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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I talked to Joan at the Forest Service today. There was a mis-communication between her staff. This road was graded down the road to eliminate the potential for fire from the catalytic converter from cars. She also ordered the gates open. The staff member did not follow the order. As I am typing, the gates are in the process of being opened. By noon tommorow we should have access to this section of road. Joan is just as frustrated as we are, by the issues of land closures. I will elaborate later, as the Ghostriderz are heading out on a Dual Sport ride in Lake Isabella. Now get out there and hit this new section of dirt that has been closed for almost 5 years!!! The forest dept website will also reflect this area open in a few days.
  2. Kevin

    Long Term OHV Defense Strategy

    Since all the current ways to keep riding area's open have failed, I believe it is time for Anarchy. If you look at the history in regards to Prohibition of alcohol, the government could not control it, thus they abandoned their efforts. And because of this, we have the freedom to consume alcohol. It may be time for this tactic in regards to access of our public lands.
  3. Kevin

    Dakar Rally has gone to hell =\

    They win because all of the other manufactures do not have factory teams, as they have pulled out. For instance, BMW pulled out with 2 years left on their rider contracts-they just payed the riders off. With the recent deaths of Meoni, Sainct-they need to slow the bikes down. Besides, only KTM can afford to put a new motor in there race bike every day while racing the Dakar-Thanks go to the support trucks!!
  4. Kevin

    Dakar Rally has gone to hell =\

    The Dakar is just trying to make it a level playing field for ALL. When one manufacture dominates, the other manufacuture's drop out-thus it is not profitable or interesting. This is not the first time the Dakar has done this. The other issue is safety. They are attempting to slow the bikes down. These two issues is the reason.
  5. I really like that sticker. I wonder how that got there?? http://www.theghostriderz.com/viewtopic.ph...99960351aea5f73
  6. It would appear that our local public local servants in charge of our public lands have been mis-guiding the Ghostriderz. Stay tuned, don't turn the dial.
  7. Here is the latest. I talked to Joan today, and this ROAD IS NOW OPEN to all vehicles. She had road maintanance performed, thus now even allowing high profile vehicles. She is continuing to work on the motorcycle only access when the road becomes difficult, as opposed to closing it. We will be talking to her in a couple of months regarding this additional issue. Joan realizes that the road will "somewhat" maintain itself if it is open to even partial access. Joan again stated she is for the public to have access!! The Ghostriderz will now move onto another closed area to try and accomplish its re-opening.
  8. Gotcha, now I have to figure out if I am a "bozo" or not.
  9. Ron, where is Shaver Lake?? Are you going on Damon's ride next weekend?
  10. Kevin


    LOL . . Billy Mays ! ! ! I have no idea why they don't just build entire motorcycles out of that stuff ! Troy, I have a welder and can weld that for you. Ghostridez helping Ghostriderz. Let me know!
  11. Kevin

    Guns and Ammo

    Executive Summary - The USA state of Montana has signed into power a revolutionary gun law. I mean REVOLUTIONARY. > > The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws. This will prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana. The federal government fears citizens owning guns. They try to curtail what types of guns they can own. The gun control laws all have one common goal - confiscation of privately owned firearms. > > Montana has gone beyond drawing a line in the sand. They have challenged the Federal Government. The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts. This will be a world-class event to watch. Montana could go to voting for secession from the union, which is really throwing the gauntlet in Obamas face. If the federal government does nothing they lose face. Gotta love it. > > Important Points - If guns and ammunition are manufactured inside the State of Montana for sale and use inside that state then the federal firearms laws have no applicability since the federal government only has the power to control commerce ac ross state lines. Montana has the law on their side. Since when did the USA start following their own laws especially the constitution of the USA, the very document that empowers the USA. > > Silencers made in Montana and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered. As a note silencers were first used before the 007 movies as a device to enable one to hunt without disturbing neighbors and scaring game. They were also useful as devices to control noise when practicing so as to not disturb the neighbors. > > Silencers work best with a bolt-action rifle. There is a long barrel and the chamber is closed tight so as to direct all the gases though the silencer at the tip of the barrel. Semi-auto pistols and revolvers do not really muffle the sound very well except on the silver screen. The revolvers bleed gas out with the sound all over the place. The semi-auto pistols bleed the gases out when the slide recoils back. > > Silencers are maybe nice for snipers picking off enemy soldiers even though they reduce velocity but not very practical for hit men shooting pistols in crowded places. Silencers were useful tools for gun enthusiasts and hunters. > > There would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required. So in a short period of time there would be millions and millions of unregistered untraceable guns in Montana. Way to go Montana. > > Discussion - Let us see what Obama does. If he hits Montana hard they will probably vote to secede from the USA. The governor of Texas has already been refusing Federal money because he does not want to agree to the conditions that go with it and he has been saying secession is a right they have as sort of a threat. Things are no longer the same with the USA. Do not be deceived by Obama acting as if all is the same, it is not. >
  12. The military at any time can shut down your access to the GPS system. So you better always have maps.
  13. Kevin

