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Mistress of the dual

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Everything posted by Mistress of the dual

  1. Mistress of the dual

    Planning for the TAT

    Excellent to hear Simon is having fun riding. Have you seen all the cool stuff REI has for camping with your dog? I wanted to buy most of it even though I don't need any of it. I can't wait to read the RR on your trip. Keep us posted.
  2. Mistress of the dual

    Big Bear May 6-8

    27 degrees? Thank God we left on Sunday. Anytime you and/or Tracy want to come to San Diego to thaw out we've got a guestroom you are welcome to use.
  3. Mistress of the dual

    Happy Birthday DSFOX!

    Happy birthday Deb!! See you in Big Bear.
  4. Mistress of the dual

    Happy Birthday Mistress

    Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. Tracy, you really know how to make a girl feel special; I especially fancy the chap in green. The birthday ride starts on Friday when we head for Big Bear; I can't wait!!
  5. Mistress of the dual

    Stuff and ride

    The nice thing about BMW is that you can make your own assessment of them with a 24 hour demo.
  6. Mistress of the dual

    I'm a double-D

    I'm a DD. I rarely drink alcohol so I always volunteer to be the Designated Driver.
  7. Mistress of the dual

    Hey bluefin2na

    Oooooooooo.........that's purdy!!!
  8. Listen to you!!! Is rest and recuperation even in your vocabulary?
  9. That's funny! I was thinking the opppsite; that it would be a blast to be in the sidecar.
  10. Damn it! What's The Fox up to now? We'll still have one birthday girl since mine is on May 4th but it won't be as fun without Deb.
  11. Mistress of the dual

    Hey Pyro

    Congrats Pyro! Congrats bluefin2na!!
  12. I guess there will be no pulling one over on the Fox. Too bad it would have been fun. Baldbeemer and I are in. We are riding up on Friday morning. Johnnybags, are you still thinking about riding to Pioneertown on Saturday?
  13. Mistress of the dual

    Riding theme songs

    I would like to dedicate this one to Crawdaddy's bike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhdTpeegBZk
  14. Mistress of the dual

    Riding theme songs

    Back when Baldbeemer owned a Harley we did a group ride to Palm Springs. Most of the group was LEOs except our neighbor and his friend whom we had invited along. Our neighbor and his friend had not always had the most law abiding pasts. They were so tickled to be riding with a group of LEOs that whenever we came to a stop they would start singing Judas Priest’s Breaking the Law. It was the perfect theme song for them.
  15. Mistress of the dual

    WTF Officer

    He had to get that close to you to see what you were riding under all that mud. Then he was yelling at you to tell you that you have a cool bike.
  16. Mistress of the dual

    Dangers on the bomb range - graphic pic

    Very graphic and definetly gets the point across. I'm not squimish and thought the picture and the story was pretty facinating. Thanks for posting Jim.
  17. Mistress of the dual

    Morgan Freeman solves the race problem..

    Not the best example with the horses. If you really knew about horse husbandry you would know that the offspring of two AQHA registered Quarter Horses has every likelyhood of looking like its parents as the offspring of two AHA registered Arabians. Especially since Arabians have been changed so drasticly in the last 50 years that they hardly resemble the Arabian of 100 years ago far less 500 years ago. I have a Quarter Horse that looks and acts like his uncle on the top side, has his sire's feet, moves exactly like his sire, has his dam's curly mane and grinds his teeth the same as his dam. Don't even get me started on how similair his half sister is to her parents.
  18. Mistress of the dual

    All American KTM Rant

    Wow, really? Sorry to hear you've had bad experiences there. Those guys always take really good care of us and we don't even own KTMs. Just last week Baldbeemer needed a part for his DRZ400. He called around and All American got the part for cheaper than anywhere else and had it in the next day.
  19. What time are you headed up on Friday? Baldbeemer and I are thinking of going up on Thursday.
  20. Mistress of the dual

    Death Valley and SF Bay Area

    Oh no! You had to take the tank off! I hope it went on easier and faster the second time around.
  21. Mistress of the dual

    OK who was it?!

    I'm sorry Bum, you are not eligible for this event; you have way too much hair. Edit: Sorry I spoke too soon. According to Wikipedia excess hair is a desirable trait in Bears.
  22. Mistress of the dual

    But Officer

    That would be the notorious but beautiful Schwinn Blazer.
  23. Mistress of the dual

    But Officer

    I don't blame him. I would have pulled you over to get a better look too. Maybe he thought you did a hit and run with a bicyclist.
  24. Mistress of the dual

    Someone's birthday

    Is the beer drinking location in San Marcos a secret?
  25. Mistress of the dual

    Coulda been on "Cops"

    Oh Lord, please do not let this turn into yet another LEO bashing session. Mimi, I'm glad you are keeping your chin up during this difficult and sad time.

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