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BAJA GPS Ride - Anyone ?

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I'm thinking about this......I've done 2 of them before. It's not the longest ride, but she usually throws in some really good single track, or the 2 track route is fun.

Read On....let me know if you're going.

BAJA GPS Event Info, registration, etc.


It's has been hot and humid from tip to tail this summer in Baja!

Yes, the Lizard finally found a new-bee that was willing to hack the

heat during June and July (my most favorite time of year in the

desert). I must admit that most of you will be sorry to hear that

"she" toughed out the heat, rode hard and long, and even with 2 bouts

of heat-stroke, came out of the sauna with a smile on her face. So,

thanks to Susie Poetch, Volume 2's routes have been checked

thoroughly and are being compiled into an E-book that's about to blow

your mind.

Included in this Newsletter is updated information on purchasing

Volume 2 Baja GPS Guide (available now) and ship dating, the 2006

Baja GPS Event Registration (available now with discounts) and info,

and updates on Baja and Volume 1. Enjoy and hope to see you in Santa

Veronica Oct. 7th, 2006!


Volume 2 has taken quite some time to compile, but has some of the

most technical remote rides you'll find in Baja. There are new routes

in the North from Santa Veronica and Mike's Sky Rancho and an amazing

system of single track rides in

Central Baja

called the "Vicious Circle" connecting Puertecitos to Catavina to El

Rosario and back to Puertectitos in a loop (you can thank Bill

Nichols for hand & bike carving these special routes that never

existed before). Where volume 1 left off at San Ignacio, volume 2

picks up and heads south to Cabo with a nice loop at the tip going


La Paz

(or La Ventana) to Cabo to Todos Santos and back to Cabo/Ventana.

There are some extremely cool rides down south with scenery of rugged

mountains laced with vibrant mineral colors to remote bays with shore

lines lapping in green waters; it is truly spectacular!

Shipping Date: This has been a challenge due to the upcoming LAST GPS

Event in Santa Veronica. I was working hard to get it done and

shippable before my departure on Sept. 15th, however, it's just not

going to happen. The good news is that Pre-Orders at the discounted

price will be extended until it ships. The ship date will be

announced in mid October and should ship sometime in November. My

sincere apology for the delay. I'm a one lizard show here at the Baja

GPS Guide. Thanks so much for your patience; it will be well worth the


Pre-Orders: You can purchase volume 2 at www.bajagpsguide.com

<http://www.bajagpsguide.com/> right now. The price has been

discounted for those who pre-order. Once I begin shipping on volume

2, the price will go up significantly. Keep in mind that I may ship

earlier than I am proposing.

To ORDER, here's a run down on the products available and how

the system works so you don’t miss ordering something that goes

with the guidebooks and have to order again:

1. GPS Guidebook Volume 1 and/or Volume 2 ; you can punch in

the waypoints, create the routes, and follow them with your GPS (time

consuming, but works) OR

2. Fugawi Routes CD volume 1 and/or Volume 2 ; these can be

purchased if you would like to upload/download the waypoints & routes

for quick, accurate, & easy transferring of data *you need Fugawi

software to use these CD’s*

3. Fugawi Software; this is a powerful software program that

is easy to use and adds benefits to using the guidebook such as

upload/downloading the guide routes, however, it will also allow you

to view, edit, create, and manipulate our data or your own data from

your home computer, laptop, or PDA. Fugawi also offers a no wait

tech. support line that can help you with anything (love that). This

is a great way to get to know GPSing!

4. Fugawi Topographical Maps – we offer a Baja digital topo

1:500,000 and now a Map of America 1:100,000 that are already

formatted and ready to use with Fugawi Software. Once you get

started, you’ll want both of these detailed maps to use with a

touch of a mouse. With these maps you can create routes you’ve

always wanted to explore or find routes you never knew about without

getting lost. Click the map to create waypoints to follow and then

upload them to your GPS routes – it’s like magic.

5. 5X7 Map case – these are inexpensive and well worth the

purchase for easily reading our Course Description Charts. It clips

to your handlebars (pro-tapers or stock) and doesn’t hinder

steering at all.


Don't miss this event Saturday October 7, 2006 as it will be the

last GPS Event. It will be held at Hacienda Santa Veronica and will

be more unique and challenging than ever before. As usual, we will

have a one-hour mandatory class and meeting, send you on a 3-5 hour

single or 2-track event loop navigated only by GPS, and have a huge

Mexican buffet and sponsor raffle party at the days end. However,

this final event will also open a whole new adventure in off-roading

with GPS launching Lizard Lady's "Geo-Moto" game, created to send you

on a continual treasure hunt throughout Baja for years to come! You'll

find out more at the 2006 Baja GPS Event.

PRE-REGISTER NOW for discounts, a free event T-shirt and 2 raffle

tickets. After September 15th, you will pay an additional $20, event

shirts will cost $15, and you'll only receive one raffle ticket, so


<http://www.bajagpsguide.com/>. There will be a single track for

motos only and a 2-track for ATV’s, 4wd’s, and motos!!


Our website is now offering a new product: Fugawi digital

topographical Map of America. This is a detailed map of the

continental from coast to coast of seamless gliding navigation

(1:100,000). Check it out by clicking on "GPS Guidebook & CD's" under

the product store at www.bajagpsguide.com



As some of you may have heard, there is a hurricane brewing at the

southern tip of Baja called John (better known as Juan). It is a

class 3 hurricane that is predicted to unfortunately hit Cabo

tomorrow 9/1/06. They feel it will do ample damage there and to

surrounding towns. CNN is following the storm if you would like to

get more information.


We are extremely sad to announce the death of Ron Rosa, owner of

Rancho Tecate. He passed away last year. Ron was a special person

walking life wearing a constant smile inside and out. He will be

missed by so many that loved him, especially me. God bless his warm

soul. Since Ron's death, his family tried to keep Rancho Tecate open,

but it has now been closed with no information about a re-opening or

sale. Volume 2 has a route from this amazing hotel that will still be

included for future possibilities.

The GPS recommendation page on our website www.bajagpsguide.com

<http://www.bajagpsguide.com/> has been updated – check it out!

Volume 1 Updates: Laguna Hanson to Valle de


and San Francisquito to San Ignacio have been fixed and will be

available in October.

Rancho Bandidos at Laguna Hanson has continued to be abandon with no

response to inquiry. If anyone has had contact with Esperanza, please

let me know; I'm worried about her.


Help keep our reputation as motorcyclists to a low roar. Smiling and

being over polite by stopping for slow movers, cowboys, cattle,

residential area (even remote), and anyone waving you down goes an

awful long way. Whether you are in Baja, the US or any other country,

pack out what you pack in and think green even if you ride Red, blue,

yellow, or orange. Join the Lizard's and be a tree-hugging

motor-head. For everyone that does a good deed extends perhaps an

extra day your kids will get legal riding privileges. Let's all try

to think well beyond ourselves and spread these words of good juju to

instill them.

RECAP: www.bajagpsguide.com <http://www.bajagpsguide.com/>

1. Pre-order Volume 2 on line now

2. Pre-Register for the last GPS Event now

3. Check out the new Fugawi product offered: Digital Map of America

4. GPS Recommendations; have been updated ; check

it out

5. Spread good juju in the dirt bike industry

6. Smile


Big Fat Smiles to you all,

Kacey Smith

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