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2024 Los Ancianos Tecate Enduro 7DEC2024

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This is the big week for the IODE (International 1 Day Enduro). For the first time in a long time, I will ride the shorter version of the event in the 60+ Class MSTR (I'm 63). After some scary med stuff and lack of gym and moto seat time the 2 Loop 60 class is the safer better option for this year.

I have been "racing" this event since 1994 as an amateur hobby rider basically a Novice B rider and up into the age classes as an A Expert (and trophied in all my classes at one time or another.) This event is noteworthy as one of the toughest North American enduros (and HS format as some events were). As well as being one of the ongoing independent classic events on the yearly calendar. 

For me it has always been me against the course, this is best way I have found to be in the best mental state, it has always been Larga y Dura. I am truly not ready this year as I have been in the past due to physical issues but also lifestyle stuff as well no gym, long vacation in Italy, only 5 rides on my new bike, not enough seat time!! I usually like at least 6 months to a year to get fully as one with my machine. Going from my long time 300cc 2 strokes to this 350 4 stroke is kind of a big change. My mental state is to go and ride this thing like trail ride(@) L1 25 miles, L2 35 then I'm finished this year the L3 of another harder 35 miles...,....not up for that no way. Maybe if things change 2025......

Edited by robertaccio

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excuses.....#1 being 63.......rode the 2 loop 60+ class this year on the first minute of the 60+ class. I ended up 8th from 15 in class. My minute was noteworthy. And here are their 2 loop class finishes. Larry Roeseler HON 250(P1) (no intro needed), Reed Haberer KTM350 (P2) (always a fast solid ammie and great friend), Jeff Miller HUS 300(P4) (ISDE vet, Score 2024 racer) and me HUS 350 P8

excuses more- off the sofa ride, no training, barely any 350 seat time, cardiac issues last spring, loaded up with scrip meds that just kill my vibe. 

Did I have any fun? Yes at times....but very dry dusty conditions also added to the low stoke of this years event and diminished my motivation.

Fact-- this event demands a training program (I know that from years of doing it) I slacked this year at an age where any slacking is a real issue!! 

Hey I did finish my alotted 2 loops!! So another finish after 30 years of racing this event. No reason at 64 not to roll on and do the full course in 25 as long as I make a great year of seat time and training.

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