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Ken S

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Everything posted by Ken S

  1. I'm having septic issues also but I think it's from the Chili dogs with extra Jalapenos I had for lunch.
  2. Ok, Burnouts at Bob's house then 8am ay Lark.
  3. How about we try Lark Sunday at 8am again.
  4. Were coming to your house to do burn outs in the front yard at 5 am.
  5. I feel like I'm cheating myself if I don't ride 4-6 hours every time I go out. What helps me a lot is I wake up on ride days and take 2 Centrum energy vitamins - loaded with vitamin B and Ginseng and take couple more halfway thru the day. But only on riding days so I do get used to them to much. I feel I can last 50% longer.
  6. Ken S

    sunday @ lark

    I'm in. See ya there.
  7. Don't know what place. The electronic score keeping system broke. I finished and wasn't last. That's a win for me. I was wishing I was 20 years younger as well.
  8. Wow. What a ride. The most demanding thing I've ever put my body thru. At 47 and 250 pounds. Total carnage around the race course. Bikes laying along side the track with no rider. Riders rolled up in a ball on the ground with no bike insight. Unfortunately a few guys got seriously hurt. The course was way more technical than I expected. All that single track riding I've done really helped. Course was probably 25% technical. 25% deep sand and dunes. The rest was just plain rough. Did my first tail whip in the air today while going off a jump 25 mph faster than I should of. Too bad it wasn't on purpose. Got weird muscle cramps going on in my back and legs. My whole body will be sore tomorrow. Cant wait to do it again.
  9. 1st time on a bike. Only buggies and trucks and a couple times on a 250R 3 wheeler a long time ago. I'm betting on seeing 350 Thumper-Darren in the top 3. Dude is stupid fast on that big Husky. I'll be happy if I'm in the middle of the field. Chad will be riding with us also on his KTM so there's at least 3 of us representing SDAR.
  10. 100 Miles of dust and whoops and sand and rocks and cactus while going as fast as you possibly can with 100+ bikes and 100+ Quads on a 25 mile course for 4 laps at the same time. Hands go numb, owe well. Can't feel yours arms anymore, cool. Can see 50 feet through the dust, go faster and pass the fool dusting you out. Back hurts beyond belief, I'll see my chiropractor on Monday. 100 miles of pure fun, I can't wait. Kenny
  11. I'll be there by 8 if anyone wants to do some early loops. Black F150 Kenny
  12. I'll be there if I can hold my arms above my shoulders after the 100+ mile desert ride I'm doing Saturday.
  13. WFO 100 miles. Or as close to that as we can do. Practicing for district 38 race. Saturday under the carports at the plant. 7:30am Kenny
  14. My regular desert riding partner got a girlfriend and is to pussy whooped to ride anymore. Anyone want to ride desert Saturday. Sand dunes - Gordon's Well or Superstition Or plaster city - Ocotillo I'm open for about anywhere I need to keep up my weekly desert riding because I'm racing district 38 starting in 3 weeks I'll drive from Alpine if you want to car pool. Kenny
  15. Don't know. I have a 5 speed.
  16. Chad, ride with us Saturday at race speed. Lets try to keep up with Darren for 100 miles.
  17. I got my District 38 Competition license. Got my health insurance paid up. Its on. Full Throttle 100 March 14th.
  18. Good times. Every muscle in my body hurts so good today. I need to get over my fear of high speed so I can ride those high speed whoops at 70 instead of 50. I love that rough rocky stuff though. That's my zone to make up time. Darren is crazy fast in the wide open stuff. He'd be stupid fast on a new 500.
  19. BS. Your racing with us on the big Husky.
  20. That's exactly what I had in mind. And dirt in our teeth and ears and other crevices as well.
  21. Anyone not at the desert dash want to do a not plated ride Sunday morning. Lark - Corral Canyon - In Co Pa. Or ? Kenny
  22. Ok . See you at the tree at 8:30 I'm driving a black F150. Riding a Yellow Suzuki. Very familiar with Lark, I'll show you around. Kenny

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