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Posts posted by Bagstr

  1. Imagine you are in a Forest Service office. You have a road blocked and in need of repair.  Do you sit down and compose a new document that is an exact fit the the exact situation;  Or do you grab the form the office has used as a template on the last three projects?  In addition, picking a date of completion involves not putting pressure on yourself or others. This office would rather be congratulated for being early than explaining a delay. 

    I am doing the same, combing public statements for a sense of intent. In reality, the people are just blocking out space to do their tasks.

  2. All of Us are just Cycling Though... The Experience.

    As I / Me,  reviews the Moto Experience:

    Early Years -

    Work -


    The Pay Back

    I find it entertaining to see post on various platforms about Discovery.  This has been going on for time immemorial. Each of us finds a point in life when; free from responsibility, Off we go,  the search for the Horizon   Conclusion - We All Do It - None is of more value than the last



  3. https://www.tirereview.com/easy-does-it-proper-lubrication-can-reduce-mounting-concerns/

    This an Old discussion, but deals with some of my concerns.  Also, dealing with steel truck tires. That said, if a gal or guy is using tubes, or for that matter mousse, I would think that tire spin is a concern.  I run two ( count 'em ) rim locks so spin would be less a concern.  It seems that outside of competition all this mousse perfect traction stuff is superfluous when one considers heat breakdown on pavement runs.

    Robert, Would I be wrong to think you would not use a mousse with any significant pavement?

    I am looking for the rim lube that dries out after install.

  4. McTrails,

    What you win is an Elbow Bump and Breakfast, the next time I see you.

    A winner you are, but only half correct. It is important for the reason that:  I don't need to wake up in the early hours worrying that my fuel line connector is going to snap at some minor get off and leave me stranded. 


    P.S.  The issue also gave me a project to occupy my time.


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