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Everything posted by firematt

  1. I will see if my ugly brother wants to go too?
  2. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    That works for me..! See ya there less things change.... Firematt.
  3. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    I got some added strength welded onto the rear luggage rack.
  4. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    I'm in favor of taking Big Bikes too.. Crossing to the main land would really add an exciting twist to the trip!! Only bad thing is the escalated violence that side of the gulf... But its a adventure not a vacation I guess? I am also in favor some time soon, getting together and figuring out a course of travel over some beers... I do have somewhat of a time issue due to my employment. Firematt.
  5. man cave n. A dedicated area of a house, such as a basement, workshop, or garage, where a man can be alone or socialize with his friends.<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"> The primary mission of this new topic is to give cave dwellers a centralized location to display their Man Caves and Bikes.
  6. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    My big upgrade for the week..LOL!
  7. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    I decided to put my spare fuel tanks more centerline to the bike and mount them onto of my pelican case. I’m not planning on having to use them, but its good insurance.
  8. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    One step closer to Cabo.. Got some new toys for the bike yesterday..
  9. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    Let's pic a time and place. I just would like to know what bike to start outfit'n?
  10. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    That's a great idea Covered, paying a big rig to take our bikes.. Is it wrong to already be excited about this trip. I hope we can make it work..
  11. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    You did that trip on a GS1200 right?
  12. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    Silt sucks..! So does pavement on the little bikes..
  13. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    Just got my Spot Tracker in yesterday, and did some home work on the ferry that leaves out of La Paz. It about $140 per person +bike with a cabin. The trip across is 12 to 15 hrs..FYI
  14. firematt

    Lets See Your Man Caves!

    I have all the tools, just need the know how to use them. Engines scare me still. I'm too inpatient . Thank goodness for All American in Romona
  15. firematt

    Baja SF

    10 riders and none of you have posted pics..? What's up.. What happens in Baja stays in Baja I guess..
  16. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    Wow.. That would be great too. I like that idea so we don't have to double back on our tracks. let's do it..!
  17. That's too funny... Well next season I guess. I hope you had fun on the trip I talked you into, then didn't go with you guys....?
  18. I know this is a while out, but these things take time to plan. So I’m throwing this out there now. I will be leaving from San Diego and taking the paved road to Cabo San Lucas. I will be leaving on Friday September 30th and returning Sunday October 9th. I am going to be taking highway 1 all the way down. At La Paz I will be traveling the Sea of Cortez side. After spending 2 or 3 days in Cabo I will be returning back up HW Mex 19 tell it ties back into HW1 and heading back North taking 2.5 days to get home. That’s about all I have planned so far. Shoot me a PM if you have been waiting to do this trip and are interested in a little adventure around this time..? Firematt.
  19. Jav, your XR650 has a Harley seat...Am I the only person who hates Harley's..? Glad you guys are home save. That suck that Tree crashed. Guess its time for a new bike for him.. It is a long way to Cabo. I have always wanted to do this trip. Im not sure if I'm taking the (HW1 and my KTM Adventure) or the (Dirt and My 530?) Wanta go...?
  20. firematt

    SD to Cabo 10/11

    Im in for the trip...I have been wanting to do this for years... Just so I know what bike to bring, are you going to be hitting the HW or trails?
  21. firematt

    Baja SF

    Happy to hear you guys are home safe Tree...
  22. firematt

    Lets See Your Man Caves!

    Looks good.. keep them coming.. less your home cleaning them for the post shot..?
  23. firematt

    Lets See Your Man Caves!

    Sorry I should have been more PC when I labeled this topic by calling it, show us your (People Cave) LOL. I need to be more courteous to our “Dual Sport Sisters” out there… As far as putting up pictures of Chad Reed, I can’t help you there girl.
  24. firematt

    Lets See Your Man Caves!

    Before I was a firefighter, I use to work for the movie industry doing animatronics. He was from a movie I worked on in 97. This was the way we did it back before computers could generate the images they do today. So needless to say my abilities went the way of the dinosaurs… Just goes to show (Adapt or Die)…..

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