed of the owners of "Green Sticker" vehicles such as ATV's, motorcycles, 3-wheelers, trail bikes, and dune buggies, as well as "street legal" 4X4 vehicles, dual sport motorcycles, bajas, and desert racers.

CORVA's main purpose is to work with the land managers for responsible off-highway vehicular access and recreation opportunities. Secondarily, we educate our membership on the constantly changing rules and regulations and promote clean-up and trail maintenance projects. We continue to monitor and lobby the powers in Sacramento

Please visit http://www.corva.org/

Jim Colln

VP - Administration

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Didn't somebody raid those a while back? :unsure: Like some S.D. mayor.....

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This shouldn't surprise anyone. We pay more to have less to ride on, and even then it's tightly controlled by those in charge. Green sticker rate increase, mandatory adventure pass, day use fee at Glamis, etc.

It will never end. B)

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The real issue is not that the gov. wants a loan from the OHV fund, the issue should be why is there 90 million in funds laying around that should have been put to good use to keep trails open, improve riding area's with amenities, signs, and to purchase additional OHV area's.

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The real issue is not that the gov. wants a loan from the OHV fund, the issue should be why is there 90 million in funds laying around that should have been put to good use to keep trails open, improve riding area's with amenities, signs, and to purchase additional OHV area's.

so true... do you know what the interest is on 90 MILLION? and it is just sitting around?

buy some land dedicated to OHV use! Make some new trails! Build trash facilities at existing areas!

Also; once they get the money, it is NOT coming back... bet on it

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Another option to respond and send e-mails or faxes, from the AMA..........

Help Save the California OHV Trust Fund! Information Alert Tell the Governor and the State Legislature to Leave the OHV Trust Funds Alone!! More Info

The latest version of the Governor's proposed budget includes a $90M "loan" from the OHV Trust Fund to help balance the states budget. The "loan" would be taken out of the acquisitions fund account, and would not affect the ongoing grants program or the State SVRA system. However these funds, which are collected specifically to enhance and expand the state OHV system, are wholly funded through user collected fees, not general state tax dollars. While we understand that the state is in the grip of the worst budget crisis in history, this proposal is simply not acceptable.

What can you do?

It is urgent that all OHV users get in touch with their state legislators as soon as possible. Tell them this proposal is unacceptable. As you may remember, in response to the Wilson Administrations raid on these same funds years ago, the funds are now in a trust fund and must be repaid, as per. state law. Therefore this is simply an accounting trick and will only postpone the hard economic choices facing the legislature and the administration.

Since the passage of Senate Bill 742 these funds have been a top priority for the OHV division and community, and in fact over $30 million in projects are currently "shovel ready" and awaiting final authorization. Important points to raise in your letter include:

• The OHV community volunteered to raise our fees in SB 742 in order to keep this program operating smoothly

• Ask your legislators if they signed a "no borrowing pledge", and remind them you expect them to stand by that promise

• Borrowing from state funds that must be repaid does not solve the budget problem, it only defers dealing with the problem to a later date

• Using a trust fund as a revenue source sets a bad precedent. Trust funds are established to protect public funds for specific purposes.

Fax or email your letter today!!!

To comment directly to the governor visit: http://gov.ca.gov/interact

To find your state representative got to: http://www.legislature.ca.gov/

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