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Ports KLR

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Everything posted by Ports KLR

  1. Ports KLR

    McCain and Lark

    Enjoyed the ride this morning. Thanks especially to fakename and bikeslut for watchin out for me (newb). It was awesome!
  2. Ports KLR

    Sunday the 5th;

    I like the newb part. What time you gonna be there (early in the morning) and need directions. Port I'll be there at 6- Take 8 East to the boulevard exit, turn right at the bottom of the ramp, then left on the hiway, then left again after about a mile to the McCain Valley/Lark Canyon area... the day use area is on the left, after a couple miles I'll bring the goggles and the TW200 Thanks for directions. Look for me at the day-use area around 8am if I don't get lost. Good memory about the goggles! Have new bolts tightened on footpegs and shouldn't need emergency repairs this time
  3. Ports KLR

    Sunday the 5th;

    I like the newb part. What time you gonna be there (early in the morning) and need directions. Port
  4. Just finished reading all the write-ups, viewed all the pics and watched all the videos. Thanks to all for sharing your adventure. It looked spectacular! All the stuff you all shared made me feel I was almost there. Thanks. Port
  5. Ports KLR

    Kennedy Meadows

    Have to work. Have fun all! and looking forward to the write-up with lots of pics. Port
  6. Ports KLR

    Sunday 07/13/08

    Good write-up Mimi. Awesome videos Jeff. Beautiful scenery and pics. Workin on gettin my nuts and bolts tight. Port
  7. Ports KLR

    07/11/08 Friday ride

    Miimi and others sorry I missed the ride. Would have liked to have made it with you all. My skills are improving a little but I must admit last ride on East Kernan falling a couple of times on my KLR exhausted me. Duct tape is still holding on my foot peg but need to replace bolt before next ride. Still need to work on not using my front brake going down hills and more momemtum and/or clutch uphill. Glad you didn't get stung by the bees. I met Norm last ride on Sunday 6 July. He was really nice to me and we had a nice visit; he gave me an ice cold water. Nice write-up Mimi. Hope to be riding with you all soon.
  8. The second bolt to my left foot peg fell out and peg was dangling. Was barely able to maneuver to the next stopping point where I saw bikeslut Bob, lineman Paul and fakey namey waitng for me. The bolt I had was too short so we duct taped it in and tightened up on the other bolt. The duct tape is still holding and foot peg is fine. Bob gave me and fakey namney some instructions about how not to use the front brake through Kernan. Bikeslut followed me and shouted out instructions. stand up!!!.....slow down.... I made it without falling. Now the next section was a different story. Since everyone thought I had my act together which of course I didn't, I trailed. Came to a fairly steep section and forgot I needed to use the clutch. Stranded on the hill a couple of 4-wheelers came by and helped me get bike down the hill. By this time I'm exhaused and decided to go back. Lineman Paul came back and helped me and showed me a good way to pick up a heavy bike. Lean down with your back facing the bike and lift. It works great. I then back tracked and found Jeff, Mimi, Randy and others resting at the end of Kernan. They invited me to go with them but I decided to go on to four corners by road because I was still exhausted. Met up with Bob, Paul and fake namey again at 4 corners. Attempted another dirt ride with bikeslut but fell again due to just being too tired. Bikelsut said I used my front brake which I probably did. Decided to head back, but first I wanted to go the the tower atop the hill from 4 corners. Drove up to the tower and Norman who works there invited me up to the tower. What a view!!!! His job is to look for fires and illegals crossing the border. He offered me a cold water. Then I saw Bob, Paul and fakey namey come up also. Paul and fakey namey climbed the tower but Bob rested below. The trip down Paul and Bob were racing without the engine being on. That was the only time the whole day I could pass them, I had a great time and learned a lot. I'll be back.
  9. I always knew I had a screw loose.
  10. Ports KLR

    pine valley

    Sounds like a good plan for me. I'll pass on the rocky sections for now. I'll be at Pine Valley exit by 8am.
  11. Ports KLR

    pine valley

    What level of riding? Newby with KLR No worries, new to supercross, we ride together and look out for eachother. No one left behind. Meet up and let us know your skill level before the ride, someone will look out for you. Be early and ready. I should be there by 8:00 riding out of Bear valley. Thanks. See you there. Rode with Bike slut, Mimi, HP, and others from Thousand trails to Mt. Otay and across ridge to Barrette Junction. Only fell once.
  12. Ports KLR

