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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. My hats off to anybody that rode Alessandro "up" on a 1200!

    As I stated; not many people will do it...

    Not many people will ride a TW200 1000 miles on a road trip either...my hats off to them too!

    "Real meaning of adventure" is pretty subjective, which is what I was getting at

    No---not really. Dirt biking is truck/trailer your bike to the dirt-ride dirt-then truck/trailer it home.

    Adventure riding is ride it everywhere and usually includes camping from the bike. Basically-self sufficient.

    This is why there is Adventure models of motorcycles.

    Mike rode his 1200gs up Allesandro and Ron Spicer on his R100GS. That is what we are teaching at SD GS RIDERS at SDBMWMC----Big bikes can do it!

    If you look at the picture on the SDAR home page---That is Ron Spicer on his R100GS an Adventure Ride with all his gear(self Sufficient)

  2. to me, it's all about what floats your boat

    I would ride my XRL anywhere too, if the roads were interesting... I-15 is NEVER interesting.

    Riding Wildcat to Ramona, then fireroads to Anza, then Hixon-Allessandro... THAT is an adventure, and I doubt many people would do that on a 1200GS

    so- it boils down to: I won't discount anybody elses idea of "adventure" and would hope they wouldn't discount mine

    Yes, we(Team Dummkopf) have done it on a 1200GS!

  3. Folks, I talked with Deb about this....and thought about postponing the meeting because I have to go to work north of San Francisco for the rest of the week. She said to go ahead and have the meeting, so I agreed to whatever is best.

    Sorry I won't be there......Deb and maybe Carguy will talk about a few things like upcoming rides. There wasn't much business to talk about, and if anyone wants to mention any upcoming events, rides, concerns, etc......please go ahead.

    If there are any important issues someone brings up, maybe someone can write them down for future discussion on the forums, etc ??

    Thanks a lot !

    And thanks to Deb, Carguy and Rex for helping out with the meeting !

    Can I get my $5.00 refunded?

  4. Well, for me, I don't feel the need to add hours and miles on any one of my bikes unnecessarily. Extra slab just for the sake of "pyro'n" the entire thing has very little interest to me. That's wear and tear on the bike I don't want/need.

    I just love to ride . . . Street riding is great fun for me and dirt riding is great fun too. But when you combine the two, now that's a match made in heaven! That's why I love dualsporting so much. B) When it comes to Adventure Riding I'm just a noob wannabe, but I aspire to do better in the future :torch:

    Here is a picture of Richard on his Honda 650XRL. Yes, he rode it from Los Angeles to Moab Utah on Street. Then he rode the TAT to Oregon. Then rode the street south to Los Angeles. We had bikes on the TAT(3-650s and 1-1200) Simply Ride to the ride, ride the ride, and ride home from the ride!

    post-34-052593700 1289367805_thumb.jpg

  5. Kevin - I would agree - we are really a Dual Sport group. I just don't have the time to be a true "adventure" rider....maybe a long weekend here or there, but nothing like This Guy or This Guy ....

    I've never been fond of bike specific riding groups as I think you miss some of the knowledge of other brands, fair assessment of quality / problems / etc & the inevitable group think. I monitor several bike specific threads to learn about my bikes and try to share that with others I know here with the same machinery.

    I'm working up to some "long weekend" stuff (mostly fitting the ride in with other obligations) so I'll see how that goes.


  6. I'll be up for some of that again soon. B) The situation is unstable right now, but when things settle down a bit, it's on!


    Troy-Looks the Bradshaw Trail we rode with you about 2 years ago! Get your Junk in order and we will hit the rode. My Beemer is getting upgraded with HID lights so night rides will now even be more epic.

  7. Steel Rain:

    Rumors of a ride this Sunday at Main Divide Road/Lake Elsinore 74. Of course you have to ride there. Guys on big bikes have more fun!


    Good call on the Carrizo -You recognized the wagon. Been there twice know but havent done all the dirt on the east side-Have you??

    Elkhorn Rd --Yes took it and then took Hurricane-Crocker Springs to Fellows. Went to eat at the Penny Bar in McKittrick. I love that area and to the North- North West

    Have fun on your long trip---I have done most of that myself---What do you ride?

  8. On your second picture is that the tunnel trail near Kearnvill ?

    No-but close. It is not the Manzineta tunnel, but this is a single track loop at Pine Flats on the way to the Ponderosa before you come to the pavement junction.

  9. Steel Rain:

    Rumors of a ride this Sunday at Main Divide Road/Lake Elsinore 74. Of course you have to ride there. Guys on big bikes have more fun!


    Good call on the Carrizo -You recognized the wagon. Been there twice know but havent done all the dirt on the east side-Have you??

  10. Kevin,

    Glad you said eLusive not eXclusive.

    Well, we are Elusive-as well as Exclusive as most people cant take all day/night on the bike as trucks and trailers are not allowed in the "Team Dumkoph" crowd.

  11. Crawdaddy Wins!!

    The correct answer is Mike Miane (AKA Mad Dog Mike). You can see him towards the end of the video shooting with his black Camel Back. He went to this as a guest of BMWNC. The video doesnt even show the hard parts! You can Youtube the 2008 adventure for more videos. And of course, as a true Adventure Rider, he rode his bike up there from SD.

  12. I think that wrench throwing would be more appropriate...

    It looks like fun (if you are thinking of riding through Adventureland at Disneyland), but that trail is only technically challenging if you are riding a behemoth, and for the cost of the session you could buy a nice Yamaha 225!

    I suggest an afternoon at Corral Cyn following BikeSlut instead.

    Well, we sure would not want to Adventure Ride at San Diego Adventure Riders while trying something new instead of the same old-"truck my bike to the same old place".

  13. This elusive group of Adventure riders are looking for other adventure riders in the area interested in long distance rides-no trucks or trailers involved.

    This picture is an example of a ride last month.




  14. I am working on a Rhino rollover case. Anyone have any related articles or stories? The allegation is that adding a fabricated bench and two people to the cargo area changed the center of gravity and caused the Rhino to rollover. I'm not sure Rhinos are designed to drive up steep uphill climbs regardless. Thanks.

    There has been a "do not sell" issued on the Yamaha Rhino's by the consumer safety board until they have been outfitted with wheel spacers and doors>

    Lots of injuries on these things for you lawyers to make money on because people are "sometimes" incapable of operating a vehicle, thus they blame the manufacture. Since Yamaha is the one with the biggest pockets-they have been hit first.


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