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Everything posted by Zubb

  1. Wish I could join you guys. Pics or it didn't happen!
  2. Just an note of fair warning..... as an ex-ski patroller having witnessed and participated in this several times ..... it's VERY wise to go into emergency as quickly as possible after an event like this. There are small nerves near the socket that can get pinched when it goes back in and can cause permanent damage. Then you might not ever get to ride motorcycle again. Sucky. That's why we have insurance, right? But for BP619 - by now you would probably know if something was wrong in there. Glad you guys were able to figure it out. I've seen more than a few grown men cry during this. (shudder).
  3. Don't you love it!! Pretty rare to get to ride in conditions like this locally.
  4. I'm all about featherweight gear and minimalist travel and camping. However..... this year I grimaced and hit the 'one-click order' button on Amazon for a boy scout sized axe by Cold Steele. I sharpened it enough to perform surgery and then cut a few inches off the handle so it would barely fit inside my side cases and it's still long enough to get two hands on. It's way too heavy and takes up too much space and I'll never camp/travel without it again. The ability to actually chop enough wood to build a GOOD fire with 1/10th the effort needed using just a hatchet...... priceless. My son mocked me when I pulled it out the first night at camp. A half hour later he had to have one. Bob, your Granfors ..... don't ever let it go. Unless you want to give it to me. Those things rock!
  5. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    Good thing I'm in walking distance from Johnny B's. I can tell you guys are gonna be a hoot.
  6. Zubb

    La Mesa Meet n Greet

    Aint nothin' wrong with Colorado. I spent 8 or 9 years living at 9,000' there. Thought I'd never leave until I met a pretty girl in San Diego. Have a great time. Hopefully you are riding and catching the fall colors. If not, change your plans and ride and catch the fall colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can have beer later.
  7. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    I'll bring the rope
  8. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    all right. that's it. I'm planning it. Johnny B's, in La Mesa, Tuesday night next week (27th) at 5pm for the 3B's. Beer, Burgers and Bullsh*t. Anyone want to join me there for a meet and greet is welcome. Not a new rider, just new to GS riding from a street background. I see an 'informal rides' thread but not really an 'informal beer' thread. I think I'll post this on the informal ride page and see if anyone's in the mood to meet and greet. I'll likely be looking for a good day ride the weekend after next but that's another topic.
  9. This destination is on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing the vid! I'll probably wait until a group can go independent of the guide company.
  10. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    Someone plan this and I will be there! ill be curious to see if any of you were a previous owner of my newtome beast.
  11. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    I'm so ashamed. Truly. But current funds did not permit the inclusion of a second bike in the garage. And I neeeeeeeed to start GSing. Big plans for next summer and fall with my son (also new to GS land). IDBDR and Alaska are on the horizon for us There will always be an Italian corner in my soul. Hope that by late 2017 I can start looking for a '97-00 900SS. That and the GS 'should' make me a very happy boy.
  12. Zubb

    New in La Mesa

    Good news!! It is sufficiently scarred up as to release me of all guilt when I dump it! And I expect to dump it ?

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