    pine valley

    What level of riding? Newby with KLR
  13. This ride was totally awesome and thanks to the whole group especially Mimi for guiding me to San Diego Adventures. I had a great time and I'll be back! Before I went on my first ride I had to get some gear but I think I over did it a bit on the leather jacket for 100+ weather. What do you expect from a NEWBY. I went out and bought one of those cooler shirts today that youall were wearin. I was totally embarrassed to fall off my big bike going straight down the hill. I guess I ran into some soft stuff with a rut and my front wheel decided to go in a different direction than me. It was cool to be able to pick up that heavy thing by myself. The view of Otay Lake from the top of Mt. Otay was spectacular and it totally made my "unbearibly hot" ride worthwhile. I'd like to see those Harleys that we saw at the Barrete Junction Bay restaurant make it up there! I really enjoyed being with the group and engaging in the conversations. Todd, it was especially great talking top you about the Otay drop zone and a few Viet Nam discussions. I'd like to ride in your 220 mph homebuilt some day. I'll bring my parachute just in case. I tried to catch Bikeslut in his 60 mpg machine with 1/3 of the horse power of my KLR! But no way! Last time I tried he was doing wheelies up hill! Unbelievable! I thought I was wild and crazy but I think I met my match! Hey Rob I'll bring some bread crums for you next time to mark your trail instead of various expensive electronic devices and metal objects. Thanks again! I had fun!
  14. Ports KLR

    Dual-Sport Intro Ride

    Awesome ride! Thanks to everyone! I only fell once if you don't count the time my bike fell over in the parking lot at the restaurant.
  15. Ports KLR

    Dual-Sport Intro Ride

    See yall Sunday morning. Port AKA newby
  16. Ports KLR

    Dual-Sport Intro Ride

    Don't almost break your leg on it, like you did last time. Finally ready to ride with you guys! Marathon over and lookin forward to ridin more. See you guys on Sunday the 22nd at Thousand trails. I'm excited but no way will I keep up with most of you! Be easy on the old guy with the heavy bike! Port
  17. Ports KLR

    Monday June 2

    My apologies I won't be able to make it on Tuesday. See next you guys next time. Ran marathon today and it kicked my ass at mile 22! Cramped up big time but did finish it in just over 5 hours. Port
  18. Ports KLR

    Dual-Sport Intro Ride

    This sounds very good for me. Count me in unless something comes up. Sunday is better for me but Saturday will work also. I know the Thousand Trails starting place off Otay Lakes roada. I used to teach skydiving in the 90s just up the road. Made a jump on my 60th birthdayrecently. I woun't have internet until next Wednesday. Port
  19. Ports KLR

    Monday June 2

    Port, You're going to run a marathon on Sunday and then hurl your 350+ pound motorcycle around on dirt roads and trails on Monday? What are you taking and where can I get some when I retire? (~30 years from now) I live on Mt Armet overlooking Tecolote Canyon. Where's your new place? Oh and you don't need to quote yourself. It makes it a little difficult to read. 4774 Chickasaw
  20. Ports KLR

    Monday June 2

    I am not sure how I will be after the marathon on Sunday but I have run several 18 and 21 milers over the last 6 months in preparation and did not feel too bad the next day. I am hoping I will be ready but theres a chance I could flake out. I want to go but just depends on how I will feel. I will make my final decision around 6 pm Sunday and let you guys know. If I can make it, maybe I can ride out from Clairemont with Hondapilot who lives according to yahoo map 1.48 miles from my new house on Chickasaw at the beginning of Tecolote Canyon. Thanks for the tip, hp, about not quoting my messages; wasn't sure about that. Hp, as far as the secret pills it remains to be seen if I'll be able to make it. After 6pm Sunday I will be without internet until they hook it up at my new house next Wednesday. Port
  21. Ports KLR

    Monday June 2

    40 miles from PB...KLR is fine on all the trails...we'll stay off rocky kernan and bronco peak if you'd like...
  22. Hi everybody! My name is Port. I bought a Kawasaki KLR about six months ago because I used to love to ride dirt bikes. I'm getting ready to retire from my job working for the Navy for 40 years. Made a list of what I like to do and asked myself why aren't I doing it? I used to skydive and was a skydiving instructor in the 90's at Otay Lakes. Hadn't jumped in 10 years so I decided to make a skydive again on my 60th birthday. Had to lose some weight first so I started going to the gym and started jogging. Lost the weight and after a skydiving refresher made my 1515th jump on my birthday from 14,000 feet doing freefall turns for the instructor. Instructor signed me off. It was a piece of cake! My 1514th jump was in 1996. That was so cool I decided to buy my KLR and I'm lovin it. Dirt dame guided me here and thanks mucho! Been getting my riding gear and now that I'm a member of this great club hope to see you all soon. I'm back in shape now and training for the Rock n Roll marathon June 1st. Ready to have some fun in retirement! Take care, Port

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