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Metal Twister

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Everything posted by Metal Twister

  1. Metal Twister

    KTM built by parts sold at Home Depot.

    Photo shop at its best! Maybe they were dropping off some of those new KTM chain saws?
  2. Hey all, I just cant tell you how much I enjoyed the ride the other night. I had to do some last minute juggling to make it but we have to keep our prioritys straight, right! Man Im Glad I have this bike, and a great group to ride with. I know we may never top Robs spread he put on, but I think maybe we should try? After all if we fail to meet his high mark, we will still have a great ride under our belts. Im ready to go again. Rob posted that the next full moon is on the 29th of Sept. which fall on a Saturday. Im in for anything on that night, any suggestions on where to ride? Routes? Im kinda getting the itch to get back to the desert floor, any one else? looking for ideas here guys.
  3. Metal Twister

    Two Weeks Notice

    Very Cool!!! Remember, change is opportunity! I once more than doubled my income in less than a year with two job changes. Good luck, and keep Charging foward.
  4. I haven't been out there for quite a while, so I will have to get there early and do some recon. I will leave a note on my truck letting anyone who gets there late know how to find us. After practicing some want to go to Superstition/sand dam area for some deep sand riding. Taking the easy route that is only about 25 miles away. Another possibility is to take the route through Painted Gorge to Superstition like we did when prerunning for the Desert Dash. Some sand whoops and scenery on that route. There is also the ever popular "Carguy loop" through the state park. Possibly even prerun part of the "beach to the river" ride. It will depend on who is there, what they want to do, what they are riding, and their skill level. If there are lots of us we might split into 2 groups. Look forward to seeing you out there. :scratch_one-s_head: Ken Superstition via Painted Gorge is always fun! I'll try my hardest to meet up with you guys at the station. But dont wait for me. If I dont find you Ill blast out to Supersitions.
  5. Im up for some sand blasting Ken. Any idea where you were going to practice? Should I Pyro down, or truck it? Im not sure if I can make the meet time but might be able to catch up with you guys if you have a direction in mind. I think this is a great idea. Good time of year to learn the sand, we've got all desert season ahead of us.
  6. I was talking to a local Historian the other day when he mentioned something that really peaked my interest. He made commit that both the Native American, and Early Settlers would collect the turtles up as they crossed the desert. They were easy to keep alive for long periods of time. Thus they could have a fresh meal when ever they wanted one. He claims that the southern deserts were hunted to extinction with a few still around in the central and northern upper desert. I’ve been riding our local deserts for 40 plus years now with thousands and thousands of miles, and hours out there. I’ve seen all kinds of wild life. but never, not one time have I seen a turtle. In cars I can see how they might get over looked, but on bikes you notice everything that resembles a rock. I’ve never met any one that has seen a turtle in our desert. Dead or alive. How about an empty turtle shell? Has anyone here? Just curious, Thanks Bob
  7. Great looking ride! So how much was asphalt? How much was dirt? Great pics as always Troy, after seeing them I really kick myself for not finding a way to make it out with you guys yesterday.Thanks for the post and showing Martoon how cool this club really is. Bob
  8. I was asked to post a ride for Jim Martin (Martoon). He is riding with a friend and anyone else who would like to attend. Jim rides a KTM 950 so it probably is going to be a big boy ride, or at least the ride will be geared for the larger bikes. He would like to meet up at the Circle K on the main street of Ramona. Just across from the street from Packards. He plans to leave Circle K at 8:30am making the destination point Santa Rosa Peak. Jim is a new member here but cant post as of yet. I will relay any info you may have to him. Thanks Bob
  9. Metal Twister

    Ramona to Santa Rosa Peak

    Im not sure Roger, Ive never made it to the Peak. Last time I tried by bike siezed up tight leaving me a few miles short. Knowing Jim I would have to guess it will be a fairly quick pace. and I just cant speak as far as the off road conditions. I will try to contact him tonight, if I get intouch with him I will pm you.
  10. Metal Twister

    Ramona to Santa Rosa Peak

    I believe our APRIL FOOLS RIDE went there,just east of the 371 and 74 x-st. Near idylwild? That would be the one.
  11. Metal Twister

