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About Steve

  • Birthday 09/19/1956

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  1. Steve

    Old school riding video

    Don't know if this constitutes a hijack or not, but watching this video reminds me tell you that the dirt bike collection that is currently at the Automotive Museum in Balboa Park is outstanding. Lot's of very cool and rare old dirt bikes.
  2. Well written and funny. Coulda been me. More specifically, has been and will be me.
  3. Steve

    Climbing Mount Everest

    Thanks for sharing. Amazing. May the force be with him. And I have seen others here use "pyro" as a verb. What does "to pyro" mean?
  4. Steve

    Another noobie

    dirt dame - of my usual riding buddies, one is an older Honda XR600 (or is it 650?) and another is a KTM'er, so the color balance will not be thrown off. See you out there soon.
  5. Joliet suggested Toro Peak & Thomas Mountain, Ride Orange and Bikeslut suggested Corral Canyon. I haven't been to either and one of these will be the winner. Thanks all for your ideas.
  6. I'm looking for a good safe place to ride with my brother from Michigan. He rode a bit as a kid, but hasn't ridden in 20 years. It seems that the places I have ridden have lots of sand (Ocotillo, Anza Borrego), or lots of exposure (ridgeline trails where a wrong turn or inappropriate throttle twist results in an unplanned descent) (Palomar Divide, Bradshaw Trail). So, sand is definitely safer, but on a recent phone call, brother stated loud and clear 'I hate sand'. I told him for the kind of riding that he's looking for (nice trail or fire road, trees, no sand) he should just stay in Michigan, but that is not the plan. I have another DRZ400S for him to ride, but don't quite know where to take him. It will be a day ride Friday, May 9th. I would welcome your suggestions. Thanks for your help.
  7. Steve

    Another noobie

    Hi. I'm Steve, live in Rancho Penesquitos. I have a 2005 DRZ400S and a 2002 HD Heritage Softail Classic, but I am selling the HD, because I am having way more fun off road. I didn't start motorcycling until I was 45 (six years ago), but since then have logged about 30,000 road miles and gone off road riding a couple dozen times over the last 1.5 years. I have 19 kids (ok, it's only 5, just seems that way), so I don't get to take off as often as I'd like. I have been reading this site for a few months. Very impressed with the quality and detail of the info, and the passion for the adventure. Anxious to learn more about our fantastic and varied region, to meet some new friends, and to learn more about riding well.

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