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Posts posted by TrophyHunter

  1. Welcome. Always intrigued by the Grom and as you've found out, more capable than some think.

    I'm just over in Rancho SD if you ever want one idiots opinion over a beverage or something. I've had 20 bikes go through my garage in the past 12 years - mostly used of course - having fun with different setups.

    A ton of experience here and I've seen way more of the SW than I would've on my own for sure.

  2. https://hikeralert.com/

    Just started reading a bit about this. I have a Delorme but this may be a back-up. Maybe a primary for some?

    Advantage – it’s web-based, not a cell phone app.  So doesn’t rely on cell phone’s service access or battery condition.  Other than to kill a predesignated alert. 

    Can be addressed, managed and used from any web device.  PCs included.  Sends a text or email Kill / Extend Option to one before firing off customizable email or SMS alerts to designated contacts.  It has no direct interface with emergency services, 911, etc.  No response or message kill?  Alert goes out.

  3. Outstanding stuff.

    Consider a bike lift??  http://www.ibbikelifts.biz/lifts-and-accessories/emergency-portable-bike-lift/


    I'm sure with your skills, you could make one that'd work. I've seen a simple model which used a ratcheting tie down supported by multiple sections of pipe. Trying to find link. Similar to the advmotorrad one, but not $$$$$$.

  4. Can't comment specific to the DRZ, but my DR650 has the same type of carb. The CV carb works pretty well with altitude changes. I took mine in stock form, unmolested airbox, snorkle in - tuned to my house at 300 feet.  To 13,100 feet in CO last August. I had installed an extended mixture screw but didn't touch it. I also added a filtered sliding "door" used for snowmobiles on the side of my airbox. It wasn't needed but did help when I tried it from 11K to 13K as it let a little more air in.

    I'm sure someone with DRZ specific info will be along.......


  5. Ditto on Pasta's suggestion.

    Fort Mackinac - at the base of the 5 mile bridge on the "mainland" side prior to crossing to the U. P.  

    Sault (Soo) Locks - they have a schedule and tracking screen of ships coming through and you can watch a crossing if ya time it right.

    Tons of lighthouses to photo around the outside loop of the UP.

    It is populated by Moose, so just be aware. We almost hit a youngster that popped outta the woods in front of us.

    Safe travels!

  6. The Canadian family we hosted used a Trail Tail with an integrated lockable hard case. They trucked everything to mid-CA, then rode to San Felipe and back, 2UP x 2, on DR650's. No issues. 

    Soft bags - I guess you could wrestle with PacSafe stuff.



    San Fel 1

  7. I'd prefer Moab Rim Campark.  I'd like to get a cabin due to my messed up sleep patterns and the available one they have is reasonable -#54. Even moreso if 2 go in on it. Around $80 per night total. They also have a pull through spot - #15 - which is just across from the cabin which can be locked down if reserved at the same time. 

    I looked around and things are filling up quickly - especially any cabin rentals.


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