    Gorman Trip

    I believe that top picture is Frazier Mine Road? This is a nasty single track that goes about 3 miles long. If you fall to the wrong side it is all over. The last time the GhostRiderz were there, we ended up riding it at night. At the bottom there is a gate to keep vehicles out, and it was difficult to get our fully loaded BMW's with gear through---Good times!!
  14. Kevin

    Suggestions for a fun weekend

    The Barewood Motel in Wofford Heights. This is in the Lake Isabell/Kernville area. Lots of dual sporting, the lake, fishing etc!! The Barewood is a nice place to stay-Ask for Mike! Great Pizza in Kernville down the street at the Pizza Barn.
  15. To expidite opening, If they rent the grader and pay fuel, I could donate my time to reshape it. Good Job Ghostriderz! Your volunteer work is admirable. The GhostRiderz feel that we should hold the public servants accoutable for the public having access to our public lands. Thus, they should properly manage their assests and priorities. There will be a time and place were we can all help, but lets provide this service because we want to, not because we have to in order to access public lands. The Ghostriderz are using different avenues to handle the current loss of access to public lands as the traditional ways seem to conitnue to fail. The Ghostriderz are working on an issue to generate serious $$ to compensate our opponents. Stay tuned for details.
  16. Thanks for everyone's support. I believe we should take this one step and one trail at a time. Let the slow process work. When and if this trail does become open, we would then have protocol to use on the next trail. Chris, I have addressed your situation last year, and even talked to the Engineer responsible for the road. A phone conversation would be best if you want to know all the details(call me). The last thing I want is to "bombard" Joan with other issues/phone calls until this one is resolved. She asked for two weeks to get this idea worked out, so be patient and I will let you know then the next action is needed if any. Craig, your are correct it dates back to 2005. The Ghostriderz did some recon on this trail about 2 years ago, just after a grader went threw. You could have taken an RV down the rode. But the gate remain locked. This issue was also discussed. Joan is somewhat new(about a year), so let's see what she can do. She seems very open to public land being open to the public, as well as Jeff whom was in on the conference call. After this gate issue is resolved, the GhostRiderz will be working on the closed area in Dulzura!
  17. Kevin

    Guns and Ammo

    . By the way the crime rate has dramatically risen in Australia since that have lost their hand guns. It’s that way everywhere guns are taken from the public. So how are you safer with out firearms? Yeap, just look at Mexico.
  18. Interesting story about the graves out there. They had 3 possible sites. Manson's group admitted that the bodies were buried 8 feet down. When the exploration was granted, this exploration was only granted a 2 day dig, and were only allowed to dig 3 holes that were 6 feet long and 3 feet deep. And you wonder why "NO BODIES" were found. You gotta hand it to our public servants protecting our public land.
  19. Kevin

    Guns and Ammo

    No way they are using 22lr in the war effort, I know we are the kinder/gentler USA these days but we aren't shooting at them with rimfire weapons. You are correct, the factory is simply not making this round, as they are at capacity making other caliber rounds. Simple case of supply and demand. The war is not over, it is just moving to Afganistan.
  20. Kevin

    Guns and Ammo

    Ammo is in short supply due to all the factories are at full capacity to support the war effort. Simple case of supply and demand.
  21. Here is a picture of the Lead Ghost Rider out with the Lead Ghost Pilot. This is Jamies Crack out by Superstition.
  22. You are correct, except he is NOT RIDING! He is a a GHOST PILOT(4X4). The official support vehicle to the GHOST RIDERZ. Here is a link to him if you want to say "hi"! http://www.theghostriderz.com/viewtopic.ph...8900adcceeda1db
  23. Okay, it is +++++ ++++. Sorry, I can't tell you as the Ghost Riderz have no names!

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