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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Moto Forza on the 17th

    Just posted in the other thread but wanted to make sure you see my post in time.
  2. Daniel

    Next SDAR Club Meeting Sept 17th

    Cool, up near me, I'm in!
  3. I don't know how you found one and I didn't. My google-fu is usually pretty good.
  4. It was previously registered here in CA, then the guy moved to NV. They did see registration from 1994-2004 in the system for CA apparently. AFAIK they are all 50-state, though the 6th place in the vin is 3 for CA emissions. I think 88-91? I'm short, it's short, it's a match made in heaven.
  5. Yeah, there are some stickers listed, but I don't think they are the emissions one unfortunately. And I've called 2 dealers and they are unable to help as well.
  6. Apparently there will be some good footage of me once FuzzyNugs processes it! And by good I mean me dropping my bike.
  7. Yeah we'll be a mile or two down the road that follows the train tracks. You all will probably get there before I do, so if I see you on the way in I'll try to jump on my bike and ride over once I'm set up.
  8. I should be heading out there in mid-afternoon(maybe arrive around 4-5) so you can look for my Tundra with the 4ft firestik on it and my red CRF230L: Edit: I can monitor a ham or CB frequency too if you'd like
  9. Thought I'd jump in and say hello....I'll have extra gas as well(Probably 10-15 gallons).
  10. Daniel, that must be the picture on the cell phone you were trying to show me! Ha, that is a crazy bit of bark bashing you got going on there :lol:/>/> Haha, yeah the tree just jumped right out at me.
  11. Yep, here is a map for those who haven't been. http://goo.gl/maps/c28YB
  12. That was a blast, thanks for organizing it Bikeslut.
  13. Headed out from Canada(north county). See you in an hour.
  14. I'll bring a coke bottle and maybe I'll pick up one of those fuel bottles. Eventually I'll have a rack and a rotopax....
  15. Cool if I'm free and manage to get my ass up I may join you guys. Been there in my truck once but didn't go too far.
  16. Sounds good....won't be more than 125 miles right? I've only got a 2.3gal tank and an estimated 60-65 mpg.
  17. Whats the route plan, up and some sorta loop around the top and back to the 94 or something like that? Any idea on the mileage and time(like, bring a lunch)?
  18. So....this was my first real crash on the bike(only been riding 1.5 months). Apparently I was a bit too calm when Wintyfresh came back after I called on the radio. Just a bit sore in general today but had a blast. Can't wait till next year!
  19. Hello everyone - I recently purchased a Honda CRF230L. I'm friends with Wintyfresh(who got me to finally jump the gun) and we have hit up the desert the past few weekends.
  20. Nice meeting you Tom and your neighbor Justin(who I can confirm is crazy). Managed a few pics during the rides: The pumpkin patch My bike at the pumpkin patch Lunch in Borrego Springs at El Borrego
  21. Daniel

    New rider in San Marcos

    Thanks everyone! I hope to see you on a ride as well. Tom - no wheelies yet. Charlie - I'm over on the other side behind palomar.

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