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Everything posted by blind_in_1_ear

  1. blind_in_1_ear

    Love is the Way

    yup, didn't really think this was a "consumable"...boy was i wrong.
  2. blind_in_1_ear

    noobs at lark

    as for the picture, i can say this-- me(*@work): YES!!! *right click save*--wallpaper--- me(@work): (*self thinking looking @ it...)wait...is my back tire, am i??...naw...just the front but heck, i LIKE this...IT'S ME!!!(*like Goofy said,. all doofus smile...*shake fist @ Goofy...damn you!!) me(@work):show co workers...receive heckling as standard.."bear in his habitat" style of comedy...DAGNABBIT IT...MY TIRE!!! FOCUS HERE, PEOPLE!!! I LOOK COOL!!!(*right??) coworkers: "nice to see you out playing with your bike"--nice guys, those jerks are... ---OFF TO HOME--- i bring up site--pull up picture to show...also, wallpaper* me:proudly show wife..."see, that's me!!" all goofy eyed, PROUD... her: looking at it..."i can tell it's you." her:"does that rock next to you, look 'wrong'?" -----LONG QUIET MOMENT OF REFLECTION--- me:*sigh* "uh, yes, it seems to....uh...." her:"ummmm, appear to have "ridges"...." me:*quietly reflecting* resigned clever framing BS, clever indeed. (*i liked the horizon line, the windmills...*shake tiny fist in air*) ...me:put wallpaper back to kids photo. *sigh* damn. crop it.
  3. blind_in_1_ear

    noobs at lark

    ok, point of reference here:bboyle--YOU ROCKED IT MAN!!!! a couple vegetation assessments aside, i think the bulk of your riding was good... there was MANY instances where you could have gone down, but your skills to keep it together at times was pretty stellar. something i noticed which i am guilty of as well, was front brake, as discussed...but learning has a curve for a reason!! the mass of the bike and the little things the trails needed(*quicker throttle response for me...) made for late decisions, and just not enough tricks to save some of those...like a cat, you were up on a couple of those...but, the cholla visual is all mine tho GLAD you came out with us to those trails, i think you got better because of it. ...some rough stuff you persevered thru...GOOD JOB!!!
  4. blind_in_1_ear

    noobs at lark

    that's what i said!!!!nice timing, hoped i would see that and not the "i KNOW i was up!!" moment THANKS MAN!!! ...glad that thing got found!!
  5. blind_in_1_ear

    Maintenance Day North County Escondido

    with, no doubt, hairy palms. but...but...but..... IT SAID I COULD!!!!???
  6. blind_in_1_ear

    Maintenance Day North County Escondido

    let's keep it in the real world here...
  7. blind_in_1_ear

    Another project complete

    i was SOOOO scared to click on the "gear" section in your site.... well done holmes!
  8. blind_in_1_ear

    noobs at lark

    Please tell me Curtis's 690 came away from the ride unscathed..... the easy to hold handles were a nice feature....
  9. blind_in_1_ear

    Garmin 60CSx

    nice son he's got there.
  10. blind_in_1_ear

    Noob ride

    my take: looking for a good relaxing recon ride in an area i am not super familiar with--- looks to be unreal weather-- SUPER NICE group vibe-- learning from this group can be VERY helpful, and seat time(*or for me...STAND UP!!) makes a difference. simple drills, and basic practice can go a LOOOONG way in a trail environment(*or so i hear ) ...this should be fun! what's that thing rattling???---CHECK!!
  11. blind_in_1_ear

    susuki DR200SE?

    ^what he said ...DRZist
  12. blind_in_1_ear

    Noob ride

    possible tag a long here... got hall pass and EVERTING!! good sized group, and some good people...sounds fun!! ..still working off my noob status...so wanna practice some skilz!
  13. blind_in_1_ear

    AFX Dual Sport Helmets

    good info Bum...good to hear recent updates on this melon bucket.
  14. blind_in_1_ear

    DigDug buys his first real 2-stroke!

    add a pissed off boss yelling at you(*in the ear bud from the lodge ), and that was a winter i spent in the Sierras.YOUR adventure looks more fun! enjoy it! ....pictures brought me back to those times...ah.... memories, thanks DigDug!!
  15. blind_in_1_ear

    Good luck Rich! (twowheelsgood)

    good luck with the wing!!! hope the recovery is smooth like butta'
  16. blind_in_1_ear

    Dagmar Midcap..Ch 7 Weather News

    she's nice, and all, but i got different tastes in my ogling.. ...that's my story, i am sticking to it!
  17. blind_in_1_ear

    Dagmar Midcap..Ch 7 Weather News

    stalker??? i say "enthusiast"...
  18. blind_in_1_ear

    Drz tail light

    i think it's with the blinker "stays", not actual blinkers?..call and ask Forrest...he's a good guy
  19. THAT was carnage...nnnnnnnoooooooooooooo thank you. ...guys flipping into the pile, just ewwwww...*shudder*
  20. glad ok, and agree YES to new helmet ...and maybe boots?
  21. blind_in_1_ear

    Drz tail light

    stock suspension? rider size?but, yeah, was thinking would be potentially taken out if i was on it(*with my "body by Hostess" sveltness ) will be watching to see if it gets by DMV...
  22. blind_in_1_ear


    polar bears in a snowstorm?!?! At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your desert? amazing
  23. blind_in_1_ear

    last week- late report

    in order of difficulty, well done BS. P.S....condolences for the loss, that is never fun
  24. never explored much south of Pine Valley, so am interested in loading up earlyish for some poking around maybe over towards Corral??? more of a check out the bike/back on dirt thing, if anyone is interested in meeting up took the shell of my truck, gonna use it for the reason i got it!!! not looking to ride crazy, just a check back in for me and the DRZ after some work. i'll check this tonight, and when i wake up(*which is when i will load the bike up) that's about all, looking forward to being out and about..
  25. blind_in_1_ear

    Sat 14th Pine Valley area

    well, made it back. not a huge fan of soloing...but had to get out. first trip in truck, by myself...so was a learning lesson rode 25 miles of the dirt south, no real plan(*or idea WHERE i was...which was kinda nice) came back, had a quick banana, and went out Pine Creek Rd for some familiarity... total of 40 miles, just getting back on the dirt, and not get TOOOO spent(*anniversary weekend) pics later, gotta clean off a little. ...felt damn good

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