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Everything posted by toddrh

  1. toddrh

    Chick-Fil-A Rant

    This sums up the guy in the video IMHO. hyp·o·crite   [hip-uh-krit] noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
  2. toddrh

    deleted topic

    deleted post
  3. The story..... In an important victory for California gun owners, the Fresno Superior Court ruled today that California's new ammunition regulation law is unconstitutional, and blocked further enforcement. The law, passed last year as AB 962, would have banned mail order ammunition sales and required all purchases of so called "handgun ammunition" to be registered. In an unwritten ruling from the bench, Judge Jeffrey Hamilton found the law unconstitutionally vague on its face and issued an injunction against its enforcement. For now, at least, mail order ammunition sales to California residents can continue, and ammunition sales need not be registered under the law. The lawsuit-funded by the National Rifle Association and the California Rifle and Pistol (CRPA) Foundation as part of a joint Legal Action Project-was prompted in part by the many objections and questions raised by confused police, ammunition purchasers, and sellers about what ammunition is covered by the new law. Plaintiffs in the case include Tehama County Sheriff Clay Parker, the CRPA Foundation, Herb Bauer Sporting Goods, ammunition shipper Able's Ammo, collectible ammunition shipper RTG Sporting Collectibles, and individual Steven Stonecipher. Mendocino Sheriff Tom Allman also supported the lawsuit. The ruling comes just days before the ban on mail order sales of so called "handgun ammunition" was set to take effect. Many of the nation's largest mail-order and online ammunition retailers had already announced that they would soon end sales to California residents. If the law had gone into effect, it would have required that "handgun ammunition" be stored out of the reach of customers, that ammunition vendors collect ammunition sales registration information and thumbprints from purchasers, and that vendors conduct transactions face to face for all deliveries and transfers of "handgun ammunition." Fortunately, the court agreed that AB 962 is unconstitutionally vague on its face because it fails to provide sufficient legal notice of what ammunition cartridges are "principally for use in a handgun," and therefore regulated as "handgun ammunition" under AB 962. The law gives no explanation of how to determine what cartridges are "principally for use in" handguns.
  4. toddrh

    PM mailboxes

    I can't remember the last time you sent ME a PM..... you selfish jerk !!!<runs away crying>
  5. I'm starting to reload to save money and the headache. I currently go through about 3-4 hundred rounds a month competing in IDPA matches at PALA, and a few other places. My IDPA vids
  6. toddrh

    Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, etc.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! From inside the inside the containment dome of the #3 reactor at San Onofre.
  7. toddrh

    worst company logo ever?

    Thanks for the laughs.
  8. toddrh

    padres going to post season?

    I've been a Padres fan for a loooooooooooong time....it helped that Ivan Murrell married my Aunt Gale, and would invite us to games, meet players, etc. I sure miss him though....
  9. toddrh

    Any Jeepers in our group?

    1st option, used parts on craigslist, Pirate4x4, Jeepaholics.com, myjeepsrocks.com, scuff, etc. or Border Parts for parts. 2nd option, find used Dana 44 rear axle from Jeep TJ. (Craigslists, Call around .....MIT, Border parts, 4 wheel parts, ORW, etc. 3rd option, I would shop around for a 8.8" rear axle, upgrade the shafts, and take the housing to a shop that is capable of adding the brackets to re-attach the rear links.
  10. toddrh

    Sports Fans Beware

    Every year as a kid during the Mother Goose Parade, my friends and I would puchase these horns from steet vendors, and run amock in the neighborhood for a few days....until our parents would get together and take them away, eventually destroying them.
  11. toddrh

    REI Garmin 60CSx 199

    Cabela's has them with the 2008 topo map package for $220, and they don't support the greenies. http://cabelasflyers.dirxion.com/4hg/glend...deId= I think it's on page 17. .
  12. toddrh

    Guess who's home?

    Welcome back to the world. And from one veteran to another...Thank you for your service. If you are ever in Oceanside, and find yourself hungry, thirsty, or just need a hand with something, let me know. My info is in members section.
  13. toddrh


    If you guys look at the USGS maps the last couple of years out there, they would usually avg a few hundred a year from the Coachella valley south to Mexicali. It almost makes sense....you have mtns to the west, and mtns to the east....with a big valley in the middle running north and south. Guess it's the path of least resistance for the earths crust.
  14. toddrh

    Oceanside riding?

    I work all week, so the weekend is the only time I have to ride also. Feel like riding this weekend? I need a break from packing, moving, unpacking . Yeah man, Sat is good for me. It's supposed to cool off some this weekend, should be good for Tenaja, or even up the hill for some riding in the hills near Ramona if you truck your bike.
  15. toddrh

    North County Maintanence Day

    I'll show up for a sammich, and the opportunity to pester people. And you better set a date soon........ Esco is starting to warm up.
  16. toddrh

    Oceanside riding?

    There are some smaller trails off Tenaja truck trail, and there are a few that lead to the edge of the base off De Luz. As far as riding goes, I'm a sat or sun kind of guy. I'm in South Oceanside near the beach, I have a pool at my house, and I also have a large set of tools and fab equipment. If you guys want to get together for beers or wrenching or both, set a date.
  17. toddrh

    Local 4x4 websites?

    I'm over there too. Very friendly group. For XJ specific stuff.... www.naxja.org
  18. toddrh

    be careful.....

    FWIW....I saw many CHP's on the highways this weekend.
  19. Are you trucking up to Anza, or riding up ?? I still have a soft knob on the back, so any long amounts of asphalt is out.
  20. toddrh

    Need to borrow a chain riveting tool

    Why can't you just buy a clip style master link from a bike shop?? And harbor frieght sells the tool for like $15 IIRC.
  21. toddrh

    Painting a bike...

    Last time I had my 750 Ninja painted, I paid to have it done. The $400 I paid was worth it....no prep work, no mess, no screwed-up paint issues, etc. Shop around and get some estimates 1st, then all you'll need to is pull it off, take it in, have it painted, and slap it back on.
  22. toddrh

    Amazing Technology

    I worked for a company in Carlsbad a few years ago that still does 3D modeling in plastic, and metal. http://www.forecast3d.com/rapidprototypingsolutions.html
  23. toddrh

    2001 DRZ400S New purchase

    This is good advice. All things DRZ....the good, and bad.....are there waiting for you.
  24. I just looked at the list of the Breweries....very impressive. 4 are from San Diego county. I'm really thinking about going, just need to find a quiet campground for my truck/camper/bike combo.
  25. toddrh

    Group riding

    I too think it is a reasonable request. Actually, I'm more afraid of riding with someone all spun-up on the meth, as opposed to a stoner. I also think that a beer during a lunch break, and/or after the ride is alright. And I though the bike maintenance, and the protective gear thing was just common sense?? FWIW, none of these behaviors have ever been seen me at any SDAR ride that I have participated in with anyone I've met here. Seriously, all have been really good folks before, during , and after the ride.

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