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Posts posted by Honda90

  1. I've ridden a DRZ for 10 years and a DR350 for 10 years before that...the WR250R is for little girls that want streamers on the handlebars and a basket for stuffed animals in front of the headlight

    You crack me up.


    My buddy found a really clean xr440 through this group. He's from an MX and he's having a lot of fun with the Honda.

  2. I totally get why you guys ride there. And I applaud you for it. And I think it's probably one of the safest ways to travel - pack of dudes going fast on dirts roads and trails. Awesome.

    I was victimized in Baja because I was a sitting duck. I was already squeamish about having to go into the wilderness unarmed; It was my first time out of the country. 450 miles from home, Pemex stations out of gas, no cell phones, then having a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff stolen from our campers. Then breaking up a threat to the American campers down the beach from us.

    It could happen here (211,000 unsolved murders since 1980). I've seen some creepy dudes in campsites and rest stops in America. But in America I've got a pistol under my shirt.

    Anybody else use that Rotella oil? :)

  3. I had a talk with a pretty successful trials and trialscross rider a couple weeks ago. He explained a lot of the "technique" of riding difficult terrain pretty simply. I'm paraphasing, but he said it's not at all about the throttle. It's all clutch and knowing how to properly use the clutch. The throttle is really only used to maintain an RPM to keep the bike from stalling. The clutch is the key. If the clutch slips the rear tire will keep traction and you'll move forward, up or over the terrain.

    Oh. This explains a lot. I never even think about fiddling with the clutch. Wow. I need help.

  4. Ugh. Just sickening. And enraging. We trade a career Spec Ops patriot for a worthless murderer.

    Some people get on a power trip behind the wheel. They do things they would never dare to do in person. Imagine her trying to knock him down in line at the bank or grocery store. But surround her with a couple tons of armor, and she becomes a killer.

    I've always taught my boys to be courteous to everyone; open doors, etc., for everyone - not just for women. This applies to traffic as well. Leave a big gap for others to make lane changes. Make extra room for lane splitters when you can. Weave/merge/yield when two lanes become one. That refusal to make eye-contact while refusing to yield business is for weasels. The whole thing goes a lot faster if we cooperate rather than compete. We're all going to get there; the person ahead of me will get there 5 seconds before me.

    I can't believe a man is dead over something so trivial.


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