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Everything posted by moto_rph

  1. Happy Birthday old man! Oh wait....I'm older than you :)

  2. wow! Looks like the ride we all lament about not taking
  3. moto_rph

    A fun day in the shop...

    WE write a lot about how much fun we've had on this or that ride. Today, I had a BLAST in my shop and I have to share with someone. The wife wouldn't understand I like shorties for levers on all my bikes (3). Currently, I have a set of eBay specials ($30) on my GSA and my KTM 500...they work. But I recently purchased a new to me Triumph Street Triple. I talked to Myles and Saibeth at Moto Forza and they recommended a set of Pazzo Racing shorties ($240)....whew! For reasons unbeknownst to me, I agreed and ordered a set in red with various accents....surely to help my cornering skills. 3 weeks later (yesterday), they arrived! TODAY I spent about 1&1/2 hours in the shop changing out levers while listening to "The Ballad of Dood and Juanita" front to back (ask @shutterrev). Had a great time, all by myself. CONCLUSION: There is a difference between $30 and $240 levers. You can see it, feel it. Is it worth it? My thoughts: Young'uns: save your money. You have car payments and mortgages....take care of that first. Old farts (read: me): WAIT, you're old. No one gives a crap what kind of levers you have. NVM
  4. moto_rph

    A fun day in the shop...

    not my intention @Mr.JAJA. The point I was making was, "you get what you paid for." However, the rhetorical question being asked was "is it necessary?" That's for each of us to figure out ourselves....and go riding
  5. it's all fun. We start with the best of intentions....then we forget to take the dang pics....then who cares about the postings, so forget the points. But then it's cigars around the campfire and all is good
  6. I'll be there, along with @shutterrev, @Hawkins and @J5ive. We're a bad assed team know as "The Farkle Ponies"
  7. You're right @AlphaOgre, it's a great loop in our back yard, so you never get to it. Of course, I've lived in SoCal for 40 years and never been to the Universal Studios tour Would you mind posting your gpx track for us wannabes? I'm still a couple of months away from riding (broken clavicle), but this would give me motivation to hang on!
  8. moto_rph

    SDAR First Aid Training May 31st

    Yeah, and here's a pic of the parking lot for all of the bikers present. We're a hard core bunch... (just kidding)
  9. Ah my young friend, your tune will change in a decade. Don't you know that my mind is always writing checks my body can't cash 😯
  10. moto_rph

    Looking for mid-size adv ride partner/group

    @jjjulien, I'll be heading down to the First Aid class next week if you'd like to come along. Since I am on the mend, I'll be using the car (boo), but will be bringing extra chairs etc. Hit me up with an email if you're interested and we can figure out the logistics
  11. moto_rph

    SDAR Facebook Group Cover Photo Update

    I don't know if it's preferred, but we ran White Rim Road clockwise. I would suspect this to be the more challenging way since there are two significant climbs you have to pay attention to. However, we all know when you reverse a route it becomes a new day (gpx files attached) Allow 8 hours minimum seat time if you expect to do it in a single day. (collarbone is now healing nicely after 4 surgeries...should see me in the saddle mid to late summer) 1 - Moab to Potato Bottom.gpx 2 - Potato Bottom to Farmington.gpx
  12. moto_rph

    SDAR Facebook Group Cover Photo Update

    Everyone has great photos so I'm only submitting one......me and my mate on GSAs doing White Rim Road (Canyonlands)
  13. moto_rph

    SDAR First Aid Training May 31st

    I will be there no anchovies
  14. moto_rph

    Caselli Foundation - Riders 1st Responders First Aid Class

    Why do I remember both of these examples so vividly??
  15. Welcome @spazegun2213! Great writeup and I commend you for forging ahead and going to the rally solo. Sounds like you found what you hoped for; supportive and friendly people that look out for each other. I too have a KTM 500 and love the trails so I'm sure we'll get together soon.
  16. moto_rph


    I hope all the wives don't read this stuff. They just wouldn't understand. 😍
  17. moto_rph

    Riding/N00B Gear Advice

    Another informative and friendly get together at Dave's. I'm not a noob, but there's always something to learn when you're surrounded by like minded folks. Special shout out to @DSM8 and @KTMrad for gear advice and @shutterrev for first aid kit ideas. Oh, and I got some cool gear....cheap
  18. moto_rph

    Riding/N00B Gear Advice

    Hey kids, I'm going crazy convalescing at home. I'll be there. I'll bring my Asterisk knee braces if someone is interested in touch/feel of these things. Perry
  19. moto_rph

    New Bike Day

    Hurry up and scratch it....you'll feel better
  20. OK, I have had entirely enough of this Covid BS and I need something to look forward to. This weekend, how about "Bike Swap Sunday". @J5ive is jonesin to buy a skinny bike and wants to try out some samples. So far, I have my KTM 500 for him. Here's the plan: Meet at Dunkin Donuts in Ramona at 8:30 (if you want a donut/coffee). Sunday, 11/20 KSU at 9:00am We can head up 7th or Magnolia and dive into Sutherland Dam and Black Mtn (aka Piney Top) I know @tntmo has his overnighter on the 19th, but there are some of us that can't obligate to the whole weekend (holiday stuff). I'm leaving for Oakland on Monday (for Thanksgiving break), but I can squeeze in this little ride ... Also, you ADV bikes come along....maybe you'll want to try something different We've never tried something like this before....come on out, but be flexible!
  21. Haha! I wish I could find the pic of my son at the same age, after he rolled over and started gumming the chain on my Suzuki RM 400... Black from ear to ear
  22. Did you get to say hi to the old guy at the Visitor Center in Niland? Last time I was there, he said he prefers alcohol or drugs as tips
  23. you guys are killing me! I'm still getting used to having titanium in my shoulder. Ortho says not to pick up anything heavier than a cup of coffee. I think he means NO RIDING I was all @shutterrev fault. I started hot dogging and decided to pass him out on Grapevine/Old Culp....200 yards later, I was down! First bone I've ever broken...hopefully the last. I won't see you on the trails till May(ish)

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