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Everything posted by DSM8

  1. All of the relive videos i post here allow users to download the gpx file from the rides open source
  2. Here are two cleaned up files. GPX and GDB the latter of the two has the maps embedded in it (topo 100K) for those with the garmen software Ramona_2_BigBear.gdb Ramona_2_BigBear.gpx
  3. Yeah I opened it there too was trying to get the details of the file how far etc need mapsource for that
  4. is anyone else able to open this file I get an error after downloading and opening in basecamp
  5. Also post up which campground makes a difference to some people
  6. Oh this is well beyond that, I did that first thing when I got home, doubled the dose just to be safe. This is something new. Someone said Murder Hornet...I wonder
  7. Ao follow up on the sting it has grown to proportions like i have never had before this might be a black widow bit which is possible it was in my gear or??? well had to go to er damn big pill they gave me, if necrosis sets in going right back post haste Res circle is bite mark size of pencil tip swelling is fron wrist to middle of form arm, area is very solid and hurts (edema set it)
  8. https://www.relive.cc/view/v1OwQBDz4Xq
  9. Well my ride report is not as fancy as the others. First one to the gas station so waiting for the riders to show up, we all got together and had the quick rider meeting. X is the lead do not pass him Y is the sweep he is always going to be last Faster riders in the front slower in the rear, ride your own pace and don't worry about slowing down the people behind you they will get around you if needed. Following the guy on the big GS he kept looking back all the time and it was affecting his lines so I pulled up next to him and said just keep looking ahead and stop worrying about the sweep. I think it made his ride easier at that point. My excitement took place right when we left the gas station something stung me on the wrist, kept hurting like hell rest of the day. This morning I now have a swollen forearm never had this reaction to any bee or wasp sting so this one is just weird. Headed back to the starting point area for lunch (Mexican place) then split up for the ride home.
  10. Pm me if you have pics ill give u my cell to send them over to add to my ride video
  11. DOORS OPEN 9am We have had a number of new members join and many seem to be in the North County area. Might be time for another tech day? This is an informal gathering where people can come together in meat space. And actually put human faces to the names. It is always on a Saturday (I am thinking maybe the 23rd). Typically its an oil change simple maint kind of projects. Full shop with tools is here to work in and I can take care of oil disposal. Tire changes etc can be done but your leaving with your old tires (there is an 8ball down the street they will take your old tires for like $5 each or something like that). This is also the time to get any AL skid plates repaired if needed, I can tig weld AL and stainless. Simple repairs on tech days easy to do, more complicated bring it with and lets take a look. All repairs (tig welding) require a donation to be made to this site, I do not charge for my services. Thoughts? (including the new guys I have found so far since they might not make it into this part of the forum and see this post) Please expand to others that are new I might have missed. Location is in Escondido just down the hill from Stone Brewing If enough interests we do hotdogs or such on the grill, BYOB @J5ive @failedmusician @AlphaOgre @Hawkins @moto_rph @IanT @KLanceR @ECDave Location: 925 Chardonney Way Escondido, CA 92029
  12. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    3.175MM for those from across the pond, or talk funny like Udo there duz
  13. Lets say I try to send to a message I get this error Clicking this gets me that, and I am not getting notifications either like when you replied to my question.
  14. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    yeah that box was a paint because of the lid and latches wasn't able to get it to sit flat, and the box being made out of 5000x AL that was really contaminated from years of exposure also added to the fun. I ended using jack stands on the inside to get it high enough to clear the lid with that being over the side of the table. Since I have to cook out a lot of stuff I used copper plates under the weld area to act as heat sinks. Only had one area you can see some burn thru on the indie (no picture) so other than being totally out of position and not having welded AL for bout 6 months I know it is strong enough to at least stop the cracking.
  15. Since site came back up bow get message can send 0 messages per day what happened eg can’t send messages
  16. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    Reinforcing weir riders topcase ugly welds standing up and leaning over does not make for good welder position
  17. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    @Hawkins pm me a number tried to message you but it wont let me
  18. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    Coma’s are overrated, and overrated dont get me started on the relish
  19. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    Had a really good turnout around 9 bikes in total Only worked on two. We did an oil change on the KTM 990 and there was also a BMW 800 that we did some work on fixing wiring turn signals and I made a custom Saddlemount in order for him to use a tankbag was too busy so I didn’t get any pictures helping others that attended will be able to post some up where Ryder also had his broken topcase sit down so we welded some aluminum reinforcing plates on that and it went home with drank and the last people left around 4 PM so if you got pictures please post them up in the where Ryder also had his broken topcase sit down so we welded some aluminum reinforcing plates on that and it went home with the job overall was a good turn out most of the food got eaten most of the soda got drank and the last people left around 4 PM so if you’ve got pictures please post them up in this thread I really didn’t get many sal and his friend tube bender and the new guy from Wales that owes me some tea 😉
  20. DSM8

    New guy from North Park

    Tech day today go to upcoming meeting section for details starts 9am
  21. DSM8

    Tech Day - Saturday July 23rd

    Bring a 10lb bag of ice if able @Zubb

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