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Talcire last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. Talcire

    Second Annual Noob Overnight Dual Sport Camping Trip

    If last year was the first one, then this is the First Annual. The original is the Inaugural. Next year will be the Second Annual.
  2. Taking the t-dub out to Lake Morena via Dehesa Rd / Japatul and up through Descanso, etc. Leaving now (9:15 a.m.). - Eric
  3. Seeing a lot of bikes via the Laguna Mtn Store Webcam. Not much traffic up there. 100F at home here on Mt. Helix.
  4. State land and National Parks are not included in the closure. McCain is under Bureau of Land Management management, if I recall. Corral is National Forest Service, so I'd think it's a no-go zone. I rode down Sloane Canyon last weekend. A whole 4 miles of dirt road!
  5. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region is announcing a temporary closure of all National Forests in California. This closure will be in effect from Aug. 31, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. through September 17, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.
  6. New member here. I came here specifically to address these things. I cannot offer much advice, but as a rider, I am annoyed. I covered the East County for 20 years as a Registered Process Server, so I had to seek out some very hard-to-find addresses out there. I had to deal with gates on a legal level. Often, I would just park and walk past them. I was immune to trespass while performing my lawful duties. So, at my age, these illegal gates really piss me off. One guy I was after shot and killed someone that came on his semi-gated property in Jamul. He had been hit by copper thieves before, so he was ready to blast away. Be careful. As wrong as these gates are, you don't know what the residents are thinking. It is not fair, it is not legal, but as a dude that has been down many a driveway named as a trail, it's not safe or worth being in the right.

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