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Posts posted by cwadej

  1. 9 hours ago, ECDave said:

    No secret on the train cars, I found them sort of by accident. I have seen some videos of the old hot spring resort in Jacumba, and since I was riding by I thought I would stop. I noticed a bunch of people past the building with paddle boards! That's odd seeing how we are pretty much in the desert. turns out that they are pumping the hot spring water into a big pomd behind the building. Seeing how it was time for a cookie, I continued up the road that turned off of Old Hwy 80 past the pond and it onnected with Railroad st. which dead ends at the tracks. The trains are located just west of the road. This is where it gets wierd. I dont go past no tresspassing signs. there are many located around all of the trains. There was a group of teenagers that were poking around in the train cars and I waited for them to finish before I took my pictures so I wouldnt be "that guy". They actually came over to talk to me and asked if I knew anything about the Institute of Perception that apparently owns the trains. They informed me that the institute allows people to "tresspass" as long as they do it respectfully? My take on it is that it is a long way to ride home with  bullet wound! Thats why I dont tresspass! It is amazing the odd little things you find when you stop and smell the -- cookies? did I just come up with something new?  



    I've seen other pics of trains and nobody was willing to say where they are.


    I'm slow off road so I dont want to slow anyone down by asking to be shown.

  2. Sounds like it isnt the model, but your specific bike.


    My wife has a '15 V1K, and I would not have said it was slow, so was initially surprised to read this new one is a dog.  Glad to see it isnt.


    as for the Sport tour /vs adv etc, there is no way anyone with a brain thinks the Versys 1000 was designed to go offroad, but it is a good sport tour. My wife loves the bike


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