    Ramona to Santa Rosa Peak

    Welcome to SDAR Jim. I knew a Jim Martin in Elementary School, Do you have a brother named Joe? Sorry I can't ride since I will be in Vegas this weekend. Being that Jim cant speak for himself I will field these questions. Jim Martoon has two brothers, Rob, and Ed. Jims dad "Lee" was a bike racer from way back in the Trimph/BSA days. I grew up in there garage with them Tweeking our Bulltacos, CZ's, and Huskys back to health. They lived in the Casa De Oro area during there high school years. As for the % of dirt to road. Id have to say 75% street, 25% dirt. Just a guess though!
  12. Metal Twister

    Corral/Bear Valley Closed

    That's still like 3 weeks away. We'd better get to some rain dancing!!! Yea, that kind of squish is lots more fun, Just the thought of slipping around at night in the mud. oooooooooh!
  13. Metal Twister

    Corral/Bear Valley Closed

    This could put a squish to the night ride? What do ya think?
  14. Metal Twister

    What a Bunch of Cool Cats!

    I was a little late at the shop tonight when a good friend called to say he wanted to come by and say hi. when I went out to unlock the gate I found another friend on his 950 Ktm parked at the gate. Within a few minutes another stop by. While the four of us were talking I relized that we all knew alot of the same people. What was really interesting to me was that I have known one guy for about 35 years. One for a few months, and another for a couple of hours whom I met on a SDAR ride. I felt like I knew them all for ever. The common denominator being motorcycles, and SDAR. I am always amazed at how comfortable I am around this club. I can ride a dual sport ride with you for a couple of hours and feel like I've known you forever. I guess that could be good, or bad? But at any rate I can honestly say that I havn't met a person here that I dislike. I really enjoy meeting up for a ride, and seeing the faces that I havent seen since the last. Its like meeting up with life long friends. Tonight I got to share a few beers with some great guys. Whats cool is there is a whole club full of em at SDAR. Thanks for letting me hang with you guys, my life is richer by just knowing you. Bob
  15. Hey Hammer! I dont think anyone here really minds if you use the word fast. In fact in a weird sorta way, it just dosnt seem right you not using that word. Thanks for being you. You use any words you want. It's all GOOD!
  16. Metal Twister

    Have you ever seen a desert turtle in our desert?

    Very well put! That would make a great signature line!
  17. Metal Twister

    Have you ever seen a desert turtle in our desert?

    Thanks Barry! Boy I bet the environmentalists hate it when the truth comes out! Thanks for posting this I learned something here tonight. It's funny how everyone here that has encountered a desert turtle has taken it in, cared for it, and then set it free in a safer location. I get so sick of the environmentalists assuming that we aren't just because we ride Dual Sports.
  18. Metal Twister

    Trail Rating Polls

    I've finally started to post trails to be rated by the members here. It is located in the members only section of the forum, and a password is required to enter. Please vote on these trails as if you were a novice level rider. The more that input information into the polls, the more accurate the results should be. Please take a few minutes once in a while to see if there are new trails to poll. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions or ideas you may have to improve the Trail Rating Section. Also feel free to add any info you feel that would help on that trail post. IE. GPS settings, Dangers on the trail, or anything that we may need to know. Thanks Bob.
  19. Metal Twister

    Have you ever seen a desert turtle in our desert?

    I feel a little bummed, all I ever got was was money. YOUR SO LUCKY !!!! We can blame this on the heat, right? Yup :heat: It's about 107 degrees up here at my house and it sure is driving me crazy! Maybe its time to hit the mall and its AC.
  20. Metal Twister

    Have you ever seen a desert turtle in our desert?

    I feel a little bummed, all I ever got was was money. YOUR SO LUCKY !!!! We can blame this on the heat, right?
  21. Metal Twister

    Have you ever seen a desert turtle in our desert?

    If my good friends on this forum have seen them, then by all means they do exist! So who saw the Tooth Ferry?
  22. Metal Twister

    No Gene, dont cut off the cast!

    I just wanted to let you know Gene that we are thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. I know its only been a couple of days since the surgery and youve been watching movies and all. But you should know that the "On Any Sunday" thing where he cuts off his cast and rides, it isnt all that its cracked up to be. Thats only if your going for number one in the points!!! I dont care what Kaw'ee is telling you! stay in bed! He's got plenty of pics for awhile! Take care of youself, and let me know if I can do anything for ya? Bob If ya get a chance Gene get us an up date on your condition! Inquiring minds what to know.
  23. Man I tried. Its 3:00pm and 99 degrees in my shop right now. time to retire to the office and AC for a while. any idea how long this heat wave is supposed to last? Or is it just Sprung Balley thats hot?

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