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Ken S

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Everything posted by Ken S

  1. I do. Very heavy duty. You can borrow it for the price of one six pack good beer. 619-922-4554 Kenny.
  2. I've been riding that route almost weekly. Border patrol is on it lately. Seen them making arrest in several places today. I always honk my horn, give them a fist pump, and holler out good job.
  3. I’ll be there plus 1 on a plated 450x.
  4. Ken S

    Best Desert Tank for KTM?

    Call Slavens. Very customer friendly. Gives good advice. Bought many products from him and he had steered me right.
  5. I’m good for next weekend. Sunday preferably
  6. I’ll be there plus 10 newbies on Chineese Grom replicas. Plus a KLR packing 300 pounds of spare parts in top - side - tank bags.
  7. 9am at the staging area kickstands up. Slower pace ride. I haven't been riding dirt for a few years, but I remember how. Riding my 300. First legal day for red sticker bikes. Kenny
  8. Great to be back on the bike. Cool temps. No dust. Good times for Darren and I.
  9. I’ll be there. So far it’s rained just enough to kill the dust. Perfect. Im in a Silver F150 if anyone wants to meet up.
  10. Rode up and down on my 1090 a few years ago. For me up was a bit less stressful. Point it and gas it. I did have proper MotoZ tires. Down hill it’s a lot of weight to control.
  11. Ken S

    Let’s eat, … but where?

    Julian Beer. Brisket Sandwich!!! Pizza is good also.
  12. Ken S

    Member Reximus Cannot Log In

    Welcome back Rex. Long time no see.
  13. LSD flash back bro. I thought you laid off that stuff man. Kick down.
  14. Yes. I know it as smuggler cave but sure.
  15. Good riding with you Mike and Robert
  16. Darren is driving back from Vegas. Riding out with me. Jacumba Shell 9am. Not a difficult ride. Bring your 500 Mike.
  17. Sprint Enduros are the best in my opinion. Race against the clock VS 100 - 300 bikes at the start. However we don’t have many close to San Diego. The races Robert talks about in the Tecate area are awesome. Generally much smaller-except the Tecate Enduro. Lots of 2 track. Lunch and cold Tecates after the race. Ive raced lots of D38. Yes there are as fast as you and your bike dare to go across the lake bed sections. They’re not in every race and not very long. Mostly whoops, rocks, more whoops, sand washes, some more whoops, a trip thru the dunes at Superstition. Gas up at 25 miles then go for the next lap. Challenging. Try it at least once.
  18. Ken S

    TPM system

    Another KUG sighting. I believe I’ve tagged that joint in the past.
  19. I ditched my high compression head as well on my 18 300. It wanted VP110 at $80 5 gallons. And wore me out with the snappier harder hit.
  20. Listen to Robert. He is very informed on this technology. I don’t have a TPI. I just hear from my friends with these what their doing